Microstock Photography Forum - General > Symbiostock - General

Symbiostock to grfx Converter Ready.

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--- Quote from: blamb on April 26, 2015, 09:49 ---Hi, could a grfx thread be started on the Illustration board?  A few of us missed the original post and it would be good to have an easy reference in an obvious spot.  Thanks.

--- End quote ---
Maybe a bit later it might be good to do that. Ideally I had wanted to avoid too many threads in MSG.

[email protected]:
Hi everyone, you all know me as chromaco here at msg. After some prodding and negotiating I have decided to take on a more official role at grfx. Ultimately grfx in its new form is as much my brainchild as Leo's. We had spent hours trying to figure out how to make sys-stock work better and what was inherently wrong with the concept. Once Leo was forced to start over he and I decided to implement some of these strategies. We are going to build a community, not a search engine. You can get a gist of what we are trying to accomplish over at community.grfx.co. I am not getting paid and I have zero ownership in grfx. I am doing this because I believe in the vision and it is good for my own future as well as the futures of my counterpart illustrators. Come take a look, join the discussion, hear our point of view, and convince us that we are wrong. I will engage your questions and comments with an open mind.

FWIW I will still be participating here at msg as chromaco because I have other microstock related interest that concern me personally. So if you see the smiley face avatar you will know its me speaking my mind and if you see the grfx lion logo you will know I am speaking on behalf of grfx.co

I enjoy being a part of this community and intend to be for a long time regardless how grfx turns out.


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