Microstock Photography Forum - General > Symbiostock - SEO & Marketing

Which SEO plugin to use?

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Is this something that should be learned and set up when the site is started or is it something that can be done later as I have looked at it but don't have a clue what most of it means and if I stop to learn more about that it means that it is longer before I get my site sorted

Leo Blanchette:
You can learn it at your leisure. As you continue using wordpress and watching everyone else you'll know what direction to go in.

That is a relief, have enough to learn/do at the moment :D

Beach Bum:

--- Quote from: Microstock Man on March 31, 2013, 01:22 ---I highly recommend Wordpress SEO by Yoast - http://yoast.com/

This guy really seems to know his stuff, it's updated very frequently and has helped me hugely with improved SEO on www.microstockman.com

I will definitely be using it on my new Symbiostock site.

--- End quote ---

Agree.  Excellent plugin.

A question for you SEO experts out there!

I already have a reasonably well indexed blog that comes up in the Google searches. I keep it up to date with weekly/fortnightly posts. Would it be advantageous to add my stock photo site as a part of this existing site - ie use stock.backyardsilver.com or create a new site/url altogether and just link the two together?

Would my images get a higher placement in Google searches in one option or the other?



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