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Author Topic: upload issue?  (Read 24550 times)

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« Reply #25 on: August 08, 2018, 15:59 »
The new, new contributors button just came back. The green hair snowflake must of just reinstalled it again..

« Reply #26 on: August 09, 2018, 10:27 »
My new contributor button is gone again.
Its been moved to the right! Nice to see their laser like focus on the really important things.

« Reply #27 on: August 12, 2018, 05:02 »
I've been looking for the missing 'contributors' for ages, thanks Pauws99

All for nothing though, nothing has gone through there approval for over a month

Is there anyone out there...

« Reply #28 on: August 13, 2018, 23:52 »
Hi - Are there delays in the review of uploaded images ? Mine have been pending for over a month. Thanks.

« Reply #29 on: August 14, 2018, 14:01 »
Andy and Stephanie Sitt appear still to be at the helm of Inmagine, 123rf's parent company, but they're busy with all sorts of offshoot projects and it looks like minding the store at 123rf is not a priority

Some of these other projects are as far from running stock agency as you can get, such as this 3 day blockchain training "powered by Inmagine" they ran in July:

Other things seem closer to their original business, such as the acquisition of Vectr and Story & Heart last November, although their overblown descriptions of Inmagine: "...a global leader in the creative industry, continues to strengthen its global creative ecosystem" don't alter the fact that they don't do much with the businesses they acquire

Other than a rather garbled blog post about bug fixes and improved speed, it's not clear what Vectr has done as part of Inmagine's stable

Inmagine also partnered with GliaCloud:

Earlier in 2017 Inmagine had acquired Pixlr from Autodesk as part of this "ecosystem" expansion:

At the time, one of the big things needed was to remove the requirement to use Flash

In January of this year, the Pixlr founder joined Inmagine group to run development on Pixlr

Whatever he has done, Pixlr still requires Flash (I just went to their site to try and run it and it complained that I don't have Flash - something no one in their right mind should still be using).

The group is still hiring - look at the list of openings on the right:

Bottom line is that there is a lot of activity, PR buzzwords and big talk from Inmagine, but when it comes to actually delivering on promises, they fall way short.

I assume that's why they weren't able to sell the group or take it public, two other things talked about in trade rags a couple of years back. Perhaps they hope if they keep issuing press releases about new things - like blockchain training - no one will notice that existing parts of their business are withering on the vine for lack of attention...

« Reply #30 on: August 15, 2018, 05:18 »
Sounds like they are jumping on any trendy buzzword filled bandwagon going ;-).

« Reply #31 on: August 15, 2018, 19:41 »
I uploaded some video about 10 weeks ago and emailed them five weeks later asking when they would be reviewed.  They responded in a day and approved them.  Here it is weeks later and the videos still do not show up in my port. But that's about it for me with 123.  My videos used to sell there (2-3 a month) now they never sell.  I've posted before that my sales went from roughly $200 a month to about $30 a month within a short period of time (perhaps 6 months). Now, it is a turtle race between Dreamstime and 123 to see who hits $30 first:)
« Last Edit: August 16, 2018, 12:01 by Mantis »

« Reply #32 on: August 30, 2018, 06:59 »
And again 123RF web upload is not possible from Holland (Statement: 'failed to open output stream') already for several hours now....


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