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Author Topic: Trends  (Read 7651 times)

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« on: April 30, 2019, 23:04 »
Hope ot is ok to comment on an agency I don't contribute?

Although I have unsubscribed a few times, I still get the Trends newsletter.
And it is a weird Youtube trends relay. Fully Social media oriented.

Social Media continues to be on the rise with searches for subscribe button having increased by 2550%, and Instagram up 328% since last quarter. Youtube, Youtube subscribe, and Facebook are also climbing. Social media and influencers continue to gain prominence in pop culture and society, and the demand for related content reflects this truth.

Sad to see Premiere "universal counting leader" with some "old film" glitches presented as "Retro".

More things in mind to comment but I don't want to sound pessimist or just hostile to SB.

Just a conclusion, if the main customer base is Social Media individuals or small brands,
bye bye high priced 4K clips and aerials,
hello low priced bulk sales,
hello "free to use" unbeatable competition.

OK, here is nasty comment,

Aerials This one was surprising. Aerials of cities and nature have decreased in demand possibly because drones are becoming more accessible and more creators are capturing their aerial content.

well, with those prices, who on earth will submit aerial 4K footage to SB? :D :P
« Last Edit: April 30, 2019, 23:06 by georgep7 »


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2019, 00:36 »
well, with those prices, who on earth will submit aerial 4K footage to SB? :D :P

Isn't $179 pretty standard for 4K?


« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2019, 00:51 »
well, with those prices, who on earth will submit aerial 4K footage to SB? :D :P

Isn't $179 pretty standard for 4K?

I dunno.
Typing "aerial" returns really beautiful aerial shots but no price tag.
Basic and Unlimited price plans seem too low plus a mention for Marketplace discounts.
Wish the best for contributors at SB though, hope they sell high in volume and price.


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2019, 01:59 »
They'll be the unlimited shots then... you can change to marketplace clips in the search options. All the 4K there is $179, with a 50% commission rate, so just going on those alone, there doesn't seem to be anything specifically wrong with wanting to upload there. The complete lack of sales could put people off though! You can't directly upload/contribute to the subscription side of things.

« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2019, 04:47 »
If you want to survive in stock stay away from subscription plans,you will lose sales on other agencies too!! The social media buyers are really growing but subscrption plans are literally giving them clips for nothing,indeed yoy can pay a yearly fee and download whatever you want...
It would be enaugh a fixed low price with limited license use since usually they stream a video only for few days...subscription actually it's only a move to make as much as money they can before to sell the agency to investors...


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2019, 06:28 »
If you want to survive in stock stay away from subscription plans,you will lose sales on other agencies too!!

I'm not sure about that. I agree that if somebody is subscribing to a service where they can get everything they need, then they're unlikely to buy anything from the other, more expensive options... but for these people's decision to subscribe to a service such as this, to be swayed purely because you have or haven't got your stuff with them? That would have to be some pretty impressive content!

The way I see it... people are going to subscribe to these services or they aren't, irrespective of whether your content is with them or not. If they do subscribe then A: you're right, you'll probably lose sales on other agencies. If they don't subscribe, then B: you probably won't lose sales from other agencies. These things are probably going to happen whether you have content with them or not. But how do you cover yourself against the losses of outcome A? Submit your stuff to such services!

Sure, we can all band together and make a stand against such services, not submit to them etc... but when has that ever actually happened? Or happened and made much of a difference? For ever decent contributor that leaves, there's two more queuing up to submit their content. We can cut off our noses to spite our faces as much as we want, but subscriptions are the new reality, and only likely to become more prominent as time goes on.

subscription actually it's only a move to make as much as money they can before to sell the agency to investors...

Do you have any evidence of that happening frequently?

« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2019, 15:29 »
So your logic is if the crowd give their clips away for free i follow them because there is not another way to follow??!!..i'm talking as a full time stock video producers since 10 years and i can say that subscription plan like this(pay a yearly fee and you can download ALL THE LIBRARY) it's the end of your earnings all over the agencies...you can easily give up on a few hundreds bucks from sb and submit only to agencies that don't have a subscription plan like this like pond5 or shutterstock...in the long run you will still earn some money raither than nothing...
P.s:i know p5 has a membership plan but it's totally different since you don't have  UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD...
I know that SS has those 4.50 1.50$ sales but they are from a streaming license which is the one social media buyers need...but yet this is so far from paying a 200$fee and download all the library...


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2019, 17:36 »
Yeah, but it's not for free is it, because you earn money when people download your content. Sure, it's not much, we can agree on that, but it's more than if you don't submit to the subscription sites. It's not about giving away your stuff because every body else is doing it... it's about accepting that subscription models are here to stay, there's nothing we can do about that, so we may as well earn some money from them in addition to the non-subscription sites. If your aim is to make as much money as possible then that's the logical choice. If your aim is to cut off your nose to spite your face then the logical choice would be to not submit your content to the subscription sites. The choice is yours!

« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2019, 17:58 »
If your aim is to make as much money as possible then that's the logical choice
As much money as possible...how long for??few month??
Subscription is here to stay...where??only on storyblocks...
It's not about giving your stuff for free because eveeybody is doing it...everybody who??
You earn a piece of cake from every download,that's true but let's say you pay 200$ yearly fee and you download 2000 clips only...what you as artist get?0,10$ ...cut 50% and make your math
..does it worth lose even a few sales on other agencies to partecipate a plan like this?? For me not and my income tells me the same...


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2019, 19:02 »
If your aim is to make as much money as possible then that's the logical choice
As much money as possible...how long for??few month??
Subscription is here to stay...where??only on storyblocks...
It's not about giving your stuff for free because eveeybody is doing it...everybody who??
You earn a piece of cake from every download,that's true but let's say you pay 200$ yearly fee and you download 2000 clips only...what you as artist get?0,10$ ...cut 50% and make your math
..does it worth lose even a few sales on other agencies to partecipate a plan like this?? For me not and my income tells me the same...

1. Several years preferably... hard to predict the future. My subscription sales from Envato have increased month on month for over a year though.
2. Only on Storyblocks? Try Storyblocks, Motion Array, Envato, Creative Market, Motion Elements... there's probably more.
3. That's not what I meant. You said that my logic was "if the crowd give their clips away for free i follow them" which I disagreed with... so that's why I said "it's not about giving away your stuff because every body else is doing it"
4. Well I get abut $1500 a month from subscription sites over and above the non-subscription ones, so the math works for me.
5. But you don't participate 'in plans like this', so how can you know for certain if you're better off not participating? From a peace of mind standpoint, maybe, but you don't have the ability to compare participation vs non-participation when it comes to the financial side of things.

PS. I've been making stock for over ten years as well... I think it's 11 now, but I've only been doing it full time for 5. Just so you know!
« Last Edit: May 01, 2019, 19:05 by SpaceStockFootage »

« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2019, 19:12 »
What you earn from subscription tells me that i'm right to follow my road...wish you all the best...


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2019, 23:46 »
What you earn from subscription tells me that i'm right to follow my road...wish you all the best...

You're once again basing your decisions on biased opinions without knowing the full picture. If I made $15,000 a month would you instantly be signing up for subscriptions sites? If I said I made $25 a month at Pond5, would that be cause for you to pull your port from them? What if I made $500 a month from non-subscription sites while making $1500 from subscription sites... would that make a difference?

I just feel like you've got this idea in your head that subscription sites are bad, so the slightest bit of information that seems to back up that idea, reinforces your belief, even without any hard facts. I mean, what if I had a portfolio of five videos? You can't say a site is bad just because one person earns less than you'd want to earn from there... without taking into account, quality, portfolio size, number of sites, how much they make from non-subscription sites etc!

« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2019, 23:48 »
... I second that... have tried and I ran away asap... think twice, because return is not worth of risk, to offer your files almost for nothing...

« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2019, 23:52 »
... @SpaceStockFootage, are you talking about SB MS or Envato Elements...?!


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2019, 00:36 »
All. But not really Storyblocks, as people can't submit directly to the subscription content. If they do contribute then they'll have had their content bought out... so won't receive commissions on any downloads.

« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2019, 18:30 »
SpaceStockFootage,that's not my belief,it's a fact...i talked with many artists that tried subscription and they have lost sales everywhere...you can see it even on videoblocks,after subscription and a big purchase of clips from artists (at ridiculous price) to expand their own library,marketplace sales disappeared...
I care about my business in the long run,by now subscription is not for me...when all big players like ss adobe pond5 will go for subscription i'll think about it,at the moment i make good money this way and my income is growing  every year...maybe because my clips are not in any subscription plan or crappy sites that sell for nothing??


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2019, 00:46 »
Storyblocks were doing the subscription and clip buyouts for several years, even when marketplace sales were on the up... so the lack of sales has virtually nothing to do with that. Seeing the complete lack of sales almost perfectly coincided with the price increase (and subscription clips being the default result in searches)... that's a more likely cause.

« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2019, 06:57 »
Storyblocks were doing the subscription and clip buyouts for several years, even when marketplace sales were on the up... so the lack of sales has virtually nothing to do with that. Seeing the complete lack of sales almost perfectly coincided with the price increase (and subscription clips being the default result in searches)... that's a more likely cause.

the lack of sales has nothing to do with the price increase,it started when they expanded their own library buying clips from people and when they changed search engine pushing marketplace clips down to the bottom,sometimes i search for my own clips on storyblocks and even to the good seller one is hidden only god knows where..
So,some artists sold their clips to storyblocks for 20/30$ each perpetually making some money,but in the long run they have lost every chance to sell those clips there and most important lost some sales of those clips on other agencies....


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #18 on: May 05, 2019, 07:52 »
Yeah, but they've been buying out content for years and there was never any gradual drop... there was, however, a massive and extremely noticeable drop exactly when the price increase came into effect. The eight months before the price increase... I had $2073 in sales. The eight months since the price increase... I've had $521 in sales (and only $150 so far this year).

« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2019, 08:06 »
If you think the massive buying out (look how their own library grew in that period)has been done just before the price change..it was a planned move because they knew that once they had their own library large enaugh they could easily get enaugh subscriber to let their matketplace die...that's what subscription is all about...cut off normal sales in exchange of a fixed low income until every buyer have download the entire library...then say good bye to stock...


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