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Author Topic: Zymmetrical increases commision to 70%  (Read 12770 times)

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« on: October 09, 2007, 14:05 »
Here is the press release :, the first midstock digital art marketplace announces 70% royalty for all contributors.

October 9, 2007. New York, NY, For immediate release : Zymmetrical, the first and leading midstock digital art marktplace is now offering its past and present contributors an amazing 70% on their sales. Already ground breaking with the launch of its auto suggest search feature more than a year ago, Zymmetrical continues to innovate at a rapid pace. Contributors get to set there own prices on any art they submit to a marketplace visible in 8 different languages. The site itself is optimized to be the best friend of all the search engines worldwide, making it an unmistakable destination for anyone looking to purchase royalty free content.  With a wide offering of fonts, clips, graphic and photography, Zymmetrical has quickly become the number one resource center for visual professionals around the world. Its state of the art ranking system, Zyrank, paired with creative search algorithms allows anyone to quickly locate the right content for the job.  With prices fitting the budget conscious buyer while still allowing contributors to make a living, it is setting new standards in the industry. It can be found at

About Zymmetrical : Founded in 2006 by Keith Tuomi who already had found success with, it is the first ever midstock digital visual art marketplace in the world. It offers, in 8 different languages, fonts, videos, graphics and photography. Contributors set their own price for their royalty free content and buyers can choose from a wide array of worldwide offering. Continuously updated with new content , it has quickly become an invaluable destination for the budget conscious unwilling to compromise with quality. Zymmetrical is based in Vancouver and has an office in New York.

« Last Edit: October 09, 2007, 14:15 by ZymmMan »

« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2007, 19:00 »
Is this a long term thing, or is it temporary due to the lack of photos on the site (1,773)?

Some of us still remember remember this thread:

« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2007, 21:13 »
Ah, yes...such fond sweet memories of that thread  :D.  Well, in fairness to them, they seem to be actually putting some serious work into their site, even though they still somewhat lack contributors.  Everyone has to start somewhere.  Perhaps their concept may be worth checking out.  Although I think at this point it's a gamble.  I believe it does say something for microstock that they're actually back here soliciting once again.  Maybe the quality of our work actually makes us worth courting??  Imagine that!

« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2007, 02:59 »
Ten out of ten for effort.

But is anyone here a member? Any personal experiences to relate? And ... more important ... any sales? 70% of 0 is 0

That thread, with its sneaky 'encouragement' did not exactly encourage me to submit, coupled with the fact that they have a tiny image base. I did a search on 'business' and it threw up 12 images, most of which weren't terribly relevant. For me, at the moment, it doesn't seem worth the effort.

It's tough setting up in this business now. Good luck!

« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2007, 03:56 »
I might consider uploading if they paid me.  There are too many sites already and that previous thread puts me off.

« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2007, 05:11 »
I guess they resorted to the cheap beer.

« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2007, 06:15 »
Seriously, though, 1773 files is stunning. My portfolio is about half of theirs. I guess it just goes to show that sites like microstockgroup do make a difference. Has anyone here heard of them insulting contributors on other sites? Or was the original post a one-off?


« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2007, 06:24 »
Dear FreedomFries,

Walk into my office and act rude, and you'll be asked to leave. Some on here think because it's the internet you can be rude and expect a call-center response, sorry, it doesn't work that way with our business. We are not AOL and we don't want the business of unfriendly artists.  If that's an issue for you, then simply move on to the next forum thread, is it so hard?


« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2007, 06:34 »
Ten out of ten for effort.

But is anyone here a member? Any personal experiences to relate? And ... more important ... any sales? 70% of 0 is 0

That thread, with its sneaky 'encouragement' did not exactly encourage me to submit, coupled with the fact that they have a tiny image base. I did a search on 'business' and it threw up 12 images, most of which weren't terribly relevant. For me, at the moment, it doesn't seem worth the effort.

It's tough setting up in this business now. Good luck!

Thanks- it's indeed much work.     

The image count is a work in progress but admittedly not the highest priority until recently - the system must work flawlessly before we fill 'er up. There's 110K on deck but they must be moved out gradually to avoid rocking the boat.       


« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2007, 06:40 »
I might consider uploading if they paid me.  There are too many sites already and that previous thread puts me off.

We have carefully considered the pre-payment model but at this time it doesn't seem to be in the best long-term interests of both us as the people running the firm and the people participating as Artists. We need to keep the business viable, and have instituted the Zyrank ranking system to make sure that the best photos rise to the top and earn more money for the Artists.

When such a commerce system works as intended, there should be no need to pre-pay artists as they will be making earnings as designed. Thats the plan at least.  :)

« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2007, 06:44 »
Dear FreedomFries,

Walk into my office and act rude, and you'll be asked to leave. Some on here think because it's the internet you can be rude and expect a call-center response, sorry, it doesn't work that way with our business. We are not AOL and we don't want the business of unfriendly artists.  If that's an issue for you, then simply move on to the next forum thread, is it so hard?

Yes, but it isnt your office, is it? Its an open forum for everyone, read by hundreds of potential customers/contributors. Youre not just responding to me- youre responding to everyone here. Regardless of whos right and wrong- most people here associate your site with the agressive face you put on it.
A safe, AOL style response would be a good idea because it gives the facts without offending anyone. In this way, we would all learn to associate your site with bland, friendly professionalism, which is what will earn money. The fact that you cant take your aggression out of your official posts makes me think that you only have 1773 files because you spend your time insulting contributors.
Which would you upload your hard work to- the site of an aggressive person who spends half the time fighting people in forums, or the site of a bland AOL style announcer who politely states facts?


« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2007, 06:54 »
FFBE, asking for, at best, civil commentary I think is hardly being aggressive.

« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2007, 07:11 »
Ten out of ten for effort.

But is anyone here a member? Any personal experiences to relate? And ... more important ... any sales? 70% of 0 is 0

It's tough setting up in this business now. Good luck!

Everyone has to start somewhere, unless they can afford to buy an image base, remember Totally Photos.
I actually sold the first image I uploaded there while the rest were still awaiting approval.  And when I logged in yesterday my earnings had jumped from 50% to 70%.
I have had two small problems in the site, they are still beta, and each time I emailed support and received a personal and polite reply thanking me for making them aware of the problem, followed by another email when the problem had been taken care of.
I know I have only a handful of images up there right now, but that will soon be changing.

« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2007, 07:54 »
One does not achieve success by blocking the others. At Zymmetrical, we roll out new features, new options in order to make all our members successful, not to bring other businesses to the ground.

We are extremely proud of what we have achieved up to now, considering the size of our company. We had the autosuggest feature more than a year before other sites. The fact that they are now implementing the same is a sign that we are on the right track. Being copied is the best form of encouragement. We sold midstock before other bigger companies even thought about it. Another sign that we are on the right track.
Like a lot of new companies breaking ground, part of what we do will get some people upset and defensive. We understand that and are willing to take the risk. We are in this business for the long run and not to sell out as soon as possible. We care about the success of our members because it is linked to out success.

Join who wants to join. It's a personal choice that should not be the result of others decisions. We are aware that it will take some time for us to achieve the same payback as other sites are currently offering. But since our prices are higher and our offering broader, we have no doubt that it will eventually exceeds everyone expectations.

Some of you are happy with the sites they currently contribute to and that is fine. Others are early adopters and like to try new options. We encourage that. This is the reason we post here, like we do on other forums. We want to keep you inform of your options for growth.

Finally, we are doers and not talkers. Our actions speak for us. We concentrate our marketing powers towards the image buyers. Our results, up to know, have been beyond our wildest hopes. We will continue to show you that there is not barriers that we cannot overcome and that we will not stop until we have achieved our goal. We are stubbornly obsessed with success . We hope that if you are too, you will join our growing community.


Paul Melcher

« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2007, 08:42 »
I'm not a contributor to Zymmetrical (I already work with 22 agencies that I'm having trouble keeping on top of) but I think this is a venture that may be worth your while and I may sign up within the next couple of months (mostly a function of having time to get established on another site).

Paul has the background to make this succeed - many don't research the people behind an agency and many don't read the TOS an agency puts out to their contributors.  This is something I insist on doing.

If you want to make this a relative comparison - Paul has been doing this for almost 20 years and he's been successful most of the time.  He's worked at Digital Railroad and helped them develop their business, he's built up an agency and sold it to Corbis, he's got a good track record.

Let's look at Fotolia - and the background of their CEO....who is also CURRENTLY CEO of, CURRENTLY CEO of, CURRENTLY CEO of and is currently a director of Reachdown Ventures - a venture capitalist firm (nothing to do with photography and no success record with stock agencies).

Let's look at US Photostock - run a by Russian economist who also sells advice on how to get rich quick playing the U.S. stock market (nothing to do with photography and no success record with stock agencies).

I say if you can, give them a chance - it may take some time but it could be worth your while - especially at a 70% commission.

« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2007, 09:56 »
So are we allowed to upload our microstock photos?  If not, I already upload to macro sites like Alamy and Photoshelter, so I wont have time to take photos for micro, macro and midstock.

« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2007, 10:08 »
Absolutely !!! everyone is welcomed.

« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2007, 15:16 »
I signed up with Zymmetrical yesterday, but checking the contributors page it looks to me they're more artistic than the common stock images. 

I haven't tried some searches to see what comes up. 


« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2007, 17:49 »

Finally, we are doers and not talkers. Our actions speak for us. We concentrate our marketing powers towards the image buyers. Our results, up to know, have been beyond our wildest hopes. We will continue to show you that there is not barriers that we cannot overcome and that we will not stop until we have achieved our goal. We are stubbornly obsessed with success . We hope that if you are too, you will join our growing community.

Paul Melcher
That was a nice posting Paul. I'd still suggest hiring someone to do P.R. Keith's (zymmetricaldotcom) posting is a prime example of why such a hire is necessary. I can see you're "stubbornly obsessed with success", but it's not coming off in a good way. It's one thing if people were being rude in Keith's office, but this isn't Keith's office. It's an open forum where lively debate on all aspects of microstock occurs.

One question for you: Since you're a "midstock" site, do you offer rights-managed licenses or do you plan to do so in the future?

« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2007, 07:20 »
Thank you for your kind note, yingyang0.

"One question for you: Since you're a "midstock" site, do you offer rights-managed licenses or do you plan to do so in the future?"

That is a great question. Currently, we  do not offer a rights-managed license.  We are certainly thinking about this option along with many other licensing opportunities. However, editorial and advertising image buyers, the main users of rights-managed licenses, can and are using Zymmetrical. In the mean time, If we do get a request from a buyer that would wish to use an image and apply some restrictions to it, we will certainly handle it by contacting the owner and negotiating a fee.

On another note, we have had great response to our latest press release and an impressive level of sign ups.  We are hard at work editing the new images . Don't be surprised if you see familiars names...

« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2007, 13:08 »

As I said, I signed up, but the images I saw looke dmore like artistic stuff than stock.  I am confused.


« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2007, 13:35 »
Dear Maledaide,

No need to be confused. What you see is what some of our members have uploaded. We do not impose any creative direction, besides, obviously, rejecting poor entries. It is up to you to decide what you would like to upload and at what price. From what I see on the other sites you submit to, your work is perfectly appropriate for Zymmetrical and we would be honored to host your work.

Hope this answers your question ?

Paul Melcher


  • Please use the hand rail.
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2007, 14:33 »
Just a feedback on my experiences with the site. I keep getting errors for searches and lots of broken thumb image links. Is your site IE only? I use Firefox and I thought I remembered a previous comment that may have referred to this. Is so, tsk tsk.   I will refrain from my other technical experiences on the site for now given that they may be tainted by this very large, imo, issue. 

Others have mentioned the images on the site as being more art then stock which may be true, but I also saw some images that seemed to contradict that observation and their tag line on the front page. "The best in stock art online". I realize everyone has an opinion and it can be very subjective, but in my view a lot of the images I saw (right up front without searching) where of the snap shot variety. No offense to anyone, I just wonder how that mix is reconciled or if it needs to be-it makes me wonder.

« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2007, 16:48 »
Just a feedback on my experiences with the site. I keep getting errors for searches and lots of broken thumb image links. Is your site IE only? I use Firefox and I thought I remembered a previous comment that may have referred to this. Is so, tsk tsk.   I will refrain from my other technical experiences on the site for now given that they may be tainted by this very large, imo, issue. 

Same problem here.... but I'm using IE 7

« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2007, 17:45 »
Dear Altimages,

Welcome to the forum. Love your images by the way. Great website. You might be experiencing broken thumbnails for various reasons, some probably due to the fact that we are updating our content extremely fast and that your browser might not have had the time to cache them properly. It is irrelevant of which browser you are using. It is part of the growing pains of a site with a lot of new content posted regularly. Our engineers has been have been hard at work to solve this issue and it will disappear quite quickly.
I do not quite know what to say about the "error" in your searches as you do not give any details.
Finally, you give your opinion about the value of the content and we appreciate that. As you quite correctly say, it is only your opinion and there is nothing more subjective than that. We will only let the judges that really matter make the final call : the image buyers.
On a more general manner, please keep in mind that zymmetrical is still in its Beta version and that you will experience some bugs here and there. We are not hiding them nor pretend they do not exist. We do appreciate all your comments and input as we continue our thrive into making it perfect. We will hit some bumps, like all the other sites have done, before and after us, but will not stop until all are fixed.
However, with your help and your input, associated with the fabulous support and feedback we are getting from image buyers, we continue are commitment to excellence and perfection. Not only in functionalities but in performance. We have introduce a lot of features that are now being copied by our competitors and will also continue to prove our commitment with actions rather than long speeches.
What you will always see on zymmetrical is progress, innovation, sparks of genius, not only in its functionalities but in its content thanks to an ever growing membership that has the same passion for success then we do. We hope you will join us and reap all the benefits you well deserve.


Paul Melcher


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