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Author Topic: Veer marketplace and %35 commission for contributors!  (Read 26785 times)

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« on: May 07, 2009, 10:25 »
Let's just discuss.. Just do some brainstorming on why many of you so eagerly want to help veer become a success despite %35 commission and being nothing special..

Let's give the reasons to why support a new website that comes with an exciting %35  commission.

Since Brian loves to answer questions here and be friendly but he doesn't seem to notice my questions about commissions I thought we would just brainstorm..

I am sure Brian is aware that I wanted to help him to get an idea about vectors by starting a pole on reliability of rivals. And I am again sure Brian is aware that it is very natural that I am asking for %50 commission on the content I DID CREATE.. (not veer, me)

I don't know why are you people so loving to help veer despite they are getting your content for FREE and paying you %35.. I would like and extra website to sell my images as well (like all of you) so that's why convince me about %35 please.

Stand now! Do not submit! and they will have to come begging you with probably even more than %50 which you deserve. Why do you think they are here trying to market veer so desperately.

Veer needs you! You don't need veer at this point!

« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2009, 10:40 »
This seems like a standard royalty. I can't quote what every different site gives, but this is more than iStock nonexclusive. I think it really depends on what the price is and how many downloads you get.

It would be nice to get 50%, but realistically Veer is taking most of the risk. They have to hire employees, advertise, image storage, etc. All I have to do is upload a few test images to see if I like it.

« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2009, 10:53 »
It's a good question and one you have to ask an iStocker as well. Most of them don't see 35% until they are well up the food chain contributing as exclusives. I'm not trying to dance around your original question but answer it by way of example. I suspect the reason iStockers do it is for the money. I find in general that too many contributers, me included,  contribute to far too many sites. This same argument of percentages goes on in one from or another on dozens of forums; why should I only take 40% for RM from Getty (home territory only??), I like Alamy they pay 60%, why is RF only paying 20%, These guys pay this, those guys pay that. In the end no bank, grocery store, car dealer or coffee shop will do business based on a commission levels; all of them want to see the green. If you think Veer will generate a good income based on those percentages then go with it, if you think you can do better elsewhere go with that. The old 50/50 relationship still exists in a few places but for the most part they have been replaced with deals that favour the distributor, like it or not. In the case of Veer they can easily argue that they already have a large customer base that is there the second the first image goes live. Advertising is in place, buyers are coming to the site now. No need to go through an exercise of bottom feeding in an attempt to attract a few fickle buyers. I'm sure that's the reason of the switch from SV to VMP. You decide if that's worth arguing over an extra 5%.

« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2009, 10:54 »
This seems like a standard royalty. I can't quote what every different site gives, but this is more than iStock nonexclusive. I think it really depends on what the price is and how many downloads you get.

It would be nice to get 50%, but realistically Veer is taking most of the risk. They have to hire employees, advertise, image storage, etc. All I have to do is upload a few test images to see if I like it.

That's what Brian would say, If he actually said something.

If you are a new website, you shouldn't come here offering the same as the market. Istockphoto was the first so you can not argue with them really. It is wrong as well. %50 would be more than enough for all you mentioned.

istockphoto for example (last year) made about $100 million and paid about $20 million to contributor. So they are getting %80. Say they were paying %50 to us. Please explain what's not to RUN with %50 or $50 million dollars. It is our content at the end of the day.

When you say we just upload you forget the time spent in creating the images. I can assure you we are doing most of the business by giving them ready to sell images for FREE. All a reviewer does is hit a button to accept or reject in an automated system.

Image storage is not the most expensive thing in the world. I was into web design, I know a few things about websites if you will excuse me  :)

The summary is I am drawing and while Brian (veer) gets %65 for approval or rejection, I get %35 for my own content. Dreamstime, 123rf and bigstockphoto pays about %50 so it is possible to run the business like that, right?!

As far as I know dreamstime is far from going bankrupt. It is the opposite! They are getting very rich with %50 believe it or not.

Veer, on the other hand, If it were to become a success, would get rich rich with their %65, not just rich.


« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2009, 11:07 »

That's what Brian would say, If he actually said something.

If you are a new website, you shouldn't come here offering the same as the market. Istockphoto was the first so you can not argue with them really. It is wrong as well. %50 would be more than enough for all you mentioned.

istockphoto for example (last year) made about $100 million and paid about $20 million to contributor. So they are getting %80. Say they were paying %50 to us. Please explain what's not to RUN with %50 or $50 million dollars. It is our content at the end of the day.

When you say we just upload you forget the time spent in creating the images. I can assure you we are doing most of the business by giving them ready to sell images for FREE. All a reviewer does is hit a button to accept or reject in an automated system.

Image storage is not the most expensive thing in the world. I was into web design, I know a few things about websites if you will excuse me  :)

The summary is I am drawing and while Brian (veer) gets %65 for approval or rejection, I get %35 for my own content. Dreamstime, 123rf and bigstockphoto pays about %50 so it is possible to run the business like that, right?!

As far as I know dreamstime is far from going bankrupt. It is the opposite! They are getting very rich with %50 believe it or not.

Veer, on the other hand, If it were to become a success, would get rich rich with their %65, not just rich.

You know, I understand your desire to get 50% royalty, but it is really hard to take your argument seriously when it is so glaringly obvious that you have done absolutely ZERO research on Veer. They are hardly a start-up site. As a designer, I have been purchasing macro from them for years. They have a very tight community of loyal designer customers, few of whom hang out there because they are also contributors. I have also been purchasing marketplace images from them since they first became available. They sent promos out to every single one of their customers, via email AND direct mail, giving us $10 toward our first (no minimum) purchase from the Marketplace. That is huge.

They are doing all the right things, in my opinion, in order to make this work. You are free to not participate, of course. I really don't think it is necessary to rant and lob insults at someone who I believe is doing his best to be helpful and straightforward as much as is possible. If you expected an easy "answer" to your multi-paragraph "question"/rant about why you deserve 50%, I think you might be disappointed, as you would be asking the same question of any of the other many sites who do not pay 50%.

« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2009, 11:16 »

You know, I understand your desire to get 50% royalty, but it is really hard to take your argument seriously when it is so glaringly obvious that you have done absolutely ZERO research on Veer. They are hardly a start-up site. As a designer, I have been purchasing macro from them for years. They have a very tight community of loyal designer customers, few of whom hang out there because they are also contributors. I have also been purchasing marketplace images from them since they first became available. They sent promos out to every single one of their customers, via email AND direct mail, giving us $10 toward our first (no minimum) purchase from the Marketplace. That is huge.

They are doing all the right things, in my opinion, in order to make this work. You are free to not participate, of course. I really don't think it is necessary to rant and lob insults at someone who I believe is doing his best to be helpful and straightforward as much as is possible. If you expected an easy "answer" to your multi-paragraph "question"/rant about why you deserve 50%, I think you might be disappointed, as you would be asking the same question of any of the other many sites who do not pay 50%.

You are %100 wrong sir that I did ZERO research on veer. I know they are not a start up, and I also know they are new at microstock. So you may need to re-phrase your argument since it started from a wrong point of view claiming I know NOTHING about veer.

Tell me what makes veer so powerful if we don't submit any images? If we don't submit images, they have nothing achieved in "microstock" yet.

and please see, that they are giving $10 towards the content they get for FREE.

And Oh god! Where on earth did you see that I insulted Brian. He is eager to help. I like his attitude. He seems a nice guy, but %35 commission bothers me for a new "microstock" company, and there is no reason to show bad examples as if they are the ones to follow.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2009, 11:26 by cidepix »


« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2009, 11:49 »

Tell me what makes veer so powerful if we don't submit any images? If we don't submit images, they have nothing achieved in "microstock" yet.

What makes them so powerful? Their existing and very loyal customer base which is unlike that of any other macro agency that I've seen.

Marketplace images are easily accessible in all search results right alongside the macros and, as I said, they are already and have been selling images via Marketplace, despite the fact that your images may have not yet arrived.

I will amend my original comments to state that you know very little about Veer.

But it really doesn't matter to me what you wish to believe, so I have no idea why I bothered to engage you in the first place.

Carry on.

« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2009, 12:01 »

Tell me what makes veer so powerful if we don't submit any images? If we don't submit images, they have nothing achieved in "microstock" yet.

What makes them so powerful? Their existing and very loyal customer base which is unlike that of any other macro agency that I've seen.

Marketplace images are easily accessible in all search results right alongside the macros and, as I said, they are already and have been selling images via Marketplace, despite the fact that your images may have not yet arrived.

I will amend my original comments to state that you know very little about Veer.

But it really doesn't matter to me what you wish to believe, so I have no idea why I bothered to engage you in the first place.

Carry on.

Thanks for the input!

I understand. I have no intention to argue. But discuss.
If you misunderstood me, I am sorry. I just don't get it why a contributor is accusing me of many things while I only ask for fair trade.

As for the other sites: I am here on MSG because I was banned from FT forum for shouting against commissions reduction. But I see that contributors are loving it. So, I will remind it to celebrate the next reduction.

Thank you anyway.

« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2009, 12:13 »
There should be a balance between commissions and sales.  With FP I get 70% commission but I earn 50x more with istock on 20% commission.  FP should pay us less and spend money on marketing to boost sales.  istock should raise commissions but I still prefer them to several sites that don't spend money on marketing and don't make me much money.

SV spent lots on marketing but the site wasn't good.  Hopefully Veer will spend as much and will provide the buyers with a good service.  If they don't, I wont put up with 35%.


« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2009, 12:24 »
SV spent lots on marketing but the site wasn't good.  Hopefully Veer will spend as much and will provide the buyers with a good service.  If they don't, I wont put up with 35%.

At the risk of sounding like a cheerleader, Veer has some features already in place that are very helpful for designers. My unbridled enthusiasm for them stems from my experience as a buyer over the past several years. I have no experience with them as a seller, but I can only surmise that a company that inspires its customers has a very bright future in store for it.

« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2009, 12:33 »
Good argument! ;D

I knew this one had the potential to get bloody, but I decided to participate anyway. That's what I like about MSG, the carnage... oops I mean the calm discussions.

I can't say I know enough about the inner workings of any of the agencies to know where the majority of their money goes (ie. contributors, advertising, etc.) You could be right that some guy that looks like the monopoly guy could be walking away with all of our money.

In the end, I will probably give Veer a shot to see if it works for me. I'll have to read all the terms first, though.

« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2009, 12:39 »
I was just looking at veer website and noticed that prices translate to pounds () over here. And If I am paid in dollars ($) than it means I am getting even less than %35 on UK sales.

1$ - 20$ price range = 1 - 20 in the UK

Edit: Just checked again and although when I do a search it says 1 - 20 range, when you click on an image the range becomes 1 - 14

Still, they make "istock commissions" on extra small size from UK sales.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2009, 12:50 by cidepix »


« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2009, 12:46 »
I was just looking at veer website and noticed that prices translate to pounds () over here. And If I am paid in dollars ($) than it means I am getting even less than %35 on UK sales.

1$ - 20$ price range = 1 - 20 in the UK

I'm not a math whiz, but I believe the pound is currently stronger than the dollar by quite a lot, so wouldn't this exchange work in your favor?

« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2009, 12:51 »
I was just looking at veer website and noticed that prices translate to pounds () over here. And If I am paid in dollars ($) than it means I am getting even less than %35 on UK sales.

1$ - 20$ price range = 1 - 20 in the UK

I'm not a math whiz, but I believe the pound is currently stronger than the dollar by quite a lot, so wouldn't this exchange work in your favor?

It works in veer's favor because veer still pays $$$ to all contributors as far as I can see from FAQ.


« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2009, 12:54 »
Never mind...
« Last Edit: May 10, 2009, 19:25 by Milinz »

« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2009, 12:56 »
They charge UK customers 1 for XS and pay contributors 0.35 cents which is about %20 of the sale price 1


« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2009, 12:57 »
So you are saying that they do not pay you 35% of the actual sale price; they pay you a percentage of what the sales price would be if the customer lived in the U.S.?

Are you sure about that? (This is a serious question; I have not read the FAQ. Please provide a link and I will do just that.)


« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2009, 12:58 »
So you are saying that they do not pay you 35% of the actual sale price; they pay you a percentage of what the sales price would be if the customer lived in the U.S.?

Are you sure about that? (This is a serious question; I have not read the FAQ. Please provide a link and I will do just that.)


Yes! %100 sure!

BTW, I haven't joined yet but this is what I can make up from FAQ.

« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2009, 13:01 »
So you are saying that they do not pay you 35% of the actual sale price; they pay you a percentage of what the sales price would be if the customer lived in the U.S.?

Are you sure about that? (This is a serious question; I have not read the FAQ. Please provide a link and I will do just that.)


http://www.veer.com/download/pdf/vmp_faq.pdf the link to contributor FAQ


« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2009, 13:12 »
Okay, I see now. Thank you for the link.

It is listed as a "royalty per download", as opposed to a percentage of sale. I was basing my question on your previous references to "35%" and had only looked at the submissions guidelines, and not the other doc.

You're right; that's not great.

« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2009, 13:20 »
Okay, I see now. Thank you for the link.

It is listed as a "royalty per download", as opposed to a percentage of sale. I was basing my question on your previous references to "35%" and had only looked at the submissions guidelines, and not the other doc.

You're right; that's not great.

Unfortunately veer in my opinion is:

looking great,
talking great,
but thinking cheeky

I am sure as the xs prices in UK start from 1, in other parts of europe they start from 1 euro. Either way, the commission for us is not %35 but about %20
« Last Edit: May 07, 2009, 13:21 by cidepix »


« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2009, 13:25 »
Okay, I see now. Thank you for the link.

It is listed as a "royalty per download", as opposed to a percentage of sale. I was basing my question on your previous references to "35%" and had only looked at the submissions guidelines, and not the other doc.

You're right; that's not great.

Unfortunately veer in my opinion is:

looking great,
talking great,
but thinking cheeky

I am sure as the xs prices in UK start from 1, in other parts of europe they start from 1 euro. Either way, the commission for us is not %35 but about %20

Double talk. They learn that from the supermarket grocery business... advertise in  cts /gm
and sell in cts/lbs , or something like that. Which always ends up to you getting less and paying more in the store, if you don't double check the fine prints.

« Reply #22 on: May 07, 2009, 13:28 »
Now I would be happy if it was even %35  ;D

« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2009, 17:00 »
Reality of the world is the smaller sites have no scale. Therefore they need a larger cut to make it viable. Then, when the site gets bigger, it still needs a larger cut because its overheads are high. The site - once established - then makes a decision whether to cut its costs, pass on a slice to the artist, or simply make more money.

« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2009, 18:18 »
Let's just discuss.. Just do some brainstorming on why many of you so eagerly want to help veer become a success despite %35 commission and being nothing special..

Let's give the reasons to why support a new website that comes with an exciting %35  commission.

Since Brian loves to answer questions here and be friendly but he doesn't seem to notice my questions about commissions I thought we would just brainstorm..

I am sure Brian is aware that I wanted to help him to get an idea about vectors by starting a pole on reliability of rivals. And I am again sure Brian is aware that it is very natural that I am asking for %50 commission on the content I DID CREATE.. (not veer, me)

I don't know why are you people so loving to help veer despite they are getting your content for FREE and paying you %35.. I would like and extra website to sell my images as well (like all of you) so that's why convince me about %35 please.

Stand now! Do not submit! and they will have to come begging you with probably even more than %50 which you deserve. Why do you think they are here trying to market veer so desperately.

Veer needs you! You don't need veer at this point!

Hi Cidepix:

I don't mind talking about the Veer Marketplace royalty structure. Apologies if I missed your questions in other threads.

Now - about Veer: 

We disagree - we do think Veer is pretty special.

Veer.com has been recognized by buyers as one of the most user-friendly and well-designed sites in the industry.  Veer has been successful because it has always focused on the customer, on every level - from an inspiring brand, to design savvy marketing, plus good website UI, and superior customer service.

While Veer Marketplace is a new part of Veer, Veer isn't new at all. Veer has a passionate following among designers, photographers and illustrators - and has been around for 7 years now. Veer is actually a pretty big player - probably one of the larger stock sites around after Corbis.com and Getty/Jupiter.

We've created a royalty structure for Veer Marketplace that will help us build a long-term sustainable business, which in turn will help push more sales and more royalties your way. From our research, based upon not only royalty percentages and per credit royalties - but also image prices and subscription download rates - we're roughly on par with most of the biggest guns in microstock, as well on par with royalties paid out on the traditional RF or RM side of the industry.

We're going to be backing Veer Marketplace with high quality marketing efforts, great web design, high-performance servers and storage units. That doesn't come for free --- distributors like Veer or iStock or incur big costs to market content and create and support a loyal customer base.

As you have all seen with the ups and downs of this industry and with individual agencies themselves  - building a successful stock site is really hard work - it costs lots of $$, and takes time - some luck too! 

Of course - we'll need to build a passionate and supportive contributor community for this to work at all.... and as you all know - that will take time and lots of hard work too. ;)

[ It's certainly not as simple as responding to a few question on this forum by any means. It will take patience and some trust from all sides. ]

As others have said about Veer Marketplace already - "the proof is in the pudding".
We're a month away from launching the contributor side of Marketplace, and a few months away from launching the buyer side. I'd ask that before you decide you don't want to be part of Marketplace, consider waiting and checking things out yourself.


 - Brian

« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2009, 18:58 »
They charge UK customers 1 for XS and pay contributors 0.35 cents which is about %20 of the sale price 1

Hi All -

Actually, that's not quite right.
Apologies for the confusion, totally understood --- gonna try to help clear this up:

The royalty rates we announced are for the full-buyer side launch of Marketplace which will happen later this summer. As part of that launch the purchase changes to a credit based model. It looks like some of the confusion stems from this shift.

To clear up the confusion on credit prices in foreign currencies:

Credit pricing is based off US$.  Credits are sold in credit packs - with the smallest quantity pack starting at 10 credits.
The price we charge for a credit pack in Euros or GBP or CAD$ is just the US$ multiplied by the prevalent exchange rate for the month. We'll update the foreign currency credit prices monthly.

We protect you by always paying in US$ - and thus you are not subject to any foreign currency risk. We take all the foreign currency risk -  for example when rates swing wildly in a month. So because we are just converting at the prevalent currency conversion rate for the month,  all of the contributor royalty rates are the same no matter what the currency we charge is. 

Additionally, we have not announced royalties as a flat percentage, as the rate will vary with the cost of a credit. The more credits someone buys, the lower the credit costs, which in effect nets a higher royalty percent.

Aaron and I will get an updated version of the rate card to you soon that should lay this out a bit more clearly.

- Brian

« Reply #26 on: May 07, 2009, 21:06 »
"Veer.com has been recognized by buyers as one of the most user-friendly and well-designed sites in the industry.  Veer has been successful because it has always focused on the customer, on every level - from an inspiring brand, to design savvy marketing, plus good website UI, and superior customer service."

Its clear how Veer has placed the customer in first place, forgetting the rights and wishes of those that create and manufacture that which the customer wants. To continue making the customer happy you have to have the content that some of us are not willing to deliver for such prices. To those who are willing to work for almost nothing, remember the newspapers that are going under for distributing their information free on the Net. For Veer marketpalce - good luck in your search for slave labour. I for one will be out of Snap/Veerplace


« Reply #27 on: May 07, 2009, 21:50 »
"Veer.com has been recognized by buyers as one of the most user-friendly and well-designed sites in the industry.  Veer has been successful because it has always focused on the customer, on every level - from an inspiring brand, to design savvy marketing, plus good website UI, and superior customer service."

Its clear how Veer has placed the customer in first place, forgetting the rights and wishes of those that create and manufacture that which the customer wants. To continue making the customer happy you have to have the content that some of us are not willing to deliver for such prices. To those who are willing to work for almost nothing, remember the newspapers that are going under for distributing their information free on the Net. For Veer marketpalce - good luck in your search for slave labour. I for one will be out of Snap/Veerplace

You and I both sam38, the 35% commission Veer is so proudly offering contributors, "like if it was a big deal" may be for some people but definitely not for me, I've broken my slave chains a while back, so I will sell my photos on other sites that take my photos and hard work seriously and rewards me accordinly...and so far I'm doing very well. Good luck to you and your user-friendly and well-designed site.

« Reply #28 on: May 08, 2009, 13:22 »
Let's just discuss.. Just do some brainstorming on why many of you so eagerly want to help veer become a success despite %35 commission and being nothing special..

Let's give the reasons to why support a new website that comes with an exciting %35  commission.

Since Brian loves to answer questions here and be friendly but he doesn't seem to notice my questions about commissions I thought we would just brainstorm..

I am sure Brian is aware that I wanted to help him to get an idea about vectors by starting a pole on reliability of rivals. And I am again sure Brian is aware that it is very natural that I am asking for %50 commission on the content I DID CREATE.. (not veer, me)

I don't know why are you people so loving to help veer despite they are getting your content for FREE and paying you %35.. I would like and extra website to sell my images as well (like all of you) so that's why convince me about %35 please.

Stand now! Do not submit! and they will have to come begging you with probably even more than %50 which you deserve. Why do you think they are here trying to market veer so desperately.

Veer needs you! You don't need veer at this point!

Hi Cidepix:

I don't mind talking about the Veer Marketplace royalty structure. Apologies if I missed your questions in other threads.

Now - about Veer: 

We disagree - we do think Veer is pretty special.

Veer.com has been recognized by buyers as one of the most user-friendly and well-designed sites in the industry.  Veer has been successful because it has always focused on the customer, on every level - from an inspiring brand, to design savvy marketing, plus good website UI, and superior customer service.

While Veer Marketplace is a new part of Veer, Veer isn't new at all. Veer has a passionate following among designers, photographers and illustrators - and has been around for 7 years now. Veer is actually a pretty big player - probably one of the larger stock sites around after Corbis.com and Getty/Jupiter.

We've created a royalty structure for Veer Marketplace that will help us build a long-term sustainable business, which in turn will help push more sales and more royalties your way. From our research, based upon not only royalty percentages and per credit royalties - but also image prices and subscription download rates - we're roughly on par with most of the biggest guns in microstock, as well on par with royalties paid out on the traditional RF or RM side of the industry.

We're going to be backing Veer Marketplace with high quality marketing efforts, great web design, high-performance servers and storage units. That doesn't come for free --- distributors like Veer or iStock or incur big costs to market content and create and support a loyal customer base.

As you have all seen with the ups and downs of this industry and with individual agencies themselves  - building a successful stock site is really hard work - it costs lots of $$, and takes time - some luck too! 

Of course - we'll need to build a passionate and supportive contributor community for this to work at all.... and as you all know - that will take time and lots of hard work too. ;)

[ It's certainly not as simple as responding to a few question on this forum by any means. It will take patience and some trust from all sides. ]

As others have said about Veer Marketplace already - "the proof is in the pudding".
We're a month away from launching the contributor side of Marketplace, and a few months away from launching the buyer side. I'd ask that before you decide you don't want to be part of Marketplace, consider waiting and checking things out yourself.


 - Brian

Hello Brian,

Thanks for the detailed reply. I will be watching veer's progress but; had you said the commissions will be %50, I wouldn't have waited to see the progress.

No matter what the competition does, I honestly believe the image creator deserves at least %50 since the business would not have existed without us. You guys are making money on someone else's talent, and yet %50 is not enough for you! That is how I see it.

But thanks anyway, nice reply, in fact couldn't have been better considering your situation, being on veer's side.

Good luck!


« Reply #29 on: May 08, 2009, 15:25 »

Its clear how Veer has placed the customer in first place, forgetting the rights and wishes of those that create and manufacture that which the customer wants. To continue making the customer happy you have to have the content that some of us are not willing to deliver for such prices. To those who are willing to work for almost nothing, remember the newspapers that are going under for distributing their information free on the Net. For Veer marketpalce - good luck in your search for slave labour. I for one will be out of Snap/Veerplace

I just read Brian's post to be that the royalty structure has not yet been announced for Veer.  Am I missing something? 

I don't want to upload for slave wages either, but I didn't think that was what we were talking about here...

« Reply #30 on: May 09, 2009, 07:45 »

Its clear how Veer has placed the customer in first place, forgetting the rights and wishes of those that create and manufacture that which the customer wants. To continue making the customer happy you have to have the content that some of us are not willing to deliver for such prices. To those who are willing to work for almost nothing, remember the newspapers that are going under for distributing their information free on the Net. For Veer marketpalce - good luck in your search for slave labour. I for one will be out of Snap/Veerplace

I just read Brian's post to be that the royalty structure has not yet been announced for Veer.  Am I missing something? 

I don't want to upload for slave wages either, but I didn't think that was what we were talking about here...

Hi Lisafx -

Sorry if that was confusing. We did announce the royalty rates - they have not changed.
I was mentioning an updated rate card that displays the per credit royalties as well as the credit pack cost in non-US$ currencies (the latter was missing from the earlier version). Royalties are set - check the initial post, and the documents up at the Veer Submissions page for more info:


I'll be offline for most of this week - but Aaron will have the updated card that includes foreign currency conversion for credit packs. He'll be checking in here while I'm offline.

- Brian


« Reply #31 on: May 09, 2009, 11:41 »
Ah.  I see.  Thanks Brian.

FWIW those rates seem pretty much in line with the going rates elsewhere.  I particularly like that subscriptions differentiate between sizes and offer larger payouts for larger images. 

The only one I might take issue with is the $10 payout on the subscription multi-seat extended license.  That should be $20 IMO.


« Reply #32 on: May 10, 2009, 01:23 »
...No matter what the competition does, I honestly believe the image creator deserves at least %50...

If that's how you feel, then most microstock sites shouldn't be to your liking. Aside from a small handful (StockXpert, FP, etc), how many pay 50% or more? None besides StockXpert in the roster of agencies I work with. Why do you work with istock or shutterstock if low percentages are such a problem? SS especially, which most estimates put their percentage of payout compared to total image sale value at less than 20%.

It's the nature of the business. If 35% is insulting to you, then maybe this business isn't for you.

« Last Edit: May 10, 2009, 01:26 by helix7 »

« Reply #33 on: May 10, 2009, 10:11 »
...No matter what the competition does, I honestly believe the image creator deserves at least %50...

If that's how you feel, then most microstock sites shouldn't be to your liking. Aside from a small handful (StockXpert, FP, etc), how many pay 50% or more? None besides StockXpert in the roster of agencies I work with. Why do you work with istock or shutterstock if low percentages are such a problem? SS especially, which most estimates put their percentage of payout compared to total image sale value at less than 20%.

It's the nature of the business. If 35% is insulting to you, then maybe this business isn't for you.

I am not voicing an opinion for myself. I am voicing an opinion for contributors and THANK YOU for being so supportive by saying maybe this business is not for me. I appreciate that.

There is no point in talking about IS or SS, but there is certainly point in talking about veer because they are new and if we don't support them they will never make it. I will repeat: THEY WILL NEVER MAKE IT WITHOUT US. So they are new enough to discuss and ask for more.

If it was for people like me They would have absolutely no chance of making it to the top without paying me a good commission. But since It is for people like you they will definitely get away with %35.

And btw, %35 with current conditions can be acceptable if we have some kind of a warranty that it won't be reduced to %25 some day. Or the terms & conditions will not be changed twice a week like fotolia does.

Currently I have no reason to unquestioningly trust veer. I am not convinced about veer! What difference they can bring and what they can add to microstock world is a mistery.

Judging from their commissions (as they accept being in line with current models) apparently the difference they can bring is NOTHING!

If veer is going to bring something new for the buyers as they claim, they have to start with contributors commissions, by not being in line with current models and their commissions.

If you claim to be the NEXT BIG THING as a micro website, but you are OK with being in line with current models when it comes to our commissions, then you are not really the next big thing.


« Reply #34 on: May 10, 2009, 13:52 »
cidepix...with all due respect, I beg of you, PLEASE go to the Veer website. Go straight to veer.com, not the marketplace page. Pretend you are a designer. Search for an image. Set up a lightbox. Try out the shuttleboard. Note how the search results are returned, and the emphasis placed on Marketplace, right within the main collection.

Veer has been an innovator with BUYERs for YEARS. This fact cannot be discounted as if it holds no value. Without customers, it won't matter if the agency pays you 90%.

Some of the stuff you are saying suggests tunnel vision. If you don't want to join up based solely on their commission structure, then fine, but I think some people make take a bigger picture into consideration.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2009, 14:01 by whatalife »


« Reply #35 on: May 10, 2009, 17:26 »
There is no point in talking about IS or SS, but there is certainly point in talking about veer because they are new and if we don't support them they will never make it. I will repeat: THEY WILL NEVER MAKE IT WITHOUT US. So they are new enough to discuss and ask for more.

I am not voicing an opinion for myself. I am voicing an opinion for contributors and THANK YOU for being so supportive by saying maybe this business is not for me. I appreciate that.

I'm not sure you know who Veer are do you, they're not new and they've already made it in a big way. Whether you like their commission structure is up to you and you have the ultimate choice in deciding if you sell via them.

Just one other thing, you are voicing an opinion for yourself, you're not speaking for any other contributors.

« Reply #36 on: May 10, 2009, 17:32 »
cidepix...with all due respect, I beg of you, PLEASE go to the Veer website. Go straight to veer.com, not the marketplace page. Pretend you are a designer. Search for an image. Set up a lightbox. Try out the shuttleboard. Note how the search results are returned, and the emphasis placed on Marketplace, right within the main collection.

Veer has been an innovator with BUYERs for YEARS. This fact cannot be discounted as if it holds no value. Without customers, it won't matter if the agency pays you 90%.

Some of the stuff you are saying suggests tunnel vision. If you don't want to join up based solely on their commission structure, then fine, but I think some people make take a bigger picture into consideration.

I am taking the bigger picture into consideration. That is why I am discussing it here. The reason I started a thread for veer is because I see they have the most potential amongst the sites out of big 6 or 7.

Once I am convinced about their approach and they will make sure they get lots of customers our way and be reliable with their terms and conditions then I will place my images on veer.

I mean it is obvious that Brian knows what he is talking about. Just go to the other topic about "fotomina!" and see the huge difference.

It is as different as black and white. That is why I am finding it well worthy to question the negatives about veer, as well as the positives. %35 iS a negative if you will excuse me.

And mind you, I don't even bother talking about other new websites. So If I am going to add a new one to my agenda, it is going to be veer.

btw @ helix7, sorry If I offended you in any way in my last post since I wrote it with ZERO sleep in the last 30 hours due to a project I was working on.  ;)

Thanks for quality discussion guys, anyway.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2009, 17:48 by cidepix »

« Reply #37 on: May 10, 2009, 17:44 »
There is no point in talking about IS or SS, but there is certainly point in talking about veer because they are new and if we don't support them they will never make it. I will repeat: THEY WILL NEVER MAKE IT WITHOUT US. So they are new enough to discuss and ask for more.

I am not voicing an opinion for myself. I am voicing an opinion for contributors and THANK YOU for being so supportive by saying maybe this business is not for me. I appreciate that.

I'm not sure you know who Veer are do you, they're not new and they've already made it in a big way. Whether you like their commission structure is up to you and you have the ultimate choice in deciding if you sell via them.

Just one other thing, you are voicing an opinion for yourself, you're not speaking for any other contributors.

Sure, I am not talking for you (instead of you) , but I am talking for you (goodness of you) since %50 unquestionably would be good for you. Or would you say %20 is better :)

For my veer knowledge, have a look at my previous post. They are owned by corbis, and that is why I bother to discuss it. Why would I waste my time for a discussion on mostphotos for example. I don't care if they pay %10 or %90.

But I care when it comes to veer because I will definitely make good money once I place my images on there and I would rather make %50 than %35. I guess you wouldn't, so let's not take it further.

« Reply #38 on: May 10, 2009, 17:46 »
SS especially, which most estimates put their percentage of payout compared to total image sale value at less than 20%.

"Most estimates" ??? By who?

Can you actually support that statement in any way with links/quotes?


« Reply #39 on: May 10, 2009, 18:04 »
Sure, I am not talking for you (instead of you) , but I am talking for you (goodness of you) since %50 unquestionably would be good for you. Or would you say %20 is better :)

For my veer knowledge, have a look at my previous post. They are owned by corbis, and that is why I bother to discuss it. Why would I waste my time for a discussion on mostphotos for example. I don't care if they pay %10 or %90.

But I care when it comes to veer because I will definitely make good money once I place my images on there and I would rather make %50 than %35. I guess you wouldn't, so let's not take it further.

You don't seem to understand the basics of being successful in this business, the percentage received by contributors is indeed important, however it's not nearly as important as volume of sales, I'd happily take 35% from a site that I know will market and sell my images better than a site that pays me 50% but doesn't sell anything.

« Reply #40 on: May 10, 2009, 18:37 »
Sure, I am not talking for you (instead of you) , but I am talking for you (goodness of you) since %50 unquestionably would be good for you. Or would you say %20 is better :)

For my veer knowledge, have a look at my previous post. They are owned by corbis, and that is why I bother to discuss it. Why would I waste my time for a discussion on mostphotos for example. I don't care if they pay %10 or %90.

But I care when it comes to veer because I will definitely make good money once I place my images on there and I would rather make %50 than %35. I guess you wouldn't, so let's not take it further.

You don't seem to understand the basics of being successful in this business, the percentage received by contributors is indeed important, however it's not nearly as important as volume of sales, I'd happily take 35% from a site that I know will market and sell my images better than a site that pays me 50% but doesn't sell anything.

I agree with all that but we have sites that pay %50 and are proven success stories. For example StockXpert. You can also add DT, BigStock and 123rf to that list as their commissions are better than veer and they are selling pretty good and getting better.

Kudos to veer though: the best subscription model. Seems even more promising than IS. It is a big hit. If they sell a lot of subscriptions they will sure generate very good money for us.

I will be watching veer closely. and probably contribute once I see them rising on the right side column.

What I was saying from the beginning is %50 would have got an instant support from me. But %35 only deserves my support when I see them rising and there is no doubt they will generate me some good money. Otherwise no point in wasting valuable upload time.

Since it is not good will (%50) but pure business (%35) then my approach will be the same, so I will wait for them to prove they are a big deal before I take any action and submit to them.


« Reply #41 on: May 10, 2009, 19:23 »
...There is no point in talking about IS or SS, but there is certainly point in talking about veer because they are new and if we don't support them they will never make it. I will repeat: THEY WILL NEVER MAKE IT WITHOUT US. So they are new enough to discuss and ask for more...

Besides being false (you've really never heard of Veer before?), you're just picking and choosing which sites to support and which to chastise on a whim. One site paying 35% or less commission is ok with you, another isn't. Pretty convenient if you ask me.

...If it was for people like me They would have absolutely no chance of making it to the top without paying me a good commission. But since It is for people like you they will definitely get away with %35...

Nice try. Go ahead and keep spinning this like those of us who are on board with Veer are supporting something evil, all the while painting yourself as some kind of hero, standing up for a noble cause. Unfortunately your cause is misguided, and the rest of us aren't submitting to anything less than what we already do at many other microstock sites.

As long as you're selectively rallying against a single microstock company for doing exactly the same things many other companies already do, we'll continue to see right through your biased ranting. Not sure where your real hatred for Veer comes from, but it's pretty clear that it has little to do with commissions. If it was all just about percentages, you should have started at the real bottom of the barrel, like at SS or istock.


« Reply #42 on: May 10, 2009, 19:33 »
SS especially, which most estimates put their percentage of payout compared to total image sale value at less than 20%.

"Most estimates" ??? By who?

Can you actually support that statement in any way with links/quotes?

Obviously there is no way to nail it down, but some people have been able to estimate an average approximate percentage at SS. They won't release any numbers about how many buyers use X amount of their daily download quotas, which would be necessary to figure out a more precise estimate, but there was some discussion a while back about some estimates based on info someone got from an SS insider. Yuri put his estimate at around 15% I believe, and considering how seriously he takes his statistics and strategy, I'd say that's a fairly believable number.


« Reply #43 on: May 10, 2009, 19:36 »
I will try veer marketplace as contributor... If they like my illustrations ;-)

And after I check that what math says I will stop with some other sites for sure!

« Reply #44 on: May 10, 2009, 21:06 »

One site paying 35% or less commission is ok with you, another isn't. Pretty convenient if you ask me.

so what you are saying is, if we are already being screwed by the existing ones, we might as well get screwed by any new site and never try to change this vicious circle?

I would like it all to change of course but if we can not change a new one, how do you expect to change an established one. I don't hate veer, nothing close to hatred, I actually quite like them except commissions.

I didn't get banned from fotolia forum for being "only" against veer.


« Reply #45 on: May 10, 2009, 23:02 »
This thread is getting more and more ridiculous.  :D

Here I am, an istock exclusive, trying to convince someone who has already made his mind up (based on half-baked theories and assumptions) that Veer is the next up & comer.

Why do I care whether he has a clue??  :P

I agree with RT that it's pretty funny that other sites have been getting away with much less than 50% for quite a while now and for some reason Veer has been singled out for scrutiny. I love how SS gets "woo yay" all 'round for their new marketing, when I mentioned Veer's similar promotion (which was launched first), it was less warmly received:
and please see, that they are giving $10 towards the content they get for FREE.

But that's okay. Maybe it will delay the floodgates at least 30 days.  ;)

« Reply #46 on: May 11, 2009, 01:04 »
This thread is getting more and more ridiculous.  :D

Here I am, an istock exclusive, trying to convince someone who has already made his mind up (based on half-baked theories and assumptions) that Veer is the next up & comer.

Why do I care whether he has a clue??  :P

I agree with RT that it's pretty funny that other sites have been getting away with much less than 50% for quite a while now and for some reason Veer has been singled out for scrutiny. I love how SS gets "woo yay" all 'round for their new marketing, when I mentioned Veer's similar promotion (which was launched first), it was less warmly received:
and please see, that they are giving $10 towards the content they get for FREE.

But that's okay. Maybe it will delay the floodgates at least 30 days.  ;)

All I wanted to do was to discuss the %35.

Apparently I have no rights to even mention my disagreement with %35 commission. I also have no rights to mention veer in such a thread because apparently I didn't bash IS or SS enough in order to qualify for criticising veer.  :)

But you are right, this thread is getting ridiculous and it is all my fault.

« Reply #47 on: May 11, 2009, 01:39 »
Can someone please explain to me exactly why it's so ridiculous to express dissatisfaction at a proposed 35% commission, and to at least attempt to get a higher rate?


« Reply #48 on: May 11, 2009, 12:12 »
Can someone please explain to me exactly why it's so ridiculous to express dissatisfaction at a proposed 35% commission, and to at least attempt to get a higher rate?

It's perfectly reasonable to want to get a higher rate.  But to go off in a rant like this thread started out because a site is offering about average what the other sites are offering seems rather odd.  And to expect people who are already making similar rates and even less at other major micros to rally around the cause is naive.

If the OP had started a general thread stating that we would all like higher commissions and do away with low sub royalties, and better yet a concrete plan to make that happen (similar to the Contributor Cooperative thread, for example) they would have probably attracted much more agreement. 

Frankly, I don't know who Cidepix is or why he/she would have a vendetta against this particular agency (Veer).  For all I know they could be a disgruntled former employee or work at a competing agency.  Certainly nothing they have said makes much sense to me.

And cidepix, as for complaining of "not having any rights" to complain about the commission structure.  Sure, you have every right to complain.  Tyler hasn't locked your thread, right?  Having the right to complain means you also should expect there will be people who disagree with you.  If you can't handle that then you would probably be well advised not to start controversial ranting threads in the first place.  ::)
« Last Edit: May 11, 2009, 12:16 by lisafx »

« Reply #49 on: May 11, 2009, 13:42 »
I didn't get banned from fotolia forum for being "only" against veer.

Your motives, logic, and business savvy seem very questionable to me Cidepix. It's great that you fashion yourself as a tireless crusader for our rights but maybe do a little research before you start spouting off about slavery and other b.s.

here are a few good places to start

newbielink:http://www.pdnonline.com/pdn/index.jsp [nonactive]
newbielink:http://www.selling-stock.com/ [nonactive]

I realize that I'm just encouraging another nonsensical reply from you but I couldn't help myself. Take Lisafx's advice, she seems to understand this business a whole lot better than you do.

« Reply #50 on: May 11, 2009, 19:33 »

But to go off in a rant like this thread started out because a site is offering about average what the other sites are offering seems rather odd. 
What you guys don't seem to understand is an organized pressure from contributors COULD have resulted in a commissions increase. ( Call it "go off in a rant". No problem! ) But won't happen now, don't worry, after all the replies you have provided veer has a very good reason to keep the commissions low! Believe it or not, had you all "gone off in a rant" like I did on this thread you could have gotten a commission increase. (Probably)

For all I know they could be a disgruntled former employee or work at a competing agency. 
This was an attempt to get a better commission, and I only need to be a contributor to do this. I have nothing to do with veer. I have nothing to do with any website, apart from contributing. Again what is the point in revolting against IS or SS? They already have a gallery of millions of images and the probability they will give you an increase is much less than veer since veer is NEW ( you like it or not it is new, their microstock gallery is quite small, and still needs huge contribution from us)

If nobody contributes for %35 then you will automatically be given %50 or even more. To say otherwise is ridiculous. Why I don't say this about istock? Here is why: Already having millions of images makes them less vulnerable, Not only we would need to stop uploading, but also we would need to delete the entire istock collection to make similar impact. If you think it can be done for any established website, tell us how, so we can get a better commission.

Having the right to complain means you also should expect there will be people who disagree with you. 

They (you) sure have all the rights to disagree with me which I can always take. If you think they(you) just disagreed with me you are in an illusion lisafx  :) You just tried to teach me how I should have started the thread and you also gave me an example of the ideal thread. Further, just have a look at the reply below yours which I won't even take serious to provide an answer.

I disagree with you as well, but I don't go as far as teaching you how you should have responded to me.


« Reply #51 on: May 11, 2009, 20:39 »
so what you are saying is, if we are already being screwed by the existing ones, we might as well get screwed by any new site and never try to change this vicious circle?...

Well it's your opinion that 35% means getting screwed. For most people in microstock, it's fair. Even istock exclusives don't get much more, and it's only those that are at the diamond level that get a higher rate than 35%. Yet people do quite well there, and few (if any) exclusives complain about the percentages.

Would I like to get paid more? Sure, who wouldn't. But your crusade against Veer is just totally misguided. I'm not sure why you think you can muscle them into a higher commission with some forum ranting, and they certainly aren't a new company as you say, so I also don't see how that would make any difference in this argument. And as mentioned countless times by myself and others, 35% isn't bad compared to many other microstock rates. So why you started your campaign for higher commissions with Veer is just bizarre.

Your "vicious circle" isn't going anywhere, and even if somehow you managed to convince Veer to raise rates you'd never succeed with any of the other companies, no matter how many people you managed to rally around your cause. Again, I'd love to make more money, as would everyone else in this business. Unfortunately, though, we're too far along in the establishment of standards and acceptable rates in microstock, and going back on those rates is just not going to happen. You might as well be arguing for 99% commissions, because this whole thing is about as silly as that would be.

« Reply #52 on: May 11, 2009, 21:13 »
so what you are saying is, if we are already being screwed by the existing ones, we might as well get screwed by any new site and never try to change this vicious circle?...

Well it's your opinion that 35% means getting screwed. For most people in microstock, it's fair. Even istock exclusives don't get much more, and it's only those that are at the diamond level that get a higher rate than 35%. Yet people do quite well there, and few (if any) exclusives complain about the percentages.

Would I like to get paid more? Sure, who wouldn't. But your crusade against Veer is just totally misguided. I'm not sure why you think you can muscle them into a higher commission with some forum ranting, and they certainly aren't a new company as you say, so I also don't see how that would make any difference in this argument. And as mentioned countless times by myself and others, 35% isn't bad compared to many other microstock rates. So why you started your campaign for higher commissions with Veer is just bizarre.

Your "vicious circle" isn't going anywhere, and even if somehow you managed to convince Veer to raise rates you'd never succeed with any of the other companies, no matter how many people you managed to rally around your cause. Again, I'd love to make more money, as would everyone else in this business. Unfortunately, though, we're too far along in the establishment of standards and acceptable rates in microstock, and going back on those rates is just not going to happen. You might as well be arguing for 99% commissions, because this whole thing is about as silly as that would be.

Now, this is a good and well argumented response. I am not going to say I disagree because I don't. I agree with most things you just said!

Yes, veer is an established macro agency. I have veer in my favourites tab and they are the first place I will upload my images as It is obvious they are going to do well. But their microstock collection is still much smaller than IS or SS. That is why they are the subject of this thread.

I only have 2 questions to you and to all the guys if they would care to answer:

1- What would happen if nobody uploaded to veer? Would they sit down and contemplate what offerings need to be improved or would they just keep everything the same although no one uploads images?

2- What would happen if nobody uploaded to IS or SS? Would they sit down and contemplate as quick as veer would? Do they depend on new content as much? If the answer is yes! Then I am sorry, yes this thread should have been covering all agencies.

I like almost everything about veer and the reason I started this thread is, I would want them to be the perfect example of how an agency should be run.

I would be fine if they at least offered the possibility to make %50 if you were to go exclusive. That would be fair. If you are exclusive and put your trust in veer, you should make %50 and if you are a non-exclusive then probably %35 is fair.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2009, 21:15 by cidepix »


« Reply #53 on: May 11, 2009, 23:33 »
...I only have 2 questions to you and to all the guys if they would care to answer:

1- What would happen if nobody uploaded to veer? Would they sit down and contemplate what offerings need to be improved or would they just keep everything the same although no one uploads images?

2- What would happen if nobody uploaded to IS or SS? Would they sit down and contemplate as quick as veer would? Do they depend on new content as much? If the answer is yes! Then I am sorry, yes this thread should have been covering all agencies.

I like almost everything about veer and the reason I started this thread is, I would want them to be the perfect example of how an agency should be run...

If everyone stopped uploading to any agency as a way of making a statement about an issue or problem, then sure that agency would have to take notice and do something to get people uploading again. But that would never happen, the agencies know it, and so they will never be at all fearful of any kind of contributor uprising or strike. There will always be people willing to upload images, work for less money, work for no money, etc. Even if you could get everyone who is active in the forums or just reads these forums to boycott a certain agency, there are still tens of thousands of contributors out there who wouldn't even know that there was a movement taking place to affect change at an agency. There are just too many contributors, most of whom don't even bother to read these forums, and they'll always just keep uploading and making images regardless of what might be going on here.

And in the case of Veer, they never needed to ask people to upload images to get started. They had SnapVillage, and just ported all the images over from there. A boycott wouldn't have prevented them from getting started and having a wealth of images ready to sell when they opened the doors.

I get where you're coming from with the idea of a unified defiance in an effort to get agencies to change. I think it's just too idealistic in a business like this where there are so many contributors. This isn't a business that is dependent on 100 or even 1,000 individual workers to survive. Microstock rolls on even of 1,000 people stop uploading, because there will always be another 1,000 new people ready ad willing to work for less.

« Reply #54 on: May 12, 2009, 01:00 »
Veer has been an innovator with BUYERs for YEARS.

A few very knowledgeable people, like yourself but also RT, stated that before. Many microstockers never heard of Veer, probably because they operated in another arena. Success in one area doesn't necessary mean success in another one. Veer certainly seems to have the market potential. So let's just wait and see.

The site isn't ready yet, it's rumorware for now. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, as I said long ago, and as long as Veer Marketplace/Microstock isn't live there is no sense in discussing how and if they will transplant their indisputable success elsewhere into the Microstock arena. We don't even know yet what their content and acceptance policy will be.

I'm a fan of the Austrian philosopher Wittgenstein's adagio : Worber man nicht sprechen kann, darber muss man schweigen. (Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent).



« Reply #55 on: May 12, 2009, 01:24 »
Veer has been an innovator with BUYERs for YEARS.

A few very knowledgeable people, like yourself but also RT, stated that before. Many microstockers never heard of Veer, probably because they operated in another arena. ...

and as long as Veer Marketplace/Microstock isn't live there is no sense in discussing how and if they will transplant their indisputable success elsewhere into the Microstock arena. We don't even know yet what their content and acceptance policy will be.

Just a guess, but they probably never heard of Veer because they are not designers. Since designers are actually the ones making the purchases, I'd think they'd be the more important factor in the equation and getting them the hardest obstacle to overcome.The ready pool of designer/buyers already on the site (remember, this site is not separate, it is completely integrated into the veer.com site) have it right in front of them in every search.

I'm not sure why some people keep saying it's not live, etc... the *contributor* site is not live, but the MP is live and I've been buying images there for a while now.

Anyway, like you say, nobody really knows, and the people getting the sales there right now aren't talking. Maybe they are the new "designer's dirty little secret"  ;)


« Reply #56 on: May 12, 2009, 07:44 »
Just a guess, but they probably never heard of Veer because they are not designers. Since designers are actually the ones making the purchases, I'd think they'd be the more important factor in the equation and getting them the hardest obstacle to overcome.The ready pool of designer/buyers already on the site (remember, this site is not separate, it is completely integrated into the veer.com site) have it right in front of them in every search...

Agreed. Veer is well-known and respected among designers, and for many, it's the macro site of choice (myself included). When this new microstock offering was announced, it was a big hit among many designers for two major reasons, one of which being that Veer is an established, respected company. The other being that this would simplify things a great deal for designers in their billing/invoicing. If you can purchase macro and micro from the same company seamlessly, that solves a lot of paperwork headaches for designers. As compared to Getty, where although you do have the microstock arm of the company (istock), they aren't tied together, and billing and tracking purchases to individual jobs/projects at istock is very clunky. Veer could potentially simplify that with the Marketplace.

Veer also has one of the most aggressive direct-mail marketing campaigns targeting designers and design studios. It's also one of the most creative, I think.

Veer isn't a company that will need to ramp up their microstock offering. They will hit the ground running with the Marketplace, and I think they will have a lot more momentum than Corbis had with SV.


« Reply #57 on: May 12, 2009, 10:33 »
I just went to Veer to lightbox some images for a project. An independent company is conducting a customer survey. Questions were about the overall interface, quality, etc, with a few sprinkled in about microstock (though they never used that term exactly). I tried to copy and paste the contents but it made Word blow up.  ;D


« Reply #58 on: May 12, 2009, 13:24 »

I disagree with you as well, but I don't go as far as teaching you how you should have responded to me.

You are certainly a great source of amusement, Cidepix.   ::)

Nobody's trying to teach you anything.   Would be a complete waste of time.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 13:35 by lisafx »

« Reply #59 on: May 12, 2009, 17:28 »

some stats

« Reply #60 on: May 13, 2009, 01:30 »

some stats

Just wait till they get 20,000 microstockers checking their accounts every hour :)


« Reply #61 on: May 13, 2009, 16:33 »

I think for getty there is Gettyimages.com - not getty.com... So, shown stats are wrong ;-)

And... Main Veer marketplace competitor will be istockphoto.com who has statistics way higher than those shown... But, as circumstances stands I will take my chances with veer (if my images are good enough for them) despite all.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2009, 16:40 by Milinz »

« Reply #62 on: May 13, 2009, 16:47 »
ha ha ... you're right Leaf


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Last post May 29, 2009, 13:51
by Brian O'Shea


Mega Bundle of 5,900+ Professional Lightroom Presets

Microstock Poll Results
