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Author Topic: Yay 6 downloads at €0.15 each  (Read 7331 times)

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« on: March 19, 2013, 03:47 »
Maybe it's time for yay to change their name €0.15 doesn't make me want to go YAY...

« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2013, 04:40 »
Those are partner sales at Imageclick, a Korean image site I think. At YAY you can selectively opt out of partners where you don't want to sell your images. It's quite transparent.

« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2013, 04:43 »
I got a few of those as well.  Like Shiyali said, YAY is the best when it comes to how they deal with their partner programs.  They are very open about who they are partnering with, show you the percentages they get from the partner and you get from YAY and allow you to opt out on a per-agency basis.  You can't ask for much more than that.

That said, the info for that partner lists sales prices as much higher that €0.15 - It looks like the info for them is a little off.

THP Creative

  • THP Creative

« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2013, 05:09 »
And added to that, remember its Euro which for many of us puts the actual end amount about on par with some of the cheaper sub sites.

« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2013, 05:34 »
Thank you all. It makes more sense now The sales are Imageclick.  :)

« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2013, 05:42 »
I got a few of those as well.  Like Shiyali said, YAY is the best when it comes to how they deal with their partner programs.  They are very open about who they are partnering with, show you the percentages they get from the partner and you get from YAY and allow you to opt out on a per-agency basis.  You can't ask for much more than that.

That said, the info for that partner lists sales prices as much higher that €0.15 - It looks like the info for them is a little off.

It looks to me that for subscription sites they list the price of the subscriptions, which is nice to know if we want to see if a certain partner site is trying to undercut the competition.
But some additional information on what we should expect per download would be helpful as well. (Yay, are you reading  ;))

« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2013, 05:54 »
I got a few of those as well.  Like Shiyali said, YAY is the best when it comes to how they deal with their partner programs.  They are very open about who they are partnering with, show you the percentages they get from the partner and you get from YAY and allow you to opt out on a per-agency basis.  You can't ask for much more than that.

That said, the info for that partner lists sales prices as much higher that €0.15 - It looks like the info for them is a little off.

It looks to me that for subscription sites they list the price of the subscriptions, which is nice to know if we want to see if a certain partner site is trying to undercut the competition.
But some additional information on what we should expect per download would be helpful as well. (Yay, are you reading  ;))

Ah yes, I think you are right.  I guess it gives a rough guideline about how they are setting their prices.  It depends a lot on how long the subscription runs, the size of image, the licensing included and how many pictures/day the buyer gets though...  .. but yes, a rough guide.

« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2013, 06:07 »
Hi Guys,

We've received some email about this as well, so I think it is time for a more comprehensive explanation.

ImageClick sells subscriptions and the earnings from each sub is divided on the photographers that a specific customer has downloaded. On this payout €0.15 (~USD 0.19) was the lowest commission paid, coming from their popular high-volume web-sized subscriptions. So, taking into account that these were for images with a web-license I actually don't think it is bad at all. Shutterstock's base commission is USD 0.25 for a high-res. According the size, that is a lot lower. Ufortunately our sales statistics page isn't quite up-to-date, so the sizes sold are not shown. This will be fixed in an update later this year.

Either way the photographers receive 25 % of the amount the customer has paid. Considering that these are third party sales, that is pretty decent. Commission will vary, however, depending on how many images has been downloaded by the specific customer.

The image licensing market in South Korea is also different from what we are used to here. It is all about high-volume subscriptions. None of the larger microstock agencies have a good grip on this market. It is nascent, demanding, but also growing nicely. While customers generally download only the images they need (more or less) - it is different in South Korea. You'll see that customers often download a whole range of very similar images, and then decide which one they'll use after they've downloaded them. This, of course, means that all downloaded images will get the same commission. That is the customer's privelige when having a subscriptions service with a high volume.

I believe that the average payout will be higher from ImageClick than it has been so far, as they get more customers who purchase high-res and not only web-sized images. It is also a growing market for higher-resolution images that are used on a web, as screen resolution grows. These are images that will earn photographers more money, than traditional web-sized images.

I hope this gives you better insight into how the commission earnings from ImageClick works.

Oh, and thanks for the positive feedback on our partner program. It is growing quite nicely, so this is something we are putting more and more effort into. We will also expand the information on each partner, so that it will become more user friendly and contain more information than now.

YAY Images Team

« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2013, 06:13 »
On this payout €0.15 (~USD 0.19) was the lowest commission paid

I had one for €0,12.

But thanks for the update. Looking forward to the improvements you mentioned, having a better view on what to expect per download and some more information on what exactly was sold would be great!

« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2013, 06:17 »
Thanks Jan, it was a bit alarming to see €0.15 commission but I have confidence in Yay, unlike lots of the other sites.  Now we have an explanation, I'm quite happy and hope to see some higher commissions coming through later this year.

I'm not sure that others will be so keen to accept €0.15 for web size subs but they can easily opt out.

« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2013, 07:16 »
I got about 80 downloads at 0.15 the other day. I freaked out and removed ImageClick from partners.

« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2013, 07:36 »
YAY, are you doing anything to drive prices up instead of down (19 cents)?

« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2013, 07:45 »
YAY, are you doing anything to drive prices up instead of down (19 cents)?
Yay make $0.38 for web size images.  What sub sites charge that much?  We get 50% of the money Yay make and you can opt out.  Shouldn't you really be asking the other sites why they can’t do it a well as Yay?

« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2013, 09:01 »
YAY, are you doing anything to drive prices up instead of down (19 cents)?
Yay make $0.38 for web size images.  What sub sites charge that much?  We get 50% of the money Yay make and you can opt out.  Shouldn't you really be asking the other sites why they can’t do it a well as Yay?

No.  What should be asked is can yay and the others do what pond5 and gl do...allow us to set our own prices...I mean if you want to get technical and all. The 50 percent argument is bs if you are applying it to such low rates. So I get 50 percent of a nickle and that makes them awesome!!


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