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Author Topic: RIP Stockxpert...  (Read 32204 times)

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« Reply #50 on: February 02, 2010, 18:38 »
over 80% of my StockXpert portfolio is at thinkstock right now. i'm also a is member.

Your nickname starts with letter 'A':-D

« Reply #51 on: February 02, 2010, 18:42 »
Only people who subs at StockXpert were/will be transfered to thinkstockphoto, right?


« Reply #52 on: February 02, 2010, 18:45 »
over 80% of my StockXpert portfolio is at thinkstock right now. i'm also a is member.

Your nickname starts with letter 'A':-D

not my real name.  ;) you need to do a search based on your real name in quotes.


« Reply #53 on: February 02, 2010, 18:47 »
Only people who subs at StockXpert were/will be transfered to thinkstockphoto, right?

only if you wanted to partner with the deathstar and opted in. i wanted to see what it's like before passing judgement.

« Reply #54 on: February 02, 2010, 19:05 »
I was so happy days ago because I had a XXL sale, earning US$7.50.

I will really miss StockXpert, it has always been a good earner, with a fair share of commissions, and they let me opt out from subs.  It was by far the best of the top agencies in treating photographers fairly - and I remember how Steve-Oh was always responsive here at the forum too.

« Reply #55 on: February 02, 2010, 19:15 »
So sad... this was my first site, way back when.

Big fish eats the little fish.

« Reply #56 on: February 02, 2010, 20:00 »
Just a few random comments as I have not read the full thread here...

On the question of Getty buying StockXpert etc just to kill it off - The Jupiter Images web architecture by itself was  worth gazillions, in big part due to the old Jupiter owning the coveted domain of The extensive web architecture includes not only those very familiar to m'stockers, but some well trafficked ancillary sites as well. The fact that Getty now gets all the images too is just a bonus for them. 

It looks like the new Thinkstock will be Getty's attempt to compete with sub packages similar to Shutterstock. We'll see how things pan out.

« Reply #57 on: February 02, 2010, 20:41 »
I have the same questions about final payout.  Here's an StockXpert forum thread.  No answer there yet:

I haven't had any sales at all for JIU in February.  Has anyone else?  I assumed they were closed down...

no JUI sales and I usually have them... I only have  one  StockXpert sale, yesterday.  8)=tom

Maybe it's me.. but this whole transfer earnings, migration of port, sub in sub out.. blah blah blah...  has my head spinning.

I have a port on iStock since 2007.  I am opted in for subs on IS and StockXpert.  I got mail saying that some of my stuff was migrated to TS... yet I can't find a single pic.
   I tried transfering my StockXpert earnings to my IS account and got nowhere... run in circles click here, click here, click here, go nowhere...
     I am so happy today that I took a payout from StockXpert a couple weeks ago.. but I have more sales sitting there.  I dont want another  LO  fiasco where you cant get your money..   On the other hand... if I understand it right,  I can get a final cashout now of any amount... BUT  that will delete my StockXpert account.
  My dilemma...  I'm I  REALLY migrated to TS and just can't find it... Is the migration still not complete...  Was the mail telling me I was migrated in error... will I never be migrated even though I was an opted in 'tog on StockXpert and have an IS port .. because they think all my images are not unique...??????

What the...?      This whole thing could have been a thousand times simpler in transition....    I hope things clear up in a couple days.    8)=tom
« Last Edit: February 02, 2010, 21:02 by a.k.a.-tom »


« Reply #58 on: February 02, 2010, 21:20 »
Can't find one photo of mine transferred. Can't find one photo on ThinkStock marked stockxpert. Same deal they told us way back.

If you aren't on IS, your selected files will be transferred from StockXpert

If you are on IS, your selected photos will be transferred into ThinkStock

If you are on both and have been a loyal contributor, you can go suck eggs, because your StockXpert files aren't going to be carried over. They matched accounts by email address sometime back in Dec. It's done. Feel free to upload them for review.

This on the StockXpert forum today. So I can stop holding my breath waiting for something to happen that isn't.

A selection has already been done. If your images are not on Thinkstock they will not be added unless you upload them to iStock and they are approved there.

Now would someone please point to one StockXpert photo on ThinkStock so I can see how they labeled them? The photos from istock are marked "istockphoto"

After searching through thousands of hemera photos, I have to say, the collection is pretty interesting.

I'll wait until the 11th to cash out, maybe something will change again before then. ;)

edit: more double talk, now the forum has this on page four of the assorted replies.     

There are 3 phases for the Thinkstock upload. Images that are online now are part of phase 1.
Please be patient if you do not see your images online yet.

Don't worry because page two says this:

Most images have been selected but not all. The images that have not been transferred will probably be deleted after Feb 10. You can always try to upload them to iStock if you have not done so already.

So yes, it's done, no it's not done, but almost and finally, they are in phase one of three. Pick whichever one makes you feel best... all, most, or phase two and three are coming.

The same goes for accounts. All kinds of mixed messages. Files will be deleted, files maybe won't be deleted, you can cash out, but if you delete photos, they will be removed from ThinkStock, or maybe not? You can use StockXpert to track your sales on ThinkStock, but it's best to have an IS account.

Q. I have roughly 2500 images on Stockxpert and opted into Thinkstock, but the only images of mine on the Thinkstock are from iStock.

A. It means you probably have duplicates between sites or they preffered you iStock images to you StockXpert images.

And of the bs you call thinkstock ONLY my istock images (70 odd) have been moved there yet none of my StockXpert images (1156 )

"As an StockXpert contributor who is opted-in to subscriptions, some of your content has been migrated to"

In order for me to decide what to do next I need to know if my work is 'in' or 'out'.

I am sure I am not the only one who would like clarification of this

I'm sure that he's NOT the only one asking this question. At least I don't feel lost in the woods alone. Safe to say, no one knows, so I should just calm down and stop thinking that there's any accurate information to be had at this time.

Hey I have an idea for IS, ThinkStock, and StockXpert. lets make a change and not tell anyone what's really going on. We'll just let the rumor mill handle it and leave the forum moderator (I am feeling sorry for seb) try to guess and make sense of it. Also we'll post confusing information about look on the main page of IS that leads to a message that says, look on the main page of StockXpert, which says... you guessed it, Look on the main page of IS.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2010, 23:47 by RacePhoto »


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #59 on: February 02, 2010, 21:27 »
Nothing showing up from StockXpert or Istock.....I just requested pay out from StockXpert

« Reply #60 on: February 02, 2010, 22:22 »
Presumably, what Getty achieved was that it bought some customers (and photographers), and hopes to get synergies and economies of scale.

All my photos from StockXpert have been transported over to Thinkphoto, where quite a few of the photos from my iStockphoto portfolio can also be found.   (If I recall correctly, the deal is that iStock dumps slow sellers onto Thinkphoto.)

As we all know, different sites accept and reject photos for arbitrary reasons.  Every  site has their own odd standards of what is acceptable..   Some of my photos that weren't acceptable at iStock were acceptable at StockXpert, and vice versa, but now they all live happily together at Thinkphoto  :)

« Reply #61 on: February 03, 2010, 02:22 »
Doesn't logging into StockXpert to get our earnings seem sort of backwards.  Why wouldn't we log into to get our earnings if that is the only place our StockXpert images are being sold.

« Reply #62 on: February 03, 2010, 04:08 »
Doesn't logging into StockXpert to get our earnings seem sort of backwards.  Why wouldn't we log into to get our earnings if that is the only place our StockXpert images are being sold.
That would be a really bad idea, I don't want to have anything to do with thinkstockphotos, I am opted out of there.  I will wait until StockXpert stops selling and request my money from their site.

« Reply #63 on: February 03, 2010, 04:11 »
Doesn't logging into StockXpert to get our earnings seem sort of backwards.  Why wouldn't we log into to get our earnings if that is the only place our StockXpert images are being sold.
That would be a really bad idea, I don't want to have anything to do with thinkstockphotos, I am opted out of there.  I will wait until StockXpert stops selling and request my money from their site.

+1.....only this way!

« Reply #64 on: February 03, 2010, 04:48 »
I've really got better things to do with my time than try and figure out this f__ked up mess. SO here's the deal for me

I found 4 of my images on Thinkstock. They are all from StockXpert, they are all vectors, and they all just happen to be Valentines Day images. Bizarre. They are all marked "Hermana Collection" or whatever that new group is.

Whatever they do, they do. Thankfully I've got some other lucrative irons in the fire right now.

« Reply #65 on: February 03, 2010, 05:02 »
I've really got better things to do with my time than try and figure out this f__ked up mess. SO here's the deal for me

I found 4 of my images on Thinkstock. They are all from StockXpert, they are all vectors, and they all just happen to be Valentines Day images. Bizarre. They are all marked "Hermana Collection" or whatever that new group is.

Whatever they do, they do. Thankfully I've got some other lucrative irons in the fire right now.

Same deal for me too.

« Reply #66 on: February 03, 2010, 05:02 »
I was opted out from subs in StockXpert, so none of my photos will be in ThinkStockPhotos, right?  And none will be transferred to IS either, right?

« Reply #67 on: February 03, 2010, 05:05 »
I was opted out from subs in StockXpert, so none of my photos will be in ThinkStockPhotos, right?  And none will be transferred to IS either, right?

I was opted out too, but all those Valentine vectors are showing up as active on Think. Thus I'm just going to wait for the dust to settle, and I'm too tired to sift through the various missives and mixed messages.

« Reply #68 on: February 03, 2010, 05:58 »
That's really sad news.

« Reply #69 on: February 03, 2010, 11:59 »
I am not very active in the forum lately, but every time I open it I see sad news.... This is a big disappointment for me...

« Reply #70 on: February 03, 2010, 14:04 »
This is really sad news. StockXpert has always been #3 to #4 earner for me. It is very sad and disrespectful to contributors how messy this whole thing is. I agree with RacePhoto and other - so many mixed messages and confusion. I guess we just need to get used to sad news and see what's coming next...

« Reply #71 on: February 03, 2010, 14:24 »
It's so sad to see them go.  I had started as a junior photographer on their free site, with aspirations to become good enough to apply to StockXpert.  I only had 585 photos on the site, and as of today, I've had 311,347 downloads.

A year or so ago I finally applied to, and was accepted by, StockXpert, and have learned so much from them.  It was my first site, my first paycheck, my starting team. 

I have several thousand photos on StockXpert, but no iStock account, as they've rejected me several times by asking to see more of my work, which I supply, then they ask for more.... again.  I have a photo studio now, but no models.  I may have to start with the paperwork I've been dreading for models, only to be asked for more from iStock... sigh.

« Reply #72 on: February 03, 2010, 15:40 »
It's curious that by mid-December we had Getty putting full hands on StockXpert.  We all expected something would come, but I believe nobody expected it so soon...

« Reply #73 on: February 03, 2010, 15:44 »
(If I recall correctly, the deal is that iStock dumps slow sellers onto Thinkphoto.)
I spent an hour at thinkstock, looking as a buyer, and also looking into my niche. The things I saw from iStock are really subpar. I can't find anything from the big players and top photographers. Thinkstock is very incomplete, and in all, the search results give a very snapshot-like miskeyworded collection. I would never consider buying from there (but I'm not a subscriber, merely a buy-by-credit person). If I were subscriber, ShutterStock gives me much more bang for the buck, with many top artists there.

Even DepositPhotos has a much better collection. I saw some great stuff there. The buyer will decide and at the moment, it doesn't look good for Thinkstock.

« Reply #74 on: February 03, 2010, 17:04 »
(If I recall correctly, the deal is that iStock dumps slow sellers onto Thinkphoto.)
I spent an hour at thinkstock, looking as a buyer, and also looking into my niche. k.

The keywording is a joke.  I couldbn't believe the nonsense that comes up that has nothing to do with the keyword...   as a buyer... I wouldn't even go there..  8)=tom


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