Microstock Photography Forum - General > Symbiostock - Hosting

Cant Upload Images Hosting Amazon S3


Hi Leo

im trying host WP in Amazon S3 using this tutorial

but in Symbiostock Image Loader,  I cant find any uploader
im attaching the screenshot.

FYI with another hosting (hawkhost) and same browser (firefox). The uploader work just fine

can you help with the situation :D ?

Leo Blanchette:
Hello there! Sorry for late reply.

That issue is popping up more and more - it seems that a recent change in wordpress or something else associated with wordpress has cut that directory off from public access, which is required for the uploader. It seems random who it affects. It got me too. The same issue got in the way of paypal's IPN as well (but that has been fixed).

I intend to move the upload directory into the wp-content folder in a future release, but for now simply use an FTP program like filezilla, and use the path specified.

By the way, welcome to the Symbiostock project :D

Thanks Leo

symbiostock is really great WP theme

great job...


Could you tell me which package are you using from Hawkhost?

I'm getting the same + other problems e.g. image processing freezes after FTP.

I'm wondering what could be the difference.


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