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Author Topic: Interactive Galleries  (Read 15101 times)

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« on: July 27, 2014, 16:59 »
I've created a new feature gallery feature using the Global Search.  You can use it in 2 ways -- from the Global search, or embedded thru html

From the global search:

Choose Gallery display and select one of the Co-op sites.  As with the standard search, you can use the result to make static contact sheets.

Embedded Url
You can also embed a gallery in your sym site, or external website by using the special link:

http: //

Replace myword1 and myword2 with the words you want to search.  If you only want to search one word, then delete the string 'word2=myword2&'.  Enter your symbiostock site. Test the url and then insert it in html like this:

"<li><a href=http://>Urfa men[/url]"

And you can place this anywhere that accepts html


I also added it as a text widget that will display in the image page sidebar under the 'download now' button


« Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 17:02 by cascoly »

« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2014, 18:06 »
not with you and other symbiostockers,.. yet !
but as i said in my thread (editorials).. i am looking for alternative and other methods
of future generators of passive income.

« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2014, 20:14 »
I tried to use this (Chrome & Firefox, Mac) and couldn't get anything to display - clicking the Go button didn't produce anything (or appear to be trying to access anything - no status messages or Connecting...).

I tried one or two keywords, different sites from the dropdown list and thumbs as well as Gallery.

« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2014, 20:55 »
I tried to use this (Chrome & Firefox, Mac) and couldn't get anything to display - clicking the Go button didn't produce anything (or appear to be trying to access anything - no status messages or Connecting...).

I tried one or two keywords, different sites from the dropdown list and thumbs as well as Gallery.

thanks, I use IE  but will test with chrome & firefox; don't know why it should matter since it's simple html -- did the links listed not work?   

what keywords did you use?  since these are individual sites, more generic keywords like 'food' are likeliest to work

« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2014, 00:18 »
I used your first link and if I type a keyword (I used beach but food worked too) and press return then I get your global search. It's pressing on the Go button next to the site name that does nothing.

« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2014, 11:38 »
thanks - both methods are still working ok with IE, so it must be a browser thing i'll have to run down...

it's probably related to forms handling
have you been able to use  the direct links like


(remove the space before 'cascoly')

« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2014, 18:05 »
I played with the form a bit and it's working under chrome & firefox now -- still not sure why  the earlier version didn't work.

« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2014, 19:14 »
Seems to work for me now - both using the original link you posted and taking the space from the URL in your post above.


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