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Author Topic: you may be dying, but we want you revived... ASAP  (Read 11570 times)

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« on: January 04, 2010, 15:50 »
for as long, or rather, as short  as i have been inmicrostock, and microstock group forum, i have always took the stance that StockXpert is #1 with me.
i never lost that perception,even when JUI and Getty ursurped their vision on StockXpert, and when StockXpert reviewers sort of forgot about my uploads for months and left my portfolio in limbo. prior of which my images were always approved within hours rather than weeks, or even days.

much recently, StockXpert have resumed to the old ways i am accustomed to with this once great site. reviewers are now consistently approving (and rejecting at times) my new uls in a couple of hours.   and , my PM  to Support is getting answered promptly, whereas during their time of limbo, it seemed that they were replaced by ghosts.

this is certainly good news to me. i have written them to ask if i should stopped uploading to StockXpert since i am also already with IS. having given the response, not to do that, but to continue with StockXpert as well. i concur happily, because my upload approval with StockXpert far surpass that of IS, and i am not restricted to the amount i can upload to StockXpert.

i am still an StockXpert fan bigtime, and only a tiny IS follower, only because IS is related to StockXpert, not vice versa.

i like to start this thread to show StockXpert, we want a new revival StockXpert... WITH OR WITHOUT GETTY.
i am sure many or at least some of you feel the way i do with StockXpert.

maybe this is how we let them know we want them to be their own site...
and not just some lackie of IS.

« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2010, 17:26 »
I love the way that StockXpert draws on their sister, free website SXC for buyer traffic (or at least it did until IS took over!). I love the way that they treated the contributors. I would hate to see the site die, but would rather have a GETTY-FREE StockXpert again.

Just my two cents.

« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2010, 18:13 »
I love the way that StockXpert draws on their sister, free website SXC for buyer traffic (or at least it did until IS took over!). I love the way that they treated the contributors. I would hate to see the site die, but would rather have a GETTY-FREE StockXpert again.

What surprised me was that my direct StockXpert sales remained about the same even after that sxc advertising had been redirected to istock.
(did anyone else see the same?)

« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2010, 18:25 »
I really like Stockxpert although it's only my 4th source of income. Their way to review images is pretty fast and efficient.
However I did notice a significant drop in my sales once the Getty/Istock issue started.
I hope StockXpert will get better in terms of sales and exposure.

« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2010, 19:01 »
I liked StockXpert before they introduced subs.  I felt like I had to opt in to subs because the increased sales volume helped image placement in the search but I wasn't happy with 30 cents commission.  Photos .com and Jupiter gave subs a good boost but I had the feeling it was just taking away sales from shutterstock, who pay me a much better $0.38.  Then Getty came along and ruined it by taking away photos.com and reducing subs to $0.25, far too low for me.  Now I am opted out, I doubt the pay per download sales will ever be as good as they once were.  I also wonder what other nasty surprises they have for us next?

Hopefully Peter, the person who made StockXpert, will start a new site.

« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2010, 19:04 »
you are so right. The 25 cents subs are way too low.

« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2010, 00:49 »
i remember my first exposure to microstock, and coming here to this forum, that one of the longest thread was one that had StockXpert contributors comment on each others work. it sounded a bit like self promo at first, but really, what it did more importantly was the peer support of all those who took part in it to keep the thread alive. it was the best example of a network of contributors supporting each other. did it encourage more dls? well, i actually had the best dls during those months, even as a newbie, and i must say, till this day, i have yet to see another site perform as well as StockXpert did during that period.
then, someone came and threw the spanner in the works, and *, you know what happened.
you know what? i hope what flemish said about something good in the air coming from the ppl of StockXpert  is true, and i hope we get the news soon because I sure would like to see my portfolio take off like it used to do. mind you, i only had a tiny portfolio in those days, and today, it's much larger than it used to.
nothing much has happened yet, but i am hoping whoever makes the decision
is not crazy enough to kill a once great site.  if they do, i like them to remind them about  bad karma ... what goes around comes around...  ;D ;D ;D


« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2010, 16:54 »

i am still an StockXpert fan bigtime, and only a tiny IS follower, only because IS is related to StockXpert, not vice versa.

i like to start this thread to show StockXpert, we want a new revival StockXpert... WITH OR WITHOUT GETTY.
i am sure many or at least some of you feel the way i do with StockXpert.

maybe this is how we let them know we want them to be their own site...
and not just some lackie of IS.

i totally support the continuation of StockXpert, in whatever form or guise. they're pretty solid in my books and their reviewers are very sharp and on the ball. although i joined only a few months ago, they never faltered throughout the whole handover. in any case, i hope people would stop writing these RIP obituaries. you get what you wish for and i wish for continued success for StockXpert.

« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2010, 17:17 »

EDITED for response to comment :

 i hope people would stop writing these RIP obituaries. you get what you wish for and i wish for continued success for StockXpert.

well spoken ap.
the great irony is that some of the same ppl who once ranted about the disparity of subs between IS and StockXpert are now trying to bade StockXpert a quick death.   the only thing that is consistent is that some ppl change  agenda like we change our dirty drawers   ;)

« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2010, 17:25 »
StockXpert still makes decent sales for me. Although it dropped a lot it is still doing better than BS or 123rf. I do wish StockXpert to revitalize and to stay floating.

With all my respect to Peter and his Hungarian colleagues I have serious doubts whether they would be able to start a new microstock and to make it successful. Of course with all their experience they could probably do it better than Yay or Veer but it's 2010 now not 2005, and I have serious doubts.

« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2010, 19:14 »
StockXpert was one of my top 3 earners back before subs. Since then it's been a downward spiral, and doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon.

« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2010, 11:16 »
StockXpert was one of my top 3 earners back before subs. Since then it's been a downward spiral, and doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon.

my guess (and it's just that... a guess) is that StockXpert is going through some inner conflict .. if H.O. wanted to pull the plug of a dept or a branch, the last thing they would do is continue to spend money to keep it viable. meaning, if Getty planned to kill StockXpert they would have stopped paying reviewers to approve new images. it would be crazy in the eyes of Finance Dept for the CEOs to instruct StockXpert to continue to accept new images IF Getty plans to "just terminate it" at a certain deadline this year.

  I realise that when you talk about  Getty, you cannot expect rationality... still,   in business we all have the same mentality:  we don't spend money on a lost cause, we cut off their budget immediately; up to now, this has  not  been so with Getty's treatment of StockXpert.

once again , a reiteration, only a guess. stranger things have happened in the business world. so, let's wait and see and hope for the best for StockXpert.

one more thing.  as some of you pointed out, StockXpert was one of the most successful business model for a starter micro stock site. if this is so, only a mental midget of a CEO would want to kill it rather than continue its existence.
i would not kill it, i would sell it to someone else.

so there,  we'll see if really mental midgets are running the control tower  for Getty . if so, i would stay away from anything related to Getty  ;)
« Last Edit: January 07, 2010, 11:31 by PERSEUS »


« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2010, 11:34 »
People really like 30 cents commission it's amazing  ::)

« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2010, 11:40 »
People really like 30 cents commission it's amazing  ::)

well, i just learned that the subs model was actually SS idea. and based on what i read here in this forum, SS is the all time favourite of contributors. so, ya, it appears to be so... if 30cts relate to subs, and SS is the most popular, then yes, you are right, ppl crave for 30 cents.

i , on the other hand, think it's absurd for anyone to spend money getting the best camera and best glass to shoot the best photographs, only to earn 30 cents.  for chrrrrrrrrt sake, don't count me in with the rest of these beggars. i don't work for peanuts, no matter how many nuts they sell for me.

actually, someone else pointed out too, StockXpert was doing great until subs came to f it all up.
well said. 8)


« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2010, 11:46 »
People really like 30 cents commission it's amazing  ::)

actually, someone else pointed out too, StockXpert was doing great until subs came to f it all up.
well said. 8)
Exactly what I think. I wish I was able to remember the name of that women who did a conference call with some of us contributors. She is also the "brain" behind this sub/extended licence deal. I wonder if she work for microsoft now... or Enron

« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2010, 11:54 »
The only reason I can see for them keeping StockXpert open is that they have lots of images that istock don't have.  Perhaps they will add those in to a new istock collection at some point in the future and close StockXpert down?

« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2010, 12:00 »
The only reason I can see for them keeping StockXpert open is that they have lots of images that istock don't have.  Perhaps they will add those in to a new istock collection at some point in the future and close StockXpert down?

Yes but what if those images will migrate there, will they go through another inspection process? That sounds insane.
Having said that I must admit that after Christmas StockXpert is literally dead for me... I have images submitted but I won't make them be reviewed until someone officially will clear the site's future out.
hmmm  :-\

« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2010, 12:01 »
I haven't had a sale this year.  I'm not sure if I had a sale after I opted out of subs last year either.

« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2010, 12:07 »
The only reason I can see for them keeping StockXpert open is that they have lots of images that istock don't have.  Perhaps they will add those in to a new istock collection at some point in the future and close StockXpert down?

Yes but what if those images will migrate there, will they go through another inspection process? That sounds insane.
Having said that I must admit that after Christmas StockXpert is literally dead for me... I have images submitted but I won't make them be reviewed until someone officially will clear the site's future out.
hmmm  :-\

ciao Guisseppe .. , hey  sharpshot. for one thing, like Guiseppe said, it won't happen, because many of you i am sure had 100% approval for these StockXpert images that were or could have been rejected by IS.
also, it will not happen because we are not exclusive for collection.
worse ...
 it will drive  IS exclusives into a tsunami of rage war if this migration happen, you will literally see the biblical "gnashing of teeth" between the devils and demons  :D
« Last Edit: January 07, 2010, 12:16 by PERSEUS »

« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2010, 12:20 »
I have images submitted but I won't make them be reviewed until someone officially will clear the site's future out.
hmmm  :-\

how can you do that? do you leave the keywords out ? or something incomplete?
i don't think that is a good idea, regardless of what happen.

here's why. my images are being approved on the spot, almost immediately as i upload them.
if you leave them for later when everyone finally change their coat to be BORN AGAIN  StockXpert BELIEVERS  :D :D
your images will be last in line..

also, let's say something good happens, and StockXpert finds a new management , or whatever.
you want your portfolio to be the first ones there with the hierarchy of oldest images .

and if the worse happens and StockXpert is killed by Getty... well, we can stick needles into a Getty doll. but that's for later  :D

not an expert in Stock ... ha!ha! terrible pun , i wanted to say, not a Stock-expert, lol
but i am a good military strategist...
i know how to win wars... I am Perseus , remember ? ha!ha!

« Last Edit: January 07, 2010, 12:24 by PERSEUS »

« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2010, 12:27 »
Perseus it's simple!

I always upload via FTP and I just leave the images in there, waiting to be imported from the FTP folder.
They get reviewed only when you transfer them in your portfolio folder


« Reply #21 on: January 08, 2010, 01:06 »
People really like 30 cents commission it's amazing  ::)

actually, someone else pointed out too, StockXpert was doing great until subs came to f it all up.
well said. 8)
Exactly what I think. I wish I was able to remember the name of that women who did a conference call with some of us contributors. She is also the "brain" behind this sub/extended licence deal. I wonder if she work for microsoft now... or Enron

well VOnkara,
i suppose when you live in a country where 30cents can buy you lunch, or if you live with your parents and your camera equipment and other overheads are paid with your daddy's credit card,
30cts a dls can be like money you scream for as a kid putting pennies into a piggy bank.
then at the end of the year, you ask your daddy for his hammer from the tool shed to break open the piggy bank and watch all those 30 cents fall out, it must look like manna from heaven, as you praise your microstock "god" for giving you so many glorious blessings of dls.

but for some of us with real overhead , 30 cents does not go very far, not even enough to pay to flush  the WC .   we're not so lucky living in these more affluent countries or not to be still living at home with our rich parents  ;)

« Reply #22 on: January 08, 2010, 15:23 »
Anyone else see a StockXpert revival this week?  I'm not talking about returning to pre-Christmas levels... this week I'm seeing consistently better sales at a level I haven't seen since my StockXpert numbers started to significantly fall last October.  Anyone else having an exceptionally good week at StockXpert?


« Reply #23 on: January 08, 2010, 16:10 »
Anyone else see a StockXpert revival this week?  I'm not talking about returning to pre-Christmas levels... this week I'm seeing consistently better sales at a level I haven't seen since my StockXpert numbers started to significantly fall last October.  Anyone else having an exceptionally good week at StockXpert?

Quite the opposite.

I've had exactly one sale this month at StockXpert, and that happened 4 days ago.

I think I did better during my first week of UL'ing there, with a portfolio of about a dozen images. I've never seen it this bad there. Even 123 is doing better than StockXpert.

« Reply #24 on: January 08, 2010, 16:19 »
Anyone else see a StockXpert revival this week?  I'm not talking about returning to pre-Christmas levels... this week I'm seeing consistently better sales at a level I haven't seen since my StockXpert numbers started to significantly fall last October.  Anyone else having an exceptionally good week at StockXpert?

i think this will prevail until the inner conflict for StockXpert is  resolved.
as a buyer, i 'd stay away from getting an annual membership to a gym if i hear that they might be going backrupt soon. or if my annual term is up, i won't run off to renew it for another year if i keep hearing from everyone that my gym might close before i use up my annual membership.
same thing for StockXpert.  i think all this inner conflict has caused StockXpert to lose business.
it might have  been some wise whippersnapper idea  who came in right after as Vonkara said StockXpert was running so well, to suggest subs, or what not.
 if it's not broken don't fix it.   but i guess StockXpert got greedy to try to get more.

i am sorry for StockXpert because they were indeed running so  well , right before this  screw  up

so let's hope they resolve this inner conflict and give it back to the ones who did all the great thing for StockXpert at the beginning. although i won't hold my breath.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 17:16 by PERSEUS »


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