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Author Topic: Any Photos.com Sales lately?  (Read 33358 times)

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« Reply #150 on: October 30, 2008, 16:20 »
FYI... New StockXpert post from Steve:

 Oct 30, 2008 3:58 PM | posted by skapsinow 

 Hi guys,

I'm truly sorry for the delay in getting these photos.com earnings issues fixed. I'm not sure what else to say at this point. It is our every intention to pay you, and I know for a fact the dev team is working on it. They have assured me once again that no contributor sales data has been lost. I just don't have a concrete date I can point to for the fixes.

And I reported the potentially new sales reporting bug yesterday.



« Reply #151 on: October 30, 2008, 17:17 »
Thanks a lot for posting that NYT.   I am baffled by the lack of outcry too.  You and I are on the same page on this for sure. :)

And dbvirago's analogy to banks is perfect.  Look what happened when we left them to their own devices!

« Reply #152 on: October 30, 2008, 18:05 »
JI definitely hired the Fotolia V2 team.   ;D


« Reply #153 on: October 30, 2008, 18:32 »
I do not think banks are good example now :-) Couple weeks ago we figured out that they were gambling with our money.

Here we just have badly tested integration with Photos.com. It might be that they should spent more time testing before they put this system online.

To make analogy to banking/investing again, I hope your are not putting your all "investments" into StockXpert right now :-) For me it was #3 earner till last month but it looks like it went down to 5th position this month. I guess this is a result of this glitch :-)


« Reply #154 on: October 30, 2008, 18:50 »
As FT also showed us, the number of people complaining doesn't necessarily get things done. Maybe it's where we are complaining. As far as I can tell, Steve is the only employee of SX, Jupiter, or for that matter Getty who sees these forums. Another few days, and I start escalating this until I find someone who can and will fix it.  If SX wants this sale to go through, an email to the right person at Getty will get someone's attention.

The developers working on it is no longer working for me. If, as we have been told, the sales have been tracked, that data is in a database. Why can't that database be tied to our accounts so we get paid? Actually, the data should be in two databases, one at photos.com and one at sX. Even some sort of manual kluge shouldn't take a month. This isn't being given a priority. We're going to have to fix that

« Reply #155 on: October 31, 2008, 11:06 »
I don't mind waiting for them to fix this, as long as they are recording all the photos.com sales.  I am more annoyed with istock messing around with the best match, as that is going to cost me money this month.


« Reply #156 on: October 31, 2008, 11:26 »
I do not think banks are good example now :-) Couple weeks ago we figured out that they were gambling with our money.

Here we just have badly tested integration with Photos.com. It might be that they should spent more time testing before they put this system online.

To make analogy to banking/investing again, I hope your are not putting your all "investments" into StockXpert right now :-) For me it was #3 earner till last month but it looks like it went down to 5th position this month. I guess this is a result of this glitch :-)

Well, as you have already made it clear this is pocket money for you, not your FT living, I guess you are not in a position to continue throwing snarky comments at folks for whom this is a primary source of income. Throwing in smiley emoticons doesn't change the fact that you are discounting people's legitimate concerns. 

Is StockXpert my only "investment"?  No, but it has been a significant portion of my income for over a year, and more importantly, their incompetence represents the loss of several hundred dollars from my bottom line this month. 

If you extrapolate that over their entire contributor base who has not been paid for photos.com sales for most of the month we are talking about many thousands of dollars. 

« Reply #157 on: October 31, 2008, 11:32 »
I agree, that is hurting my pocket so much more.
I don't mind waiting for them to fix this, as long as they are recording all the photos.com sales.  I am more annoyed with istock messing around with the best match, as that is going to cost me money this month.


« Reply #158 on: October 31, 2008, 11:36 »
I agree, that is hurting my pocket so much more.
I don't mind waiting for them to fix this, as long as they are recording all the photos.com sales.  I am more annoyed with istock messing around with the best match, as that is going to cost me money this month.

Sorry, I guess I missed the part how we have to choose one or the other.  The fact that istock is messing with their best match doesn't in any way justify StockXpert failing to record or pay us for photos.com sales. 

Can we not expect to be treated fairly by BOTH (better yet ALL) agencies?

« Reply #159 on: October 31, 2008, 12:57 »
I agree, that is hurting my pocket so much more.
I don't mind waiting for them to fix this, as long as they are recording all the photos.com sales.  I am more annoyed with istock messing around with the best match, as that is going to cost me money this month.

Sorry, I guess I missed the part how we have to choose one or the other.  The fact that istock is messing with their best match doesn't in any way justify StockXpert failing to record or pay us for photos.com sales. 

Can we not expect to be treated fairly by BOTH (better yet ALL) agencies?

Absolutely Lisa!

I also agree with dbvirago, this should be escalated.

Question.. how do you know they are recording our sales?? How can StockXpert be recording our sales yet it's just not linked over to the photog's accounting page? Just "trust"?  When we get nothing but a hang in there other issues were more pressing?

The problems with IS & FT are valid and so is this. This however is the place to deal with StockXpert problems!

« Reply #160 on: October 31, 2008, 13:20 »
Steve, We need an official notification about this problem to our e-mails ... Thanks!!!

« Reply #161 on: November 01, 2008, 04:54 »
This morning, November 1, I have first photos.com sub sale, after October without any sale or change on balance..

« Reply #162 on: November 01, 2008, 06:52 »
They've started to record again for me today also.

« Reply #163 on: November 02, 2008, 17:31 »
But I want some kind of proof, did I have any sale in October, or not!?
I need mail from StockXpert about "saldo" in October...
« Last Edit: November 02, 2008, 17:33 by borg »

« Reply #164 on: November 03, 2008, 02:48 »
I do not like it at all. It is November and I still do not know anything about the "lost" sales in the first half of October. Did they record the sales at all? If not, they should double the earnings for the second half of October - at the very least - to compensate us.


« Reply #165 on: November 04, 2008, 17:08 »
Here is the text of a letter I just received from StockXpert explaining the photos.com payment issue.  I assume everyone else got one too.

Thanks to StockXpert for finally offering this explanation and rectifying the situation.  :)

If you are a contributor who participates in the Photos.com and JIUnlimited Plus programs, this e-mail explains the anomalies that occurred with your Photos.com earnings during the first two weeks of October, and from October 22nd to the present. Furthermore, this only applies to Photos.com Plus earnings. Your JIUnlimited Plus earnings were not affected.

If you do not participate in the Photos.com or JIUnlimited Plus programs, this e-mail does not apply to you.

A software bug was discovered during the second week in October that prevented Photos.com Plus earnings from displaying in your Stockxpert report. This bug was fixed on October 22 and only affected earnings between October 3rd and October 21st.

At the same time as the bug fix, we implemented Jupiterimages 14-day return policy to all Photos.com Plus images. The return policy allows customers who purchase single images (also known as pay-per-download or PPD) to return the image for a full refund within 14 days of purchase. This policy was already in place for Stockxpert high-resolution PPD images on Photos.com, but we had to implement it for all images to accommodate PPD purchases for all image sizes on Photos.com, including Photos.com Plus subscription sales. So, instead of reporting these earnings to contributors at the time of download and then deducting the earnings for a refund, we held off reporting earnings until the 14 days had expired.

On October 22nd you received the missing earnings for Photos.com sales between October 3rd and October 8th. These earnings are reported in the Photos.com line item for October 22 in your Stockxpert report. All Photos.com earnings from October 8 onward were subject to the 14-day delay. For example, missing Photos.com earnings on October 9 were actually reported on October 23. Missing Photos.com earnings on October 10 were reported on October 24, and so forth.

After analyzing the sales and refund data, we've determined that refunds on Photos.com Plus are rare. So, on November 4, we will be changing the 14-day delay in reporting Photos.com Plus earnings to 1 day, regardless of image resolution. On November 5, you will receive all Photos.com Plus earnings from October 21 to November 4 and going forward, you will see Photos.com earnings for a given day on the very next day. In fairness, if there is a return, the purchase will be deducted from your account when it comes in.

To confirm, since JIUnlimited works the same way as Stockxpert subscriptions (i.e. $0.30 for all resolutions), the 14-day delay issue did not apply. It only occurred with Photos.com Plus earnings.

On a separate but related note, a small handful of contributors received $0.30 instead of 30% for some PPD sales on Photos.com since the August launch of Photos.com Plus. Contributors who are affected by this bug will see in the Photos.com line items of their report that downloaded images with a long dimension of 3,300 pixels or greater received $0.30. We produced and verified a report of all affected contributors and we will correct earnings on November 4th, which will appear in affected accounts on November 5th. The bug causing this problem has been identified and will be fixed by mid-next week. After the bug has been fixed, we will run a final report from November 4th to the date of the bug fix and pay out any final PPD earnings affected by this issue.

We're truly sorry for the inconvenience this has caused and we apologize for not communicating this information more clearly and sooner. October was a difficult month at Stockxpert as we had a major new release, the bugs related to payments were complex and a couple of key developers were out. We now believe that all issues have been resolved and by November 5th all payments will be current. If you believe you are still experiencing payment issues, please let us know right away.

As usual, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you for your patience as we worked through these issues.

The Stockxpert Team
[email protected]

« Reply #166 on: November 04, 2008, 19:06 »
At this writing, when I tried to check balance, I get server scripting errors. So it looks like they may be fumbling with tallies on the server. Maybe sme lost nubers will make an appearance.

« Reply #167 on: November 05, 2008, 05:49 »
Wow - about ten sales have just appeared!!! But when I want to check them on my balance page, I always get the error message too.

« Reply #168 on: November 05, 2008, 06:07 »
sentence from StockXpert message:
Your JIUnlimited Plus earnings were not affected.

Really? I have no JI+ sales in first two weeks. Before almost every day..
« Last Edit: November 05, 2008, 07:03 by skvoor »

« Reply #169 on: November 05, 2008, 07:20 »
I have 3 subscription sales on today date, is it missing sale or that is new!?

Also, error on balance link...

« Reply #170 on: November 05, 2008, 09:31 »
3 sub sales today!

« Reply #171 on: November 05, 2008, 09:36 »
Here is the text of a letter I just received from StockXpert explaining the photos.com payment issue.  I assume everyone else got one too.

Thanks to StockXpert for finally offering this explanation and rectifying the situation.  :)

Thanks for posting this letter, I didn't get it!

« Reply #172 on: November 05, 2008, 10:23 »
I have a huge surge on Photos.com download today, way more than usual. Perhaps those are the missing sales?

« Reply #173 on: November 05, 2008, 11:19 »
Looks like it, I haven't had 52 photos.com sales in a day before :)


« Reply #174 on: November 05, 2008, 11:30 »
I have a huge surge on Photos.com download today, way more than usual. Perhaps those are the missing sales?

I think so too.  There is no way all the photos.com sales showing for today actually happened today. 

Glad they finally got this sorted out, but sorry it took so long.


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