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Author Topic: Have I missed helping you? Symbiostock is getting too big!  (Read 4326 times)

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Leo Blanchette

« on: September 09, 2013, 18:44 »
I just wanted to let everyone know I'm trying to address issues as they come up.

Please keep in mind that not only do I address core issues, but I often help people free of charge often to find out problems are not directly related to Symbiostock functionality.

I would simply request that people continue to be patient as I get to each issue.

There's actually a pattern - the bigger things get, the more I maintenance, and the less I develop. We had struck a nice pace during the 3-month premium development where everyone helped eachother almost completely free of my involvement. That was perfect!

I just wanted to announce here as well that I'm trying to delegate site-setup-services to those who are experienced enough to do them.

The larger-than-life workload is actually starting to make people feel neglected, and that certainly wasn't my objective. Add to that I'm chronically fatigued largely due to this project and other responsibilities, so it is what it is :D

« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2013, 23:13 »
I still have problems with Batch editor.
I presume it is in the Premium Upgrade plugin. My main theme has been upgraded to 2.6.5.

As reported previously in Development section of the Symbio forum, when I select Batch Editor, I see three entry fields, the second one pre-filled with a number "48".
After entry of the search parameter in the first field, I press Enter, and get the following error message:

Warning: simplexml_load_file(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /hermes/bosweb26d/b445/ipw.longprin/public_html/advantica/stockphotos/wp-content/plugins/ss-professional/lib/batch-manager/batch-manager-results.php on line 37 Warning: simplexml_load_file(http://www.advantica.com/stockphotos/?s=boathouse&post_type=image&symbiostock_network_search=true&ipp=48): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /hermes/bosweb26d/b445/ipw.longprin/public_html/advantica/stockphotos/wp-content/plugins/ss-professional/lib/batch-manager/batch-manager-results.php on line 37 Warning: simplexml_load_file(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "http://www.advantica.com/stockphotos/?s=boathouse&post_type=image&symbiostock_network_search=true&ipp=48" in /hermes/bosweb26d/b445/ipw.longprin/public_html/advantica/stockphotos/wp-content/plugins/ss-professional/lib/batch-manager/batch-manager-results.php on line 37 

I try to locate allow-url-fopen line in my very long php.ini fle (over 1,900 lines), and can't find it there.

« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2013, 00:18 »
I still have problems with Batch editor.
I presume it is in the Premium Upgrade plugin. My main theme has been upgraded to 2.6.5.

As reported previously in Development section of the Symbio forum, when I select Batch Editor, I see three entry fields, the second one pre-filled with a number "48".
After entry of the search parameter in the first field, I press Enter, and get the following error message:

Warning: simplexml_load_file(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /hermes/bosweb26d/b445/ipw.longprin/public_html/advantica/stockphotos/wp-content/plugins/ss-professional/lib/batch-manager/batch-manager-results.php on line 37 Warning: simplexml_load_file(http://www.advantica.com/stockphotos/?s=boathouse&post_type=image&symbiostock_network_search=true&ipp=48): failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /hermes/bosweb26d/b445/ipw.longprin/public_html/advantica/stockphotos/wp-content/plugins/ss-professional/lib/batch-manager/batch-manager-results.php on line 37 Warning: simplexml_load_file(): I/O warning : failed to load external entity "http://www.advantica.com/stockphotos/?s=boathouse&post_type=image&symbiostock_network_search=true&ipp=48" in /hermes/bosweb26d/b445/ipw.longprin/public_html/advantica/stockphotos/wp-content/plugins/ss-professional/lib/batch-manager/batch-manager-results.php on line 37 

I try to locate allow-url-fopen line in my very long php.ini fle (over 1,900 lines), and can't find it there.

How are you trying to find the line? If you open the file for editing in your site file manager, press control+F and put 'fopen' without quotes in the search box. That should find it. If it's not there at all, just add

Code: [Select]
allow_url_fopen = On
to the end of the file.

« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2013, 09:26 »
Thank you, Colin
I was first reluctant to mess with the huge php.ini file, but then I took the plunge, added the required line with allow_url_fopen = On, and the Batch Editor seems to work now.

« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2013, 10:12 »
Two threads which describe the same exact problem:


I haven't had the ability to generate preview images since the 2.6.5 upgrade, so I am moving to a different selling platform. But you might want to help Neilr with this issue.

« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2013, 11:16 »
At the moment it seems to be just you and Neilr that are having this problem at the moment

Have you tried turning off all the plug-ins to see if any are affecting it?  With so many different hosts, plug-ins (and their settings) and versions different people are using it can be difficult to replicate problems to find the cause

Symbiostock discussion has moved to symbiostock.org

« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2013, 11:36 »
As I've stated repeatedly, I use Bluehost (which most of us seem to use), I have no coding changes to the existing themes, and I am not utilizing many plugins at all. But just for laughs I disabled all plugins and checked again. No changes.

This all started with 2.6.5 (or WP 3.6.1 which updated around the same time). Images which generated previews just fine 2 months ago no longer do.

Actually, only Neilr and I reported the problem. It doesn't mean we are the only ones to experience the problem.

« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2013, 12:41 »
Sorry, my memory is not perfect and I do tend to forget who is using what.

Maybe you have s similar problem to me - when bluehost/justhost etc went awol at the beginning of August  so did the contents of my symbiostock_rf file but although I knew something was wrong with some of my images I did not work out exactly what until late August and since then I have been reuploading and seo'ing over 1,100 images.  The only reason I mention this is as you said they worked 2 months ago but do not now - about the same time frame as my problems.

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2013, 12:43 »
This problem has to do with your image filters. If you have images that are rated at a level higher than what you've chosen to show in your search results, that is what happens.


You opt to not display "red" rated images. If you have images rated at red, then they show a ladybug. (This applies both to your incoming network results and yours)

Or perhaps you've opted not to show unrated. Generally though that should be what your having a problem with.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 12:55 by Leo »

« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2013, 14:36 »
Wrong again. All of my images are rated as "Green". I went ahead and manually checked. But if you would like to see for yourself -


Pretty awesome looking Preview Image, is it not?

I just don't get you. The problem manifested itself with the 2.6.5 upgrade. Images which uploaded fine and generated Preview Images prior to the upgrade, no longer generate Previews if uploaded again. And yet you continue to blame the user? You don't get it. I haven't changed anything. I haven't even touched my SY since the end of July. The only change was to upgrade, at which point Image Previews no longer were generated. You don't have to figure it out...I really don't care. I'm not wasting any more time dealing with this theme.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 14:42 by djpadavona »

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2013, 15:11 »
Wrong again. All of my images are rated as "Green". I went ahead and manually checked. But if you would like to see for yourself -


Pretty awesome looking Preview Image, is it not?

I just don't get you. The problem manifested itself with the 2.6.5 upgrade. Images which uploaded fine and generated Preview Images prior to the upgrade, no longer generate Previews if uploaded again. And yet you continue to blame the user? You don't get it. I haven't changed anything. I haven't even touched my SY since the end of July. The only change was to upgrade, at which point Image Previews no longer were generated. You don't have to figure it out...I really don't care. I'm not wasting any more time dealing with this theme.

When you mentioned the ladybug I had thought of another issue which has the same symptoms. I'd look into it deeper in your case but it appears your moving in a new direction.

Leo Blanchette

« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2013, 15:12 »
Also I only check in at MSG now and then. For future users, I am at www.symbiostock.org.


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