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Author Topic: How to sell your camera stuff on the internet....so you can buy more stuff  (Read 7017 times)

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« on: March 16, 2011, 17:46 »
Someone at work asked me how to sell a dslr camera that he had because he could use the cash to get another camera.  He knew about craigslist and ebay but had never done anything with either.   I have been using both for so long that I forgot that it took me a while to learn how to use those places.   Now I mainly use ebay.

But.... I thought...maybe this is another excuse for a blog posting... a tutorial about some of the ins and outs of selling stuff on ebay.

I think this would be of great use for a beginner.  I would also love to hear about any "tricks" that the more experienced people have that I might have missed.  I can add them to my posting.

The posting is here :  http://www.bobkeenanphoto.com/sell-dslr-stuff-internet/


« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2011, 18:57 »
  Hey Bob-   Great blog post! Really helpful and detailed. I've sold a few things but it was more or less just guessing. Thanks a lot for a great post.

« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2011, 19:02 »
Also try the forums at FredMiranda.com.  They have a very active buy&sell forum, with ratings and feedback about buyers and sellers.  I got my Canon 1D-mkII through them and it has served me well for 2 years.

« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2011, 21:56 »
Also try the forums at FredMiranda.com.  They have a very active buy&sell forum, with ratings and feedback about buyers and sellers.  I got my Canon 1D-mkII through them and it has served me well for 2 years.
  Yea  I recently registered at fredmiranda.com   and posted the same blog there.  I was not aware of the buy and sell portion of their site......   So I got all sorts of opinions about how great their site is for buying and selling.  They have a point so I added it to my blog site.    But I still think your best chance for the highest price will be ebay.   But it may be better to buy at FM ?

« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2011, 23:28 »
most people buying use the search based on title, so pack the title with as much relevant info as possible, put in both say 24-70mm and 24-70 mm to get people that search for either, make sure you have 'camera' or 'lens' in title as it is often missed.
ebay for me

When buying dont put in camera or lens as often people sometimes miss it and then miss the main searches so end up cheaper.  You are sometimes better off leaving the search more vague and choosing search description (and/or do multiple searches with different terms) and then narrow search results on price and location.
Use the wildcard * and the -'ve to remove stuff you dont want

so if I want say a sony 24-70mm lens, I quick check shows me (ebay australia) the cheapest new is $1575 so set a search for

sony 24-70* with price set to between $1000-$1550 and search 'description' and 'worldwide'. That way I've got rid of the filters etc, the tamron and sigmas and the new ones. Those on bids below $1000 will turn up before they finish if they are decent. And I am seeing all the variants of titles etc.

If you dont mind older lenses, sometimes they still have a camera attached :)

« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2011, 07:50 »
When selling  camera stuff I would put them up on eBay and then post on Fredmiranda. I would bump the post every 24 hours or so. When buying, I check Fredmiranda first then ebay. However, I never buy used cameras. It's pretty much accessories.


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