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Author Topic: how long for sales to show up?  (Read 4584 times)

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« on: February 17, 2013, 10:19 »
I have a small port on yay and only check every few months to see if i had any sales
the last sales recorded for me is in July 2012 - but there are a number of images that show downloads below the thumbnail of the images.
Is there a lag between the downloads and having them show up as sales on your 'sales stats' page? How long is it, because I have no idea when these pics were downloaded?

« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2013, 06:59 »
That made me curious. I checked through my portoflio and counted the number of sales indicated under the thumbnails. The total sum is more than double the number of sales that have been reported as sales.

So: Is this an error in indicating sales on the portfolio view or are sales going unreported?
Anyone else seeing the same?

« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2013, 18:04 »
For I was curious I did a count too. More than double the amount of reported sales are missing!
It is possible that they have been sold as third party sales, but even then: it still seems a lot of unreported sales to me.
For I have had only a small amount of them untill now.
I made copies of the sold ones and we'll see if they will be reported soon.
Is there a way to sort images by downloads, like it is possible with other agencies?

About the third party sales I am asking myself why Yay give no information about these downloads. Like Alamy and Panthermedia do.
The size, the price and simply put uncleared or cleared to the sales and it gives a lot more insight in what is happening.

Insight is a very good thing in this paranoid stocktimes!  ;D Every agency can use some trust from their contributors.
For example: I had E0,10 and E 0,16 sales reported from Imageclick. No idea what the original sale was, so I opted out from Imageclick.

« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2013, 01:44 »
A low earner (1 or 2 sales/ Month for me with a portfolio of 1235) images but easy upload process with no category so... I keep submitting...


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