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Author Topic: What is your acceptance ratio?  (Read 3728 times)

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« on: August 30, 2013, 12:42 »
Funny, my acceptance ratio on Symbiostock is 87%

Yes, I review my own images, and I have less images on my own site then on some agencies.

Someone said that Symbiostock would suffer from lack of reviews, could have truth in it, but I think most people will be critical of their own work.

Anyone can start a Symbiostock site and fill it with crapstock, but I think the majority will keep up the quality we have established so far.

What is your acceptance ratio?

« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2013, 12:49 »
112% acceptance here.

« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2013, 12:50 »
Probably about the same as yours Ron. Why bother to pay for hosting to fill it with rubbish.


« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2013, 12:54 »
112% acceptance here.
Duplicates ?  :)

« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2013, 12:56 »
112% acceptance here.
Duplicates ?  :)

I think the 12% is exclusive content

« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2013, 17:16 »
Funny, my acceptance ratio on Symbiostock is 87%

Yes, I review my own images, and I have less images on my own site then on some agencies.

Someone said that Symbiostock would suffer from lack of reviews, could have truth in it, but I think most people will be critical of their own work.

Anyone can start a Symbiostock site and fill it with crapstock, but I think the majority will keep up the quality we have established so far.

What is your acceptance ratio?

Very good point! My acceptance ratio is between 80 and 95 percent on the "big" agencies. But only around 50% on my site. I'm much more picky than most of the reviewers working for the well-known agencies.

« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2013, 17:28 »
I don't know what my acceptance rate is but I left out a lot of craptacular images and images that I didn't think were good enough.

I already knew going into this that a lot of the stuff that I've done in the past especially when I started back in '09 wouldn't make it on my own site  even though some of them are on agencies (who knows why they accepted them as they wouldn't pass today).  I'd like to think it's around 50%-60% with what I've uploaded and I have about 400-500 left to upload and most of those are sets I have to figure out pricing for.

It's good to know we're not just throwing everything on our sites.  Buyers have enough problems weeding through less than stellar images (some of mine included) to find the perfect image for them.

We are on the front lines of our site and should know what's good and what's not.  We are our own worst critics but makes for better sites for us all.

« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2013, 20:58 »
No idea what my 'acceptance' rate will be but I can say I am a lot more critical about what I am uploading.  Just an attitude thing I guess but for agencies I am always thinking "that is not great but it will pass review", just trying to get the image count up.  And yeah, I know that's not a good plan.

With my SYS site, I am looking at each image and if I'm not 100% satisfied it gets skipped.  Maybe that will change once I have a bunch uploaded but it is too much work to upload and SEO an image I don't think is good enough.

As to similars, I think the same thing, far less than at agencies.  I usually have no problem uploading 5 to 10 images from a shoot to an agency, I think 2 - 3 is what I'm planning on with SYS.


« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2013, 21:08 »
Funny, my acceptance ratio on Symbiostock is 87%

Yes, I review my own images, and I have less images on my own site then on some agencies.

Someone said that Symbiostock would suffer from lack of reviews, could have truth in it, but I think most people will be critical of their own work.

Anyone can start a Symbiostock site and fill it with crapstock, but I think the majority will keep up the quality we have established so far.

What is your acceptance ratio?

Good question!

Funny thing, Ron. I just happened to discover two months ago that bestnaturestock.com was available, so I grabbed it. Didn't have a plan for that to begin with.

But once I gave my brand-new site the name "Martha Marks' Best Nature Stock Photography", all of a sudden I had something to live up to. And I have!

At present, my "acceptance rate" is probably about 85-90%... but that's on a portfolio that has already been through the acceptance/rejection mills at SS, IS, DT, FT, etc. Any image that was soundly rejected at some or all of those sites is long gone from my portfolio. So now I have the luxury of selecting the best of my work, as tested and proven by the big stock sites.

I like doing that and plan to continue it.


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