First of all, I apologize for my English. This is not my native language, and I never studied it.
My wife actively works with different photobanks and faces the problem of describing photos (in terms of keywords). No matter how serious software is, either slow or paid. And since we, apart from our daily activities, are engaged in helping homeless animals (here in Russia, there are no federal, regional or municipal programs related to helping pets left without owners and they simply live, reproduce and die in the streets of cities, in cellars buildings). This activity imposes an additional financial burden on our family, and we simply can not pay for such services and software, and stealing it is dishonest and illegal, and I'm a programmer. So, I decided to write a utility that could help my beloved wife in her work. And I wrote it.
Before describing its functional, I must warn you about the following. Basically I work with cryptography and I do software that ensures the reliability and security of the transfer of confidential and financial information. All build profiles of installation packages are configured to provide security in the main field of activity. All programs are obfuscated. And this utility is no exception. And this means that some antiviruses will signal about possible malicious code. This is because they just see that the code is encrypted. Just fact. If this bothers you, then this utility is not for you.So. The program allows you to put words (manually or by dragging web links to an image from Dreamstime, Depositphotos, Shutterstok or Fotolia (it will be gradually added) in the program field, the program will get keywords from there), get them in the sorted list with checkboxes (you can enable or disable Words in the resulting list (or add to the list of permanent exceptions). And sorted or unsorted (can be selected by check-box) list of words as a result. Finally, you can copy the resulting text and paste it into the metadata of the image file or just drag-n-drop the file or files onto the program field and it will write down the keywords there for you. In this part, the program
works only with JPG files.
I will be grateful if I am told about the errors found in the functioning and in the texts of the components. I will also be grateful for suggestions on the development of the functional of application.