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I was all gung-ho about the business card site last summer when there was a bunch of discussion here.  I uploaded, I think, 25 designs and was hoping for great things.  Since then I believe I've had three sales at $5 each.  If things pick up, I might try to add more, but it's definitely a "wait and see" thing for me right now.

I gave up submitting there after so many of my designs were mutilated by the CMYK to RGB conversion process. I did enquire about this and was given a load of rubbish as an answer.


--- Quote from: massman on February 04, 2010, 13:11 ---I gave up submitting there after so many of my designs were mutilated by the CMYK to RGB conversion process. I did enquire about this and was given a load of rubbish as an answer.

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Me too massman...I just try to stay away from those shades or desaturate the design. I actually make more money off their site than I do the microstock sites and enjoy doing because it doesn't matter with them rather the photo has noise because it not a large photos and you can alter designs. I just enjoy doing it and I get sales on a regular basis...$5.00 per card and $20.00 per art file payable every month automatically by the third wednesday. Beats waiting till you've hit that $100.00 amount or $50.00 for those sites hanging in the balance


--- Quote from: PowerDroid on February 04, 2010, 13:04 ---I was all gung-ho about the business card site last summer when there was a bunch of discussion here.  I uploaded, I think, 25 designs and was hoping for great things.  Since then I believe I've had three sales at $5 each.  If things pick up, I might try to add more, but it's definitely a "wait and see" thing for me right now.

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Hi PowerDroid,

I'm unsure as to who you are in our community at TheArtofBusinessCards.com and PrintBusinessCards.com. If you don't mind, would you please send me a message or email me at [email protected] and let me know who you are. I'd like to have the opportunity to look at your portfolio on our site and see if everything is okay or if there is perhaps some tweaking that can be done in order to generate some sales for you.



--- Quote from: massman on February 04, 2010, 13:11 ---I gave up submitting there after so many of my designs were mutilated by the CMYK to RGB conversion process. I did enquire about this and was given a load of rubbish as an answer.

--- End quote ---

Hello Massman,

Unfortunately, the same issue applies - I need some help in knowing who you are in our community. Please email me, [email protected] so I can take some time to look at your portfolio. I don't like to hear things like "gave up submitting" in reference to our site. I'd like to have the opportunity to see what can be done.

Thanks! ~Tim


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