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Author Topic: StockXpert Images on  (Read 112055 times)

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« Reply #75 on: July 28, 2008, 02:10 »
I read the StockXpert thread and this one and it seems that contributors are threatening to leave StockXpert over this. 
Yep, and not the worst.
I remember when Lumax3D (gold man) removed his portfolio from StockXpert I was a big mess. Same designers were in trouble and have to buy his images at another site.

I remember the threads where Designers asked for his stuff because the started a design using his characters and wanted expand it but couldn't find his stuff anymore - but was it really StockXpert he left and not another site?

« Reply #76 on: July 28, 2008, 02:21 »
I remember he deleted his portfolio from StockXpert and then uploaded it again  with the 50 a day upload limit.  It took a while.

« Reply #77 on: July 28, 2008, 02:32 »
Guess this move is just a sign that Jupiter is struggling for survival and that healthy relations with contributors are not on the priority list. Don't forget that Jupiters stock price went from $10 to $1.25 within two years.

Just hope Jupiter will fail with this attempt. Short term gain at the expenses of contributors gives no good karma and would in the long run damage the total market.


« Reply #78 on: July 28, 2008, 03:25 »
I read the StockXpert thread and this one and it seems that contributors are threatening to leave StockXpert over this.  I wonder how many would follow through.  I'll start a poll in another thread.

I think many will follow through.  StockXpert's earnings are far enough down the totem poll that I think most experienced contributors consider them expendable.

I just took a look at my total earnings for 2008 and noted StockXpert has accounted for a whopping 3.6%.  If I dropped them tomorrow, my total earnings would be basically unaffected.

But I will remain patient and wait for Steve to come through for us.  He/StockXpert always has in the past.  But if he doesn't, I won't lose sleep over my decision.

« Reply #79 on: July 28, 2008, 06:31 »
I'm tired of the same old mantra : "we'll sell your pictures for less, it will increase your revenues". DT said that and I lost 25% of my revenues. FT said that and subs sales come more and more often without overall sales volume increase.
NO, I don't want to sell EL's for nothing, and NO I don't want to be forced to sell subs on StockXpert, that's not what I signed for when I joigned them.
When they introduced subscriptions, I immediately opted-out, and was grateful to StockXpert for letting us decide. If they are so confident that this new deal will be such a great move for us, why don't they let us decide again by letting us opt-in/out ?


« Reply #80 on: July 28, 2008, 06:51 »
I hear you Erick.  It really makes you wonder what the business strategy of the micros is.  They seem so determined to grab market share by under-cutting the competition that they must have horrible profit margins.  Sometimes you get what you ask for.  Once you attract the type of customer who wants everything for a dollar or less, how do you raise prices once you realize you need to do so?  The answer is, you cannot.  The same bargain basement hunters will leave you as soon as you raise prices, and go to your cheaper competition.

At some point, if microstock is to survive, certain companies need to draw a line in the sand by raising prices and proclaiming, "You get what you pay for.  Buy from us, and you will get quality.  Buy from them, and you will get cheap images." 

iStock has made moves to do so.  Ironically, Shutterstock (the subscription kings) have also done this.  SS has raised subs packages significantly for 2 consecutive years and their traffic keeps growing.  Why?  Because their standards are high, and designers know they can buy there with confidence.

I'm rambling, and should get off the soap box...   :-[

« Reply #81 on: July 28, 2008, 08:37 »
Once you attract the type of customer who wants everything for a dollar or less, how do you raise prices once you realize you need to do so?  The answer is, you cannot.  The same bargain basement hunters will leave you as soon as you raise prices, and go to your cheaper competition.

This is exactly what I have a hard time understanding.  What type of client are they reaching for?  Is this not the underbelly of customer buying these almost free subs plans?    Sure, I sell at SS - but their plans cost big $ excluding many buyers that aren't serious professionals.  Schemes like this new venture are just damaging to the future of this industry and should not be endorsed.    7500 photos for $99? 


« Reply #82 on: July 28, 2008, 09:06 »
I know I've mentioned this before, but go and look at Jupiter's Clipart Connection

High quantity of something or arguable quality for not very much a month seems to be a theme here

« Reply #83 on: July 28, 2008, 09:33 »
7500 photos for $99?

Can this get even more ridiculous? I must say I am VERY DISSAPOINTED in StockXpert. I hope they regain some sanity and change the agreement to something more realistic.  This now becomes a matter of principal. If they continue to force us into this bad deal without an option to opt out I will be left with no other choice but to close my account. It will hurt me in the short term, but I think it is essential that we stand up strongly against this kind of unfair treatment.

But lets not over react. I will wait and see what StockXpert decide and only then make a decision.   


« Reply #84 on: July 28, 2008, 14:59 »
I am watching and waiting too.  I have also bookmarked the portfolios of some huge contributors at StockXpert (Iofoto, AndresR, Yuri).  It will be very interesting to see if they keep their portfolios there post August 1st, or draw a line the sand.

« Reply #85 on: July 28, 2008, 15:38 »
I'm the biggest supporter of non-exclusive status you could find. The latest SFX plans serve as just another example of not restricting yourself to any one site. We can always pick and choose and let the unchosen go.

And I hate the idea of getting just pennies for unlimited usages as discussed in this thread.

On the other hand... I have no idea if this management plan will succeed in terms of our increased commissions. Another one of those "time will tell" moments. Somewhat like a completely new micro site coming up. So I'm not about to get into a snit like some until results show or don't show results. It might take a few months to see how it all plays out. In the meantime I'll keep complaining about Snap, Yay, and anywhere else where the meaningful results are way overdue.

StockXpert will still be in my site lineup but I probably won't be uploading anything new there because I'm still opted out of the subs there -- at least for a while longer until they flip that switch.


« Reply #86 on: July 28, 2008, 15:49 »

This is exactly what I have a hard time understanding.  What type of client are they reaching for?  Is this not the underbelly of customer buying these almost free subs plans?   

You bet.  This is scraping the bottom of the barrel for sure.  And I don't spend thousands each year upgrading my equipment and countless hours working to continuously upgrade my skills, to give the work away at bargain basement prices to "underbelly" cutomers. 

This may have been where microstock started out years ago, but over the past several years quality has gone up, up, up, and prices have kept pace with quality.  We need to get back to the axiom of "you get what you pay for" and the inverse: "you have to pay for what you get". 

« Reply #87 on: July 28, 2008, 18:29 »
Can this get even more ridiculous? I must say I am VERY DISSAPOINTED in StockXpert. I hope they regain some sanity and change the agreement to something more realistic. 

Unfortunately this seems to be a Jupiterimages decision, not the StockXpert guys.  If this is how they currently run their other sites (is it?), I doubt they will change.

Unlike DanP68, I have good results with StockXpert - 17% of my earnings this year, even having opted out from subs.  I would not like to see that go, and I have never left a site, but if their final rules are against my own policy, I will leave. 



« Reply #88 on: July 28, 2008, 20:04 »
I just happened upon a stock photo website that sells, among other things, content from Jupiter's They don't offer subscriptions, just per image prices. The same images are offered there as on and for the price of a Medium Image ($149.95) you could buy a one month subscription ($99.95) and get 7500 images at that size versus one

Would StockXpert content (after August 4th) end up on the PixelMill web site for sale too? There are other Jupiter partners....

That same suitcase image shows up twice on a search on Inmagine:

In the first it's identified as a Comstock image and in the second as "Photoscom". Better still, the prices aren't the same!

As a buyer, this sort of stuff must make one's head spin. It's like you've jumped into some demented sales arena where you could pay wildly differing prices for the same content.

Perhaps some will look at this and see the possibility of a windfall and be thrilled. To me it seems like a very, very muddled situation with channels overlapping and competing with each other.

As part of the hoped for clarification from StockXpert, can they elaborate on where StockXpert images will end up other than

« Reply #89 on: July 29, 2008, 01:54 »
« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 01:55 by sharpshot »


« Reply #90 on: July 29, 2008, 02:40 »

« Reply #91 on: July 29, 2008, 03:54 »
I have always liked StockXpert and the high percentage they gave us....but this does not sound good. If we allow one site to pay .30 for EL equivilant usage.....then all the other sites will follow. We might as well just put all our pictures on Flickr and give them away.  I will give it a chance for a month or two.......but if it starts looking bad...........I too will be deleting all of my 3,000 photos.......

I am soooo tired of all the sites degrading the worth of our photos.....


« Reply #92 on: July 29, 2008, 04:18 »
I will give it a chance for a month or two.......but if it starts looking bad...........I too will be deleting all of my 3,000 photos.......
Just curious, what do you expect to see after 2 months to make your decision ?


« Reply #93 on: July 29, 2008, 04:29 »
Quite a few significant contributors have already weighed in on the official forum thread, stating they will be leaving StockXpert.  I have to believe StockXpert will change the agreement to remove the EL-type rights usage.  They are too smart to allow a ton of images to disappear overnight for a partner relationship.

« Reply #94 on: July 29, 2008, 10:07 »

I sold 8 ELs at SS since last month for a total of $224.00. 

Now if I understand correcly, for those same ELs, SX is offering me $2.40!!!     

SS is my number 1 site (almost a tie with IS) and I am not about to burn the main hand that feeds me by undercutting their product. On a not too long term that would definitely be counterproductive to myself and all other contributors that have images on the major micro sites.

If this is true, the math speak for itself and I will be gone.



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« Reply #95 on: July 29, 2008, 10:24 »
Truth be known, theres not a thing any of you can say or do to stop this train wreck happening. The writing woz on the wall ages a ago and all the hollerin an protesting is not going to make a dizzy of a difference. 10mp cams are so cheep now theres a queue behind y'all waiting to submit and they don't even care if they get paid or not. They just get a buzz from the whole community thing. Watch!

« Reply #96 on: July 29, 2008, 10:36 »
Truth be known, theres not a thing any of you can say or do to stop this train wreck happening. The writing woz on the wall ages a ago and all the hollerin an protesting is not going to make a dizzy of a difference. 10mp cams are so cheep now theres a queue behind y'all waiting to submit and they don't even care if they get paid or not. They just get a buzz from the whole community thing. Watch!

Anybody can buy a guitar, but not anybody I will be willing to listen to.

« Reply #97 on: July 29, 2008, 10:50 »
Going back to jsnover's last post with the links:

I did check the travel photo on both sites.  On Pixelmil it stated the photographer is "".  On there is no credit anywhere on the photo.  I only checked one other photo and could not find a credit anywhere either.

Is that the way our photos will be portrayed?  Are the photos no longer our copyright if they are on  Did I sign somewhere on StockXpert that said this?

So, our photos will go from StockXpert to to Pixelmil and lord knows where else?  WHO is protecting the copyright?  I guess all lawsuits from hereon-in will go to StockXpert.

StockXpert, don't you realize that we are selling on consignment with you?  You do not have the right to liquidate what is still our property.

Man, oh, man.  We are really betraying the other 4 or 5 sites if we go through with this.

Another thing, if the subs rate is the same as StockXpert, how will it be identified in our totals?

« Reply #98 on: July 29, 2008, 10:51 »
Truth be known, theres not a thing any of you can say or do to stop this train wreck happening. The writing woz on the wall ages a ago and all the hollerin an protesting is not going to make a dizzy of a difference. 10mp cams are so cheep now theres a queue behind y'all waiting to submit and they don't even care if they get paid or not. They just get a buzz from the whole community thing. Watch!

Bettyboop, and I thought I was pessimistic! Lots of folks here will avoid this train wreck by jumping off the train. At least the StockXpert one.  I have long maintained that we are moving into a commodity business with so much volume from so many wanna-bes.

I'm also thinking that knowing what to shoot and maintaining quality will still succeed over the multitudes you talk about with the cheap cams. Some have commented that the average payment per image is going up on some sites so not all the clouds have a crap lining. Long term, I hope that is true.

In most businesses quality rises to the top and the dregs get drained away into the sewer. I see no difference in microstock.


« Reply #99 on: July 29, 2008, 10:54 »
Truth be known, theres not a thing any of you can say or do to stop this train wreck happening. The writing woz on the wall ages a ago and all the hollerin an protesting is not going to make a dizzy of a difference. 10mp cams are so cheep now theres a queue behind y'all waiting to submit and they don't even care if they get paid or not. They just get a buzz from the whole community thing. Watch!

I see you are a new member so maybe you aren't aware of it, but by voicing concerns in this group and others, contributors have managed to get microstock companies to listen to us on a number of issues. 

When we as artists feel we are being taken advantage of it is our right to speak up and be heard.  It is also our right to decide what terms we will sell our images under and what terms are unacceptable. 

And the companies have listened and modified their prices/licenses/plans when they realize that they are jeopardizing their collections of images.  They know they don't own their libraries and are therefore somewhat dependent on good relationships with contributors in order to have anything to sell.


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