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Author Topic: Veer - a big waste of time  (Read 24860 times)

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« on: July 15, 2009, 20:39 »
Let me start out by saying I regret joining Veer, and wasting so much time on their site. I've decided to stop uploading, and I'm getting close to canceling my account. I wasted several hours uploading a batch of around 40 illustrations to Veer, all different subject matter. Most of them were rejected as "subject matter not suitable for the Veer marketplace". I seriously doubt they spent more that 5 minutes looking over the whole batch of around 40. There was a wide range of subjects, most were rejected. I'm mainly disgusted at the colossal waste of time this was, time that could have been spent creating new illustrations for my portfolio. Even iStock, the most rejecting agency out there, accepts 79% of my work - and they also provide Scout to rescue the images that never should have been rejected.

And that's not all, I can't get the FTP to work, and when I posted about it on this forum, I received no help whatsoever. I had to upload images one at a time, ridiculously time consuming. I'm very busy and don't have time to waste like this. Take some advice that I wished I had received to begin with - don't waste your time on Veer >:(

Linda B


« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2009, 20:59 »
I'm sorry that you had a bad experience, but not everyone has.

The FTP situation is frustrating (and they have posted in response to it several times), but the browser upload allows you to select multiple images and upload them all at once, so you do not necessarily have to upload images one at a time unless you choose to do so.

Anyway, hope you are able to find more rewarding ways to spend your time. :)

« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2009, 22:31 »
loosers always gave a new horse most of their hope.

instead of...you know it....
« Last Edit: July 15, 2009, 22:33 by werkmann »


« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2009, 23:31 »
loosers always gave a new horse most of their hope.

instead of...you know it....

I'm sorry but my cryptic translator is in the shop. Would you mind explaining your comment?

« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2009, 23:45 »
any idiot like to follow a new idea.....if he had bad experiences with the old, even if it is the same crap in new clothes....sorry i'm german, i better sale pictures than argue in english.

Oh, and about the "you know it"...you didn't? Well i'm for shure Veer will rule it....for you especially....red carpet, fireworks, chicks and all of this...because they had done marketing at microstockgroup, had bought a third class agency, had flattered any living idiot online and now everybody who is online at veer is a hero.

They pay not more, they have a escape period, they are going down.....that's a real good reason to join until they have ever sold any picture at microstockmarket.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2009, 00:04 by werkmann »


« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2009, 00:00 »
Oh okay, so to join a new site makes one an idiot.

Thanks for clearing that up for me.

« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2009, 00:07 »
Have I said this? Wasn't my attitude. I'm just extremely critical about veer.

What i tried to say and whish to communicate was just, i don't see a different between veer an other established agencies. All the veer-hipe i read here doesn't look like to be fullfilled.

If anyone here whould behave like there's any other agency more, with same marketing, better image and more reputacion but at conditions like the almost existing big six....what means...they start late, they have a problem, they really need support by constributors but the behave like they could start in seconds to the position others take years....thats high risc, and it is not honest. But unhonest and not fair p(l)aying ist also any other agency.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2009, 00:26 by werkmann »

« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2009, 00:13 »
Pessimist is just better informed optimist :-)


« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2009, 00:19 »
Pessimist is just better informed optimist :-)
And yet you have such a nice collection of icons there in your signature.  ;)

« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2009, 00:37 »
sorry, to understoodd my mails you have to take some time...but...if you are paid by o,oo1 cent by hour take the time. Otherwise you have to wait until i optimise it.
I'm now going to bed.....but i'm ashamed of my bad english....

« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2009, 01:31 »
I have had a positive experience with Veer so far.  Had my first payout sent yesterday and that is the most important factor to me.  They are doing much better than SV ever did and it is still far too early to judge them.  I should probably keep quiet, as when everyone uploads  sales might get diluted but I would like to see them do well.

My only complaint is the watermark.  Please give our images better protection.  SV had a much better watermark.

« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2009, 01:53 »
I am please to hear that you got a payout already, when the site is not properly launched. That is encouraging.
Can I be cheeky and ask for a link to your portfolio on Veer. I am keen to see what kind of pictures are selling on there. IM it if you don't want it on the main message board. I have been away for a number of days every week, and not had the time to do a lot of snooping round the sites.

Werkman, your English is better than my German! We are excited about Veer not because it is a new site, but because of who owns it!


« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2009, 02:42 »
Veer is very overrated currently. It will take a very long time till they come close to the results of the big 5, sales will be very disappointing in the first year or even longer. But they are very selective that is a good sign that they will may made it in the long term. I feel sorry about your rejections but actually this give me the feeling that veer is maybe not a totally waste of time. If your avatar says something about your style of work i feel that you maybe really doesn't fit to veer.

« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2009, 07:25 »
If your avatar says something about your style of work i feel that you maybe really doesn't fit to veer.

If Veer doesn't want my style of work, fine - they should have rejected my application. Sure my ego would have been wounded, but at least least I wouldn't have wasted any more time on it. All ten of my initial submissions were accepted. Then I uploaded around 34 more images - only four of these were rejected. That was encouraging, so I submitted around 38 more images, and nearly all of these were rejected.

Now what would you think? Honestly, what would anyone think? Would you assume you were dealing with a professional, well run agency, with a thoroughly trained, high quality inspection team? Or would you think you had just wasted a massive amount of time on yet another poorly run, highly overrated agency? That was the conclusion I reached, and I posted about it to warn others. OK, I admit, I wanted to blow off a little steam, too. But my main intention was to spare others a similar experience to mine, and to add another voice to counter all the hype I've been hearing on this forum about Veer.

I have yet to hear a response from Veer, but then there was no response when I had the FTP problems, either. You may not like my avatar, but don't assume that my work is of poor quality. I've been in the micro business since 2004, and I have been successful at it. Am I supposed to believe that a portfolio that earned diamond status at iStock is of poor quality? Don't make assumptions.

Linda B

« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2009, 08:15 »
I have had a positive experience with Veer so far.  Had my first payout sent yesterday and that is the most important factor to me.  They are doing much better than SV ever did and it is still far too early to judge them.  I should probably keep quiet, as when everyone uploads  sales might get diluted but I would like to see them do well.

My only complaint is the watermark.  Please give our images better protection.  SV had a much better watermark.

I wish it would continue to do well for everyone but the sales will be less (don't know how much less), but less once we all join in at the end of the month!

But you can be sure that it will be better than SV, even if the sales go down because their placement on Alexa is higher than CanStockPhoto and getting close to Crestock if that's any indication.

They will be worse than BigStock but who knows they may be as good when they launch the site and start advertising. Better than BigStock? It is a long shot but the prices of the images on Veer are much higher than BigStock, so kind of promising!

« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2009, 11:50 »
If you don't like Veer then why contribute to them?

« Reply #16 on: July 16, 2009, 13:27 »
If you don't like Veer then why contribute to them?

I've stopped uploading to them and will not be uploading anything else. Right now I'm trying to decide if I should pull my portfolio and close my account. The fact that others claim to have had positive experiences with Veer makes wonder if perhaps the mass rejections were simply a mistake. I doubt it, though - call me a pessimist, but most likely I'll be deleting my portfolio from Veer. I've got 6 agencies I contribute to, so I would rather focus on them.

I wrote this to warn others that Veer was a waste of time for me, and could possibly be a waste for them as well. We've all heard from those who think Veer is wonderful, why not have a more balanced assessment of this new agency? Isn't that part of the reason why this group exists in the first place?

« Reply #17 on: July 16, 2009, 14:04 »
Okay. I am in microstock since 2006. Was exclusive on IS and cancelled my exclusivity. Now i am uploading to 10 agencies. Everybody whose uploading to several agencies knows, that every company has own rules and acceptances. So if you got a rejection "subject matter not suitable for the Veer marketplace" why do you upload such files. I had also this rejection reason, but meanwhile my acceptance ratio is nearly about 90%.
FTP-Uploads working fine for me and are very fast (using FileZilla).

I know, sometimes it is very frustrating (closed my FT account). So if your decision is closing your veer account, close it.
I am waiting till my pics are available later this summer ;)

If you don't like Veer then why contribute to them?

I've stopped uploading to them and will not be uploading anything else. Right now I'm trying to decide if I should pull my portfolio and close my account. The fact that others claim to have had positive experiences with Veer makes wonder if perhaps the mass rejections were simply a mistake. I doubt it, though - call me a pessimist, but most likely I'll be deleting my portfolio from Veer. I've got 6 agencies I contribute to, so I would rather focus on them.

I wrote this to warn others that Veer was a waste of time for me, and could possibly be a waste for them as well. We've all heard from those who think Veer is wonderful, why not have a more balanced assessment of this new agency? Isn't that part of the reason why this group exists in the first place?

« Reply #18 on: July 16, 2009, 14:30 »
What you don't understand is, the images that were rejected were of all different types of subject matter. And again, if they dislike my work so much, why did they accept every single one of my initial submissions, and then go on to accept most of the illustrations in the second batch? Why didn't they just reject my initial submission, and save me a lot of trouble? It's not the rejections, this isn't a wounded ego speaking here - I resent the inconsiderate way I was treated, and how so much of my time was wasted. I believe that the third batch fell into that hands of a 'bad' inspector, but I have no way of verifying this, and no one from Veer has addressed any of my concerns.

 I know there is an unspoken taboo against complaining about rejections in the forums, but I just thought people should know that not everyone has a 'woo yay' opinion of Veer. Again, isn't this supposed to be a balanced forum? If Veer were my business I'd want the benefit of hearing about both the positive AND negative experiences of my contributors and customers. It seems to me that's only common sense.

« Reply #19 on: July 16, 2009, 14:38 »
A small "woo yay" for Veer. I just got my first payment and it was half of SX earnings, and about the same as Crestock, Bigstock or 123rf. And it was about the same amount as whole year at snapvillage...
And they haven't even started marketing the marketplace properly.

I haven't yet any info if my images get accepted, I just had my snapvillage portfolio moved over there.

« Reply #20 on: July 16, 2009, 14:59 »
I just sent Veer an email instructing them to close my account and remove my illustrations from the site. Case closed, time to move on. My time is worth more than this. :-\

« Reply #21 on: July 16, 2009, 15:53 »
I don't feel there is any "unspoken taboo against complaining" about anything at all. That's what forums like this are for.  I find "complaints" like this interesting and informative.   Some people seem to be annoyed by complaints. I don't get that.  I'm not here to sing company songs.  This isn't a Shaklee convention.

« Reply #22 on: July 16, 2009, 16:00 »
I am not getting why people want to close accounts and remove all their files? I simply stop uploading and observing this account.

« Reply #23 on: July 16, 2009, 16:14 »
I am not getting why people want to close accounts and remove all their files? I simply stop uploading and observing this account.

You're right, that would be the logical response. But my emotions were getting the best of me, and so in the interest of emotional stability, I decided that the account had to be closed. Take a look at my avatar, I'm not the most stable person in the world  ;)

You do what you gotta do to stay sane, even if it's an otherwise poor business decision...

« Reply #24 on: July 16, 2009, 16:32 »
You do what you gotta do to stay sane, even if it's an otherwise poor business decision...

Well, I can certainly relate to that statement, seeings how I resigned from my job today with nothing really lined up. Bad business decision? You bet. Worth it to quit instead of walking around with a knot in my stomach all the time because I hate my job and the people managing it? You bet.

Alisa, you gotta do what you think is right for you. It doesn't make sense what they did with your rejections, but then there are a lot of things that don't make sense with microstock and rejections.

If it makes you feel any better, I have been uploading to 5 different sites now for about 3 years. I really think I have come a long way in learning photography. But I am getting more rejections than accepts on Veer. I just don't think I'm good enough yet. I may be giving up too. At the rejection rate I'm going, I'll be lucky to get 50 good files up. If Veer is like other sites (I'm sure they will say they are not), you have to have over 100 photos just to start seeing any kind of sales.

Good luck with your other endeavors. I just reread in your post that you are a diamond at istock. That is pretty awesome!


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