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Author Topic: Questions on Uploads...  (Read 11768 times)

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« on: March 05, 2008, 11:26 »
I can't find much on the Zymmetrical forums, so I thought I'd post here...I did there, and nobody answered me lol. 

I FTP my work.  For those that FTP there, is it normal to wait for your stuff to be moved from your FTP folder to submissions?  Do you continue uploading batches as normal, even with your folder full??

I twitch with this, I'm sorry lol.  I don't like not being able to immediately (as in the span of an hour or so) being able to see my work and EDIT it.  A lot  of my work is older, have some outdated keys.  I'm in the process of editing my entire collection, but I like being able to double check and correct anything such as misspellings. 

It just seems like an entirely different anmial over there.  I'm hoping someone will share their experiences, and or tips?  I love the set up.  it's really clean, and it IS something I can get used to.  I think my biggest hangup is wanted to EDIT lmao, and not being able to until it's approved and in the art manager.

Thanks in advance for anyone who responds.  8)

« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2008, 11:44 »
It is that long since I uploaded there I cannot remember the process. I have submissions from 24th December still waiting to be approved, so don't hold your breath after you figure it out.
My plan was to see what they like, then to upload suitable pictures from my port. With over 1000 pictures to upload, and a wait of over two months for approval, I think I will be giving them a miss in the future.

« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2008, 12:13 »
It is that long since I uploaded there I cannot remember the process. I have submissions from 24th December still waiting to be approved, so don't hold your breath after you figure it out.
My plan was to see what they like, then to upload suitable pictures from my port. With over 1000 pictures to upload, and a wait of over two months for approval, I think I will be giving them a miss in the future.

I have to agree with this, since I uploaded sometime ago, and most are in pending and only one has been approved.  Frustrating, but it's beta lol


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« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2008, 12:57 »
Last time I sa w a site this quick was whe n the www began bcak in the 80's. what a total waste of time zym is

« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2008, 13:12 »
Got one sale there small size and I got $7, not bad at all...

« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2008, 13:33 »
Very fast review times for me! About a week. Also good acceptance ratio
19 out of 20. So far so good lets wait on sales now.

« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2008, 14:28 »
Hmm.... I uploaded first 10 on Feb 15 and still waiting... 

« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2008, 14:33 »
Actually this is getting better two images uploaded 9:54 pm yesterday have been reviewed and accepted today at 2:30 pm!!!! ;D

« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2008, 15:36 »
Actually this is getting better two images uploaded 9:54 pm yesterday have been reviewed and accepted today at 2:30 pm!!!! ;D

Well share some of the lucky dust!!  lol  I want reviewed!!!

« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2008, 17:45 »
If I may:

Review time is based on keywords. Images with keywords get reviewed much faster than those without.

We have had bad experiences with some members who uploaded images without keywords. We spend valuable time adding appropriate keywords just for them to turn around and ask us to delete their account. The worse part is when they then come to this forum and say we suck.

Regardless. If you want a fast review time, help us help you. Put great keywords to your great images and it will be much faster.

We have added editors to help us handle our increasing amount of submissions and are continuously working on streamlining our editing tools.

We also explain thoroughly why we refuse images in the hope of making all our members better photographers. We also add comments to some of the accepted images.

Overall, we are not a chew and spit machine that just processes images by the pound. We are human beings editing images done by other human beings. We never forget that.

Finally, we review everything all the time. We do not feel you should be penalized because someone just drop 10,000 files before you and it will be a while until we get to yours. We make sure files from everyone have the chance to be reviewed, even if it is only one.

Hope that helps and keep those great images coming. Sales are climbing and you should profit from them !!!

Clivia> 5 images of yours have been accepted. we have no more in our queue from you.


« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2008, 18:00 »
Review time is based on keywords. Images with keywords get reviewed much faster than those without.
So, how do I know then if my data didn't arrive?  I can see my photos in the que, but not if any of the iptc data came along with it.  (Even the title is my file name, not the given title).

Also... at the model release area on bottom of my submission page, none of my model releases appear.  Is this my problem?  I can see the releases if I go to "account"  "model release manager".  Am I supposed to do something to them to get them onto the submission page?  I think Keith said that I don't have to attach them to each photo?  What are the "Send the file" or "share the file buttons?  Nothing happens when I click.


« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2008, 18:24 »
No worries, get the photos uploaded, FTP'd, mailed, delivered by messenger pigeon, and we will, get the good ones online with all the data contained in them, in addition to our own editorial services creative keywording service.

Similarly, get a model release to us by upload (the new way is via the submissions page), email, private message, paper airplane (SSL 128 bit only please), etc. and we will have both our legal behinds covered for the rare situation of a model legality dispute.

« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2008, 19:40 »
Review time is based on keywords. Images with keywords get reviewed much faster than those without.
I can't imagine anybody spending an hour to postprocess an image and then not keyword it properly. Keywords are the key to sales for a photographer like SEO is to a site.

I can imagine the confusion of PixArt though. After FTP upload, the images seem to disappear in Le Grand Nant (the great void) and no way to see on the site (unless I missed it) whether all of the IPTC was imported properly. Some sites had problems with keyword separators for instance, and the only way to find out is if you could see the actual imported title/description/keywords.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2008, 19:47 by FlemishDreams »

« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2008, 20:00 »
After doing quite a bit of looking around on the site, and then clicking 'edit tags' on my one image, I realized you could only have 20 keywords.  I have a substantial amount in waiting at the moment, but I just submitted a batch with 20 or under keywords.  Can you delete those in waiting???  I know there are filters and stuff, but if I can delete what I got, I'd love to reupload with edited keys under the 20 limit.

My frustration is that when uploading, you can't even edit those images in waiting, or as Flemish pointed out, see if they uploaded with all data intact.  I love the site.  It's just gonna take me some getting used to.

« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2008, 03:02 »

Clivia> 5 images of yours have been accepted. we have no more in our queue from you.

In that case there is something wrong. When I log in I can see 14 images all with the little clock symbol for images pending, and showing the upload date as 24th December.
I have asked repeatedly both by email and on this site, and been assured that my images were in the queue and would be dealt with. In one email I offered to re upload, and was assures this was not necessary. Obviously something is not working properly with your site.

« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2008, 03:03 »

Clivia> 5 images of yours have been accepted. we have no more in our queue from you.

In that case there is something wrong. When I log in I can see 14 images all with the little clock symbol for images pending, and showing the upload date as 24th December. The 5 approved images were uploaded much earlier.
I have asked repeatedly both by email and on this site, and been assured that my images were in the queue and would be dealt with. In one email I offered to re upload, and was assured this was not necessary. Obviously something is not working properly with your site.


« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2008, 08:07 »

I see why Paul couldn't see the files you mention:  you have submitted computer-generated graphics into the photos queue.   There is a graphics upload page that is for these.

We are still in beta and don't have all possible functions we would like, i.e. a button for our editors to move simply move incorrectly placed files people have uploaded into the wrong file type queue, into the proper queue.  For now it would be appreciated if the instructions on the upload pages are adhered to explicitly - we are catching up on the queue rapidly but files showing up where they shouldn't definitely won't help.

This ability to move file types between the queues in the event of confusion on the part of the uploader has been logged in our issue tracker and will be dealt with.

« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2008, 13:13 »
OK, so do we have to separate our files into graphics and photos when uploading by FTP? The files go straight into my submissions queue, how do I put them into the correct queue?
I upload to 12 sites with no problems, and have been uploading for three years, this must be the most trying!


« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2008, 13:41 »
If you submit via FTP it's best to do different filetypes in their own batches.  A computer still isn't the best judge of whether a JPG file is a photo or a graphic, so to keep things efficient it's just best not to mix them up.   

We've considered making permanent sub-folders in the FTP, one for photos, graphics, fonts and video. Perhaps this would simplify things.

« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2008, 14:45 »
Thanks, guys.  My initial 10 were approved today so it appears that everything arrived fine.  One of them isn't in my profile, but it's there in the search which is more important.  Interesting to see the various prices attached to different photos.  (I sure wouldn't mind getting some of those $49 sales!)

« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2008, 03:18 »
Hi, sorry to keep on about this in a public forum, but it affects a lot of people who may find it useful.
I have uploaded three small batches.
One contains a photo and an illustration.
One is two photos.
One is two illustrations.
All uploaded seperately by FTP.
Now, when you do your thing and put them on the site they should be moved into my submissions queue, like all my other uploads were.
What do I do next? How do I put them into the correct queue? I cannot find any instrutions on the site.
I would appreciate a quick reply because I could spend the weekend uploading. (I have twisted my ankle, and I cannot get around for a few days. I am stuck at the compuer instead of taking pictures  :'(


« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2008, 06:50 »
No problem.. having these types of discussions in a public forum has it's pluses and minuses - it's pretty disconnected as a support channel, but on the plus side, you are correct that we can answer more than one persons questions in this way.       Until things settle down a bit on Zymm and we can get our Wiki properly edited, i'm sure these types of questions are on peoples minds.

We are continuing to work on the efficiency of the FTP > Approval workflow.  I will personally sort out your FTP dir and hopefully can find a way to create additional sub-folders in peoples root FTP folder - I think just having 4 sub-folders as mentioned, as in /photos, /graphics, /fonts, /video will be the ideal way to let people put the files into the right 'inbox'.

Get well soon with the ankle.. I recommend Horsetail Extract pills, and easy excerise after swelling starts to go down. Been there done that a million times.. :)

« Reply #22 on: March 08, 2008, 07:34 »
Its great that you are prepared to respond so openly in the forum. Thanks a lot for your help. The four folders idea sounds like it would work.
Horsetail extract. I never heard of that. As a gardener I spend lots of time trying to eradicate horsetail, its a terrible weed! Thanks for the tip, I will get my husband to look for some when he is shopping this afternoon. ;)


« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2008, 07:55 »
We have added the following folders to each members private FTP folder:


So, in the future, please upload the different media types into their appropriate folder.     

(Now I need to get some coffee going and sort out the current mess :) )

« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2008, 08:51 »
We have added the following folders to each members private FTP folder:


So, in the future, please upload the different media types into their appropriate folder.     

(Now I need to get some coffee going and sort out the current mess :) )

I will make sure to use them in future. Yesterday I uploaded about a third of my portfolio. I will wait to do any more until you have put them onto the site, then I will sort them before upload.

Thanks for being so responsive in this, its great to have a site that listens.  ;D


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