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Author Topic: 60D??  (Read 27582 times)

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  • Success level is directly proportional to effort
« on: July 21, 2010, 02:54 »
I'm wondering when the new 60D will be announced and what it will feature?
I can't imagine it would trump the 7D in terms of features and quality?
I have seen rumours on the net saying it might feature an  APS-H size (1.3x crop) sensor: Digic IV 18 MP, a flip-out LCD screen etc.

What are your thoughts?

Anyone got some inside info? and perhaps a launch date?
Rumours say it may be launched today actually..


« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2010, 03:56 »
Nah... They rock enough with 5DMkII and 550D... They will not need any new model until Nikon catches up...


  • Success level is directly proportional to effort
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2010, 04:13 »
Nah... They rock enough with 5DMkII and 550D... They will not need any new model until Nikon catches up...

You think? But Canon currently has no decent offering at around the $1100 mark.
It's the Rebels around $800, then the 7D around $1700.
Surely they need to introduce an upgrade to the dismal 50D?

« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2010, 04:17 »
Don't be surprised if Nikon starts using Foveon sensors.

Patrick H.


  • Success level is directly proportional to effort
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2010, 04:20 »
Don't be surprised if Nikon starts using Foveon sensors.

Patrick H.

Which Sigma now owns? And Sigma has already introduced two cameras that use this. ;)
That should be interesting!

« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2010, 04:23 »
Nah... They rock enough with 5DMkII and 550D... They will not need any new model until Nikon catches up...

You think? But Canon currently has no decent offering at around the $1100 mark.
It's the Rebels around $800, then the 7D around $1700.
Surely they need to introduce an upgrade to the dismal 50D?

I don't feel that... I had choice to buy 5DMkII or 550D and gone for 550D. Not so much difference for the price especially in video ;-)

« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2010, 04:24 »
Don't be surprised if Nikon starts using Foveon sensors.

Patrick H.

No... They will stick with Sony for some time... Weddings and news - NIKON - all the rest mostly Canon including news...

It is just fact that flashes better work on Nikon than on Canon!
« Last Edit: July 21, 2010, 04:27 by Albert Martin »

« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2010, 14:35 »
Nah... They rock enough with 5DMkII and 550D... They will not need any new model until Nikon catches up...

You think? But Canon currently has no decent offering at around the $1100 mark.
It's the Rebels around $800, then the 7D around $1700.
Surely they need to introduce an upgrade to the dismal 50D?

I don't feel that... I had choice to buy 5DMkII or 550D and gone for 550D. Not so much difference for the price especially in video ;-)


« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2010, 12:43 »
Nah... They rock enough with 5DMkII and 550D... They will not need any new model until Nikon catches up...

You think? But Canon currently has no decent offering at around the $1100 mark.
It's the Rebels around $800, then the 7D around $1700.
Surely they need to introduce an upgrade to the dismal 50D?

I don't feel that... I had choice to buy 5DMkII or 550D and gone for 550D. Not so much difference for the price especially in video ;-)

Interesting...  Video is darn close between all 3 models (5DM2, 7D and 550D).  But there are differences.  The 550D does not support all of the ISO modes that the 75/5D do and that has been a problem.  Even with stills. The 5D outclasses both the 7D and 5D in stills in my opinion.  Even though the mega-pixel size is smaller, that full size sensor makes a huge difference.  And the number 1 reason to pick a 7D or 5D over the 550D is weather proofing.  You cannot take the 550D out in the rain, heavy fog or even severely humid conditions.

I love my 550D and I'd highly recommend it to anyone on a budget, but if I had the money I'd have gotten the 7D.


  • Success level is directly proportional to effort
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2010, 02:06 »

Interesting...  Video is darn close between all 3 models (5DM2, 7D and 550D).  But there are differences.  The 550D does not support all of the ISO modes that the 75/5D do and that has been a problem.  Even with stills. The 5D outclasses both the 7D and 5D in stills in my opinion.  Even though the mega-pixel size is smaller, that full size sensor makes a huge difference.  And the number 1 reason to pick a 7D or 5D over the 550D is weather proofing.  You cannot take the 550D out in the rain, heavy fog or even severely humid conditions.

I love my 550D and I'd highly recommend it to anyone on a budget, but if I had the money I'd have gotten the 7D.

I agree. I'm currently shooting with a 450D, waiting for a wortwhile upgrade.
Funny thing - when I would take my camera down to the coast on diving trips (in South Africa), for the first day or so it wouldn't allow me to shoot in anything but Auto (which is almost pointless).
I've noticed that with the 400D and 500D as well, on odd occasions, only at the coast in summer (very very humid).   :o
So, the weather proofing (lack of) explains it all.

Nonetheless, I think I'll wait till end September before making a call. I'm pretty certain Canon will launch the 60D, since the 50D was launched in 2008, and is in dire need of an upgrade.
It's time for me to make a move into a better class of camera, but I really can't afford the 5D MkII, as much as I would absolutely LOVE one :(

The 7D is closer to what I want to spend, but there are rumours that the 60D could feature some really cool stuff, and a Digic V processor, which is probably something to wait for.

« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2010, 05:17 »
Nah... They rock enough with 5DMkII and 550D... They will not need any new model until Nikon catches up...

You think? But Canon currently has no decent offering at around the $1100 mark.
It's the Rebels around $800, then the 7D around $1700.
Surely they need to introduce an upgrade to the dismal 50D?

I don't feel that... I had choice to buy 5DMkII or 550D and gone for 550D. Not so much difference for the price especially in video ;-)

Interesting...  Video is darn close between all 3 models (5DM2, 7D and 550D).  But there are differences.  The 550D does not support all of the ISO modes that the 75/5D do and that has been a problem.  Even with stills. The 5D outclasses both the 7D and 5D in stills in my opinion.  Even though the mega-pixel size is smaller, that full size sensor makes a huge difference.  And the number 1 reason to pick a 7D or 5D over the 550D is weather proofing.  You cannot take the 550D out in the rain, heavy fog or even severely humid conditions.

I love my 550D and I'd highly recommend it to anyone on a budget, but if I had the money I'd have gotten the 7D.

Dude, What is the problem? That you must select ISO 100 or ISO 200 instead of ISO 135 or ISO 155 (just trying to better describe that difference) or dedicated video button and more extra buttons on camera body? That is not a problem at all if you know how to compensate through aperture and exposure as well if you don't need to have it blast fast in function. At least, in stock photography and video you don't need blast fast camera. No big deal at all if you know how. I don't think it is so huge difference at all regarding sensor size. It is different that if you need deeper DOF you should take crop sensor camera and if you need it shallower then full frame. Anyhow, any technical or your mistake is better visible on full frame camera images than on crop. Don't forget that full frame will need extra quality lenses which may cost real small fortune!
I do have experience in working with various Nikons and Canons... They all are very good tools. But, if you do stock then you don't really need to spend fortune for camera body with few extra buttons and a bit better ISO sensitivity or color deep. Anyway with Canon 550D you can do videos of quality which really rare big buck camcorders can even match. Not to mention double function in photography...

« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2010, 05:24 »
Nah... They rock enough with 5DMkII and 550D... They will not need any new model until Nikon catches up...

You think? But Canon currently has no decent offering at around the $1100 mark.
It's the Rebels around $800, then the 7D around $1700.
Surely they need to introduce an upgrade to the dismal 50D?

I don't feel that... I had choice to buy 5DMkII or 550D and gone for 550D. Not so much difference for the price especially in video ;-)


What is funny here? I made my choice because I already have Nikon D3X - why would I throw my money away for something what can't ever match my prime camera body? I took that little light camera to have it for full HD video and I don't see why I should pay extra for 5DMkII which is heavier with that I needed to buy some extra lenses which are video oriented ;-)

[added]: I am experimenting with sterography, 3D imaging and 3D video... I will buy one more 550D soon too ;-)
One more notice: Canon lenses really sucks over Nikons! But, if you're lucky you can find some good pieces. For example old manual lenses with tag made in USSR will fit your canon with an cheap adapter and perform much better than expensive Canon branded.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 05:33 by Albert Martin »


« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2010, 08:44 »
Nah... They rock enough with 5DMkII and 550D... They will not need any new model until Nikon catches up...

You think? But Canon currently has no decent offering at around the $1100 mark.
It's the Rebels around $800, then the 7D around $1700.
Surely they need to introduce an upgrade to the dismal 50D?

I don't feel that... I had choice to buy 5DMkII or 550D and gone for 550D. Not so much difference for the price especially in video ;-)


What is funny here? I made my choice because I already have Nikon D3X - why would I throw my money away for something what can't ever match my prime camera body? I took that little light camera to have it for full HD video and I don't see why I should pay extra for 5DMkII which is heavier with that I needed to buy some extra lenses which are video oriented ;-)

[added]: I am experimenting with sterography, 3D imaging and 3D video... I will buy one more 550D soon too ;-)
One more notice: Canon lenses really sucks over Nikons! But, if you're lucky you can find some good pieces. For example old manual lenses with tag made in USSR will fit your canon with an cheap adapter and perform much better than expensive Canon branded.

I realize that you are baiting but couldn't resist a comment ....  All this from someone who paid $8,000 for a $5,000 camera.


« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2010, 08:47 »

I realize that you are baiting but couldn't resist a comment ....  All this from someone who paid $8,000 for a $5,000 camera.

^^ Excellent point, Warren :)

From reading a few of his posts I get the feeling that everything Albert Martin knows about photography and stock could fit on the head of a pin, with plenty of room left over for several dancing angels ;D

« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2010, 09:05 »

I realize that you are baiting but couldn't resist a comment ....  All this from someone who paid $8,000 for a $5,000 camera.

^^ Excellent point, Warren :)

From reading a few of his posts I get the feeling that everything Albert Martin knows about photography and stock could fit on the head of a pin, with plenty of room left over for several dancing angels ;D

You're right - I don't know anything about photography or stock at all ;-)

[Added] Do you know how to calculate how much money you have lost until you became black diamond on IS? Is it about 80%? You should calculate by multiplying your earnings times 3 for example and you will see how in fact you are screwed for that 'black diamond' status.
Someone don't know nothing about photography and someone don't know nothing about maths... We are all bad students it seems...
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 09:14 by Albert Martin »

« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2010, 09:07 »
Nah... They rock enough with 5DMkII and 550D... They will not need any new model until Nikon catches up...

You think? But Canon currently has no decent offering at around the $1100 mark.
It's the Rebels around $800, then the 7D around $1700.
Surely they need to introduce an upgrade to the dismal 50D?

I don't feel that... I had choice to buy 5DMkII or 550D and gone for 550D. Not so much difference for the price especially in video ;-)


What is funny here? I made my choice because I already have Nikon D3X - why would I throw my money away for something what can't ever match my prime camera body? I took that little light camera to have it for full HD video and I don't see why I should pay extra for 5DMkII which is heavier with that I needed to buy some extra lenses which are video oriented ;-)

[added]: I am experimenting with sterography, 3D imaging and 3D video... I will buy one more 550D soon too ;-)
One more notice: Canon lenses really sucks over Nikons! But, if you're lucky you can find some good pieces. For example old manual lenses with tag made in USSR will fit your canon with an cheap adapter and perform much better than expensive Canon branded.

I realize that you are baiting but couldn't resist a comment ....  All this from someone who paid $8,000 for a $5,000 camera.

Nah... I wouldn't pay so much for camera. I got it as present from my publisher.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 09:17 by Albert Martin »

« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2010, 09:18 »
BTW, too much sarcasm and egoistic behavior here... It sucks!

« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2010, 10:18 »
BTW, too much sarcasm and egoistic behavior here... It sucks!

Yes, you do present that type of attitude and it does suck...

And no, you can't always compensate for the lack of using "NATIVE" ISOs with aperature, exposure or even filters.  If you knew anything about Canon cameras, you'd know that.  Using a native ISO gives you perfect exposure without having to mess with any other settings and is ideal.  Yes, you can get close with other tricks, but still not perfect and "perfection" is something we should all aspire too.

As I said in my previous post, I love my 550D.  It is by far the best "video" camera I have owned to date (and since it does stills, I have significantly increased my still portfolio on microstock sites with images that sell better than the illustrations I did previously).  But I have rented a 7D and borrowed a 5D for a few projects and using them side-by-side with the 550D they consistently recorded a better image.  Although, the difference was marginal.  Still, better is better and for the price difference I would totally expect it.

For anyone on a tight budget, I would highly recommend the 550D/T2i.  But if they can possibly afford a 7D, I would definitely go with that over the 550D for reasons stated previously.  As soon as the summer slump is over and sales pick back up, I'm going to get a 7D and give my 550D to my daughter who has spent the summer letting me teach her photography and videography.


« Reply #18 on: July 23, 2010, 11:20 »
Dave, thanks for the side/by/side comparison of the various cameras.  The only one of those three I have used is the 5D, but I am considering a 7D as a second camera because of the APS-C sensor and the built in flash.  Those features are nice for shooting family events and church functions when I don't want to lug a lot of gear.

I am currently using a 40D, but the focus and exposure have always been a bit erratic with it, so I would love to upgrade to something more reliable with higher IQ. 

Did you have an opinion of the image quality and functionality of the 7D vs. the 5D?  
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 12:02 by lisafx »

« Reply #19 on: July 23, 2010, 15:59 »
Did you have an opinion of the image quality and functionality of the 7D vs. the 5D?  

I didn't shoot very many stills with the 7D and 5D, but the image quality was pretty close.  The 5D has less moire when shooting bricks, fences, etc.. because of the full size sensor.  As for Video, they were nearly dead on identical in footage when using the same settings.  In fact, I was able to use the exact same keying settings when keying footage between the two.

A good friend of mine has a 7D as his backup and he personally prefers it for stills, although I didn't ask why... but I will ask him.  But 90% of the stills he submits to SS, IS and FL are from his 7D.

Also, I just got back from this morning's photo judging at our county fair (open division) and of the 8 images I submitted, four won ribbons and I got Best in Show for the Journalism category.  All 8 were shot with my T2i. I got 3 first place and 1 second place ribbon.   Plus $90 in prize money.  And all four are eligible for entry into the state fair where the winner of each category is $1000.  I decided to enter last minute and had all of my prints done at Walmart. :)  For the state fair I'll re-print them at a better facility.


« Reply #20 on: July 23, 2010, 16:06 »
Thanks a lot for the info.  Sounds like the 7D would be a great choice then. 

And many congratulations on all your contest wins!  That is really exciting!   :D

Best of luck at the state fair too.  Bet you will walk home with at least one of those $1,000 prizes :D

« Reply #21 on: July 23, 2010, 16:28 »
Thanks.  It never occurred to me to enter contests like that.  But my fiance pushed me and made me do it. :)  I'm * glad she did.

BTW, I'm headed to Texas and Louisiana at the end of next month and I've rented a 7D and some lenses from for a week.  If you haven't looked at their site, it's a great place to try stuff out before spending hundreds or thousands of dollars.  I rented a couple of lenses a few weekends ago and after having tried both out, I was able to pick the one I want to buy.  Worth the $80 I spent renting for 3 days, especially when the lens is $800.

« Reply #22 on: July 24, 2010, 03:40 »
BTW, too much sarcasm and egoistic behavior here... It sucks!

Yes, you do present that type of attitude and it does suck...

And no, you can't always compensate for the lack of using "NATIVE" ISOs with aperature, exposure or even filters.  If you knew anything about Canon cameras, you'd know that.  Using a native ISO gives you perfect exposure without having to mess with any other settings and is ideal.  Yes, you can get close with other tricks, but still not perfect and "perfection" is something we should all aspire too.

As I said in my previous post, I love my 550D.  It is by far the best "video" camera I have owned to date (and since it does stills, I have significantly increased my still portfolio on microstock sites with images that sell better than the illustrations I did previously).  But I have rented a 7D and borrowed a 5D for a few projects and using them side-by-side with the 550D they consistently recorded a better image.  Although, the difference was marginal.  Still, better is better and for the price difference I would totally expect it.

For anyone on a tight budget, I would highly recommend the 550D/T2i.  But if they can possibly afford a 7D, I would definitely go with that over the 550D for reasons stated previously.  As soon as the summer slump is over and sales pick back up, I'm going to get a 7D and give my 550D to my daughter who has spent the summer letting me teach her photography and videography.

Dude, I think you should master your 550D it can do the job perfectly enough so you can hardly tell which footage is from which camera.
Perfection you say? For what? Nothing is perfect and you can count on it! Any of your photos or footages can be done better as well as Lisa's or anyone else's... There is no perfect tool as well there is no perfect product.
So, what is photography? Perfection? I doubt it!

« Reply #23 on: July 24, 2010, 03:46 »
Did you have an opinion of the image quality and functionality of the 7D vs. the 5D?  

I didn't shoot very many stills with the 7D and 5D, but the image quality was pretty close.  The 5D has less moire when shooting bricks, fences, etc.. because of the full size sensor.  As for Video, they were nearly dead on identical in footage when using the same settings.  In fact, I was able to use the exact same keying settings when keying footage between the two.

A good friend of mine has a 7D as his backup and he personally prefers it for stills, although I didn't ask why... but I will ask him.  But 90% of the stills he submits to SS, IS and FL are from his 7D.

Also, I just got back from this morning's photo judging at our county fair (open division) and of the 8 images I submitted, four won ribbons and I got Best in Show for the Journalism category.  All 8 were shot with my T2i. I got 3 first place and 1 second place ribbon.   Plus $90 in prize money.  And all four are eligible for entry into the state fair where the winner of each category is $1000.  I decided to enter last minute and had all of my prints done at Walmart. :)  For the state fair I'll re-print them at a better facility.

Moire? Come on! Use soft focus lens and no moire! You should learn more about interchangeable lenses to perfect your ability to capture images (and footage) the way you want.

Canon Rebel T2i/550D Moire Tests

It is funny effect which can be avoided with using proper lens or recording with slight OOF!
« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 03:48 by Albert Martin »

« Reply #24 on: August 26, 2010, 04:27 »
I've just seen this preview on dpreview.



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