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NEWS - Veer Marketplace Opens to Contributors on June 8th!


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Veer Marketplace Opens to Contributors on June 8th!

Mark your calendars!  The Veer Marketplace Contributor Site launches on Monday, June 8.
Our development team is working ahead of schedule – and we’re excited to announce that on Monday June 8th, we’ll launch the Veer Marketplace Contributor Site!
After that date, you’ll be able to begin submitting your new work. While these images won’t be available [...]

Congratulations to Veer for getting subscriptions right. Perhaps not quite as good as iStock's pricing and methodology, but head and shoulders above most of the rest of the industry.

The rest of the pricings don't look bad, either. At a 35% commission rate, it's among the lowest of all, but it's still an almost 20% increase over what SV gave (30%).

On the downside, it seems my most recent UL'ing experience at SV is a taste of things to come at Veer, based on the new FAQ. Since that taste was pretty sour, I'm definitely going to wait and see what develops first with whatever images (if any!) are carried over from my SV port.


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