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Adobe’s Profit Falls 59 Percent !

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Adobe’s Profit Falls 59 Percent, but Cloud Subscribers Jump

So, their grand plan now is simple, most of their loyal userbase is outraged at being forced into the Adobe Cloud and stopped buying anything but investors are trustful in Adobe squeezing their subscribers like a lemon drop by drop !

What matters is now acquiring new subscribers rather than making actual profits, they will come at a later stage when users will be fully locked-in and scre-wed in with nowhere to go.


Adobe screwed Apple when they were struggling. They are ruthless. I am glad that the backlash is hitting them hard.

This is what happens if you ignore the customer.

Adobe slashed the price for Photoshop & Lightroom to $10 per month on September 5th. That could account for the jump in the cloud subscriptions. I see it as a desperate move to entice a loss of customer enthusiasm. I'm sticking with CS6. I hope this greedy overreach is a financial disaster.


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