
Agency Based Discussion => Shutterstock.com => Topic started by: ann on September 17, 2010, 19:03

Title: way to deactivate SS file without deleting it?
Post by: ann on September 17, 2010, 19:03
If there's a way to deactivate a specific file on SS without actually deleting the file, what is it?

I thought there was, but when I change a file's categories both to "deleted" the file still gets downloaded, so that's not it.  Thank you.
Title: Re: way to deactivate SS file without deleting it?
Post by: corepics on September 17, 2010, 19:29
If you go to https://submit.shutterstock.com/admin.mhtml, and opt out of everything underneath the "minimum payout" box, your images will no longer be available for sale.

Why? Thinking of going exclusive with iStock :D?
Title: Re: way to deactivate SS file without deleting it?
Post by: ann on September 17, 2010, 20:59
Thanks so much for replying, but I should have been clearer that I was wondering how to deactivate specific file(s). Thought it had an option similar to DT's image-by-image deactivation, but I must have misunderstood. :D re exclusivity

If you go to https://submit.shutterstock.com/admin.mhtml, and opt out of everything underneath the "minimum payout" box, your images will no longer be available for sale.

Why? Thinking of going exclusive with iStock :D?
Title: Re: way to deactivate SS file without deleting it?
Post by: BaldricksTrousers on September 18, 2010, 22:20
Delete the keywords or if you have to leave some put in meaningless stuff.