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Author Topic: Veery Quiet  (Read 11529 times)

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« on: September 29, 2009, 04:26 »
Is it just Snap Village with a new name or have you seen any increase in sales since the move?

« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2009, 05:11 »
Is it just Snap Village with a new name or have you seen any increase in sales since the move?

Hello, consistent decrease here, plus bulk refusal with slim motivations

« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2009, 06:18 »
I've only had one sale so far. On the other hand, that one sale was more than I made all time at Snap. It makes me hopeful.

It would also help if the word 'vector' would return results in the marketplace search engine.  :(

« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2009, 06:54 »
I have had a few sales and I don't expect much until they start marketing the site.  Hopefully they will do a better job this time.

« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2009, 07:06 »
I've made one tiny sale. If they haven't started marketing, I guess it's no surprise. But Veer has been around for a quite a while, just the Marketplace is new so I don't see what the hold up is.

« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2009, 07:49 »
9 sales so far with views increasing. :) I wasn't with SV before.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2009, 07:52 by epantha »

« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2009, 08:01 »
Steady but not spectacular views but so far only one sale. That sale was about three weeks ago and I got quite excited that things were starting to look up, but since then the views have remained on a plateau - I'd been expecting steady growth as more customers discovered the collection.

I've been thinking of going exclusive at iStock a while now but had images on Fotolia and then signed up here. I've scrapped Fotolia as a complete disaster (80% rejection rate and about 3 views in six months! - compared to 70% acceptance rate at iStock and healthy views/downloads each month.) - I'm now wondering whether to give up on Veer too and just commit myself to iStock.


« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2009, 08:18 »
Since Veer has been around for a long time, it really is difficult for folks, myself included, to remember that they really are building a completely new structure for MP behind the scenes and should be given the same amount of patience as is given a new site.

I had a lot of faith in them at the beginning (in fact the announcement of their launch was one factor in my giving up exclusivity at istock), and after having the opportunity to work with members of their team over the past few weeks, I still have faith that they are doing what needs to be done to create a strong product ... even if the steps being taken aren't happening in the order that benefits me most personally. Sometimes there is a bigger picture. ;)

There are those that are comparing them to a site where they have had their portfolios sit for years with barely anything to show for it. Some of these are the same people who sign up for any site who posts here as long as they promise a high enough percentage.

I'm still of the opinion that it's too soon to form an accurate judgment of whether Veer MP is a waste of time. I think the team they have assembled is stellar and Veer has been one of my favorite sites to work with for years, so I think I'll stick around for a while. Best wishes to those who have decided to move on already.


« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2009, 08:19 »
Was  looking good at first - I've had 16 sales but not one in almost 2 weeks now.


« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2009, 08:20 »
It would also help if the word 'vector' would return results in the marketplace search engine.  :(

Not sure what you're saying here. Vectors appear in illustration searches. Are you saying that you have "vector" as a keyword and it doesn't appear in searches for that keyword?

« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2009, 08:30 »
I've had 57 sales so far, totaling about $55, but I've experienced the same slowdown everyone else has been reporting... very little sales or views for the past two or three weeks.  I've stopped uploading until I see reason to spend the time on it again.  Plus all those bulk rejections put a bad taste in my mouth.  A dozen images would sail through with no problem all at once, then another dozen would be rejected as not being appropriate for Veer or something like that.  I'm going to hold off until they get all their reviewers on the same page.  I know no site can expect all their reviewers to act with one hive mind, but I've never seen such an inconsistent bunch.


« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2009, 09:53 »
Was  looking good at first - I've had 16 sales but not one in almost 2 weeks now.

Maybe it helps to post here - just had another sale. Only .35 but better than yesterday.

ooh another .35 sale today
« Last Edit: September 29, 2009, 17:41 by sc »

« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2009, 10:04 »
It would also help if the word 'vector' would return results in the marketplace search engine.  :(

Not sure what you're saying here. Vectors appear in illustration searches. Are you saying that you have "vector" as a keyword and it doesn't appear in searches for that keyword?

When I click on the Marketplace tab and use the marketplace specific search box, with the word vector, there are no results at all. I see Marketplace results (0) and RF/RM results (9,656).

Now I know why. It looks like apparently the keyword vector was removed from all files when they were accepted. The only way I know to get all vector results is to first use the search word 'illustration' and go to image properties and sort by resolution with eps.

I feel like I'm missing something simple. Is there a more direct way to find the marketplace vectors?

« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2009, 11:01 »
SV did better for me with regular sales.So far at Veer only one DL


« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2009, 11:02 »
I've had 57 sales so far, totaling about $55, but I've experienced the same slowdown everyone else has been reporting... very little sales or views for the past two or three weeks.  I've stopped uploading until I see reason to spend the time on it again.  Plus all those bulk rejections put a bad taste in my mouth.  A dozen images would sail through with no problem all at once, then another dozen would be rejected as not being appropriate for Veer or something like that.  I'm going to hold off until they get all their reviewers on the same page.  I know no site can expect all their reviewers to act with one hive mind, but I've never seen such an inconsistent bunch.

This sums up my experience exactly, except substitute $35 for $55.  I have 900+ images on the site so far.

I can appreciate Whatalife's point.  I have somewhat been expecting the site to perform like an established one because of the Veer name, so it is good to be reminded that it is a new site.  

Hopefully sales will pick up once they begin marketing the site.  Anyone know when that is scheduled to be?  

« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2009, 11:13 »
Looks like a Snapvillage bis to me : 200 pictures on line (135 rejected), 3 views, 0 sales..... very dissapointing


  • Author of best selling "Get Started in Stock"

« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2009, 11:18 »
I still have the issue that my transferred files from SV have very poor keywords. Has anyone worked out a way to change keywords on an approved image, or has anyone tried to reimport those same images again with better keywords?



« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2009, 11:42 »
I feel like I'm missing something simple. Is there a more direct way to find the marketplace vectors?

Is this a trick question? Have you tried checking the ILLUSTRATION box when you are searching for illustrations?

« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2009, 12:02 »
I have and illustrations show up.

I was just trying to find a quick search solution to getting marketplace vectors in the main window (not the sidebar) without including jpg version illustrations. Apparently Veer's search requires filtering to do that.

« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2009, 21:38 »
I was hyped at first after the 1st two weeks, getting a quick $21 but the last two weeks=Zero.
I'm not SnapVillage or Lucky Oliver style despondent yet so I'll put away the razor blade and roll my sleeves back down for another week or so.
Maybe the marketing mentioned above will gallop to the rescue.

« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2009, 03:07 »
running at about 10% of Istock $$ / month for me. I have loaded about 50% of my portfolio.
 Reviews are annoying, bulk rejections.

« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2009, 04:08 »
It doesn't surprise me that sales have gone down the past few weeks.  The site has been swamped with new images.  Buyers can take a few weeks to decide what they want, I have lots of images on the other sites that have been there for six months before they start selling.  I wont judge Veer MP until next year.

« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2009, 06:28 »
So far I'm seeing a increase in revenue from SV but this is only the first month so dunno if this will continue...

« Reply #23 on: September 30, 2009, 07:29 »
I can appreciate Whatalife's point.  I have somewhat been expecting the site to perform like an established one because of the Veer name, so it is good to be reminded that it is a new site.

I think I was thinking like you were, Lisa.

While the Marketplace section is new, Veer is an established site. They would already have traffic to their site, unlike a brand new, startup stock site. But I do realize that we are talking about two totally different markets. Buyers who can afford RM aren't necessarily going to want to use RF micro photos. I was thinking that there would be some percentage of their existing clients that would buy micro immediately, therefore I was hopeful that there would be more sales right out of the box.

« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2009, 14:36 »
So far I had 12 dl's including an EL today. That brings me half way to my first payout with them. That is more then I made with SV.


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