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Author Topic: First sale...  (Read 14318 times)

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« Reply #25 on: October 23, 2007, 13:30 »
Just one subscription sale (in october).

« Reply #26 on: October 23, 2007, 13:33 »
I think I'm going to pass on uploading all of my files until they come out with FTP, which they say they are working on. Hopefully it won't be too long.

« Reply #27 on: October 23, 2007, 13:39 »
I guess it gets confusing to buyers when prices may vary so much.  It's even confusing for us, when we have different people setting prices so differently for similar images.  I had thought of using US$10, but I'm more likely to choose US$5 as my standard. 

They don't read my IPTC data, like IS.   :-\


PS: GeoPappas: I had signed up indeed, but only minutes ago uploaded something.

« Reply #28 on: October 29, 2007, 08:28 »
I had my first download this week, unfortunately it was a subscription download so nothing to write home about.

I've set my prices at $5 as they're not selling the high-res version of my files. The largest size on offer is the medium-res at 1600 X 1200, not sure why!

« Reply #29 on: October 29, 2007, 11:42 »
I've had 6 DLs so far - all 30c subscriptions.

« Reply #30 on: October 29, 2007, 19:33 »
I've only had 3 DLs so far at SV. I haven't uploaded many images yet, it was still pretty buggy, lots of retries.

How long do they get to stay in "beta" with very little changing on the website month over month? Who do they think they are, Google? :-)

Seriously though, some of these deep-pockets companies are molasses-slow at web development, some of these things can be developed, tested and launched in weeks, not months.

« Reply #31 on: October 30, 2007, 03:03 »
When I view my statement it says three downloads,  two subscritions and a standard sale.
When I sort by downloads, one of the subscrition sales does not show. I reported the bug, but you may like to check if it has happen to your portfolio.


« Reply #32 on: October 30, 2007, 04:28 »
I had my first sale there last week, I priced everything at $5 and have 65 images online.

  believe rightly or wrongly that they will gather images first and then promote later.

And as the owner Corbis has Bill Gates as chairman and owner, capital shouldn't be an issue.

« Reply #33 on: October 31, 2007, 13:52 »
First sale.  ;D

Only .30c, but it's a start. Only uploaded 15 images as well.

« Reply #34 on: November 05, 2007, 05:19 »
Firs sales for me today, 4 subscription sales of similar images. That's a start  :)

« Reply #35 on: November 05, 2007, 06:48 »
I am not allowing subscription sales at SV.  Point of principle.  SS make good sales for me and they have invested a considerable amount of time and money and effort to get their agency established over the past three years; I see no reason at all why I should suddenly allow SV to sell on the same terms and risk undermining the hard work of SS.

The same goes for credit sales - I have priced everything at $10 which is higher than the established agencies.  I make good money at IS, DT and FT and I am not going to slap them in the face by undercutting with a $5 rate at SV.

SV have everything to prove; so far they have been incredibly slow given their background and the money backing them.  No - IF they make some sort of effort to get the bugs ironed out, start advertising and actually show they mean business, well that's a different kettle of fish; but for the moment their approach seems half hearted to say the least.

« Reply #36 on: November 05, 2007, 06:53 »
BTW I wrote to them about the 'snappyness' thing.  I noticed that images that had downloads, comments, views etc didn't actually move up the snappyness rating.  I also noticed that the 'editors picks' are the same as the 'most snappy'.

Their reply was that umm.....the snappy thing doesn't actually work yet.

This is poor when you consider their claim that 'snappyness works on a unique algorithm'.  The uniqueness is actually that it doesn't yet exist........

« Reply #37 on: November 05, 2007, 10:24 »
I don't like subscription sales either, but with SN, I can at least choose for each image. So my "low value" images are $5 plus subscription, while the rest are 10, 25 and 50 without subscription.

At StockXpert, I've opted out of subscriptions completely, and I consider withdrawing my portfolio from low-selling agencies that sell mainly subscriptions, like Crestock. The headache is DT, which is my third best selling agency, and where it's not possible to opt out.


« Reply #38 on: November 05, 2007, 10:36 »
I am not allowing subscription sales at SV.  Point of principle.  SS make good sales for me and they have invested a considerable amount of time and money and effort to get their agency established over the past three years; I see no reason at all why I should suddenly allow SV to sell on the same terms and risk undermining the hard work of SS.

The same goes for credit sales - I have priced everything at $10 which is higher than the established agencies.  I make good money at IS, DT and FT and I am not going to slap them in the face by undercutting with a $5 rate at SV.

SV have everything to prove; so far they have been incredibly slow given their background and the money backing them.  No - IF they make some sort of effort to get the bugs ironed out, start advertising and actually show they mean business, well that's a different kettle of fish; but for the moment their approach seems half hearted to say the least.

Well said Hatman! I have also decided to opt out of subcription sales wherever I can.

I must admit that the SV website is quite a disapointment. With their backing you would think that they would be able to come up with something that functioned better across all platforms/browsers.


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« Reply #39 on: November 05, 2007, 13:44 »
I have two $5 downloads so far. The shots from my 6MP camera I have set at $5 (medium max size) and my new 10MP camera shots are at $10 (large max size). I'm not opted in for subscriptions but am reconsidering this. Seems to be picking up a bit despite the odd deployment approach.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2007, 13:46 by Nazdravie »

« Reply #40 on: November 07, 2007, 15:56 »
Well another sale at SV today - that's two at $10 so far giving $3 per sale.

I have to say that each time I try to upload something to SV the system seems slower and slower, with annoying 'unknown error - please try again later' messages.  Given that SV is backed by Corbis the extremely slow entry and development is something of a joke.  I get the impression that SV is being run by one of the 'old school' peeps - you know, someone who lives down a well and still believes that microstockers are amateurs who take snaps with cellphones.......


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« Reply #41 on: November 07, 2007, 22:06 »
Hmmm... another one today.

« Reply #42 on: November 22, 2007, 17:47 »
Well I've now got 500 images at SV and I've stopped uploading to them.  There's no news, no development, no changes; it's as if the whole thing has gone to sleep.

Last blog update was more than a month ago.

I've got my toe in the water with my initial portfolio, now I'll step back and see what happens.  They really need to show some enthusiasm.

Quite possibly in a couple of years they'll be moving ahead rapidly, but I'd like to see some evidence of that before I upload any more pictures.

I like to think I am a patient and understanding person......

..... but there's a limit to everything........

« Reply #43 on: November 22, 2007, 18:19 »
I've uploaded 1000+ so far with only $15 in commissions - mostly 30c subscriptions.
At this stage I'm earning more with fewer images on Crestock than with SV.

« Reply #44 on: November 22, 2007, 21:19 »
with 290 images $.30 for a subscription sale. I am to put SV and LO on hold. Both just a waste of time.


« Reply #45 on: November 22, 2007, 23:07 »
There is not a whole lot happening at SV at this point. Hopefully things will start to pick up. I`ll give them a few weeks..otherwise i`ll call it quits.
No hope really  :-\


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