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Author Topic: Flickr pro accounts  (Read 24804 times)

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« on: January 31, 2019, 15:34 »
Posting this just in case the people at Flickr monitor. I have a free account and I am a bit over the new 1000 limit. I received notifications that confirm that I can not upload unless I upgrade and that some of my photos will be deleted starting from the oldest.  Turns out many of these photos got lots of views and appear in different groups.  Not certain at all that its a good business strategy to delete them.  Flickr should definately consider giving away pro accounts to selected contributors who produce quality work and generate traffic as an incentive to post....     

« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2019, 02:17 »
Why not pay for a pro account its worth it after all?

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2019, 10:07 »
Posting this just in case the people at Flickr monitor. I have a free account and I am a bit over the new 1000 limit. I received notifications that confirm that I can not upload unless I upgrade and that some of my photos will be deleted starting from the oldest.  Turns out many of these photos got lots of views and appear in different groups.  Not certain at all that its a good business strategy to delete them.  Flickr should definately consider giving away pro accounts to selected contributors who produce quality work and generate traffic as an incentive to post....   

Give away pro accounts? That's where they make the money for storage and bandwidth.

If your earlier photos are getting the most views and are most attractive, consider thinning out the 1000 by removing less attractive images. Not only will you have the free account, but as you curate, your collection will improve in quality, which will make you look better for the quality of work, not just quantity.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2019, 17:10 »
I had over 2K small (max edge 1200) watermarked images on Flickr.
On Sunday I deleted many albums, several hundred pics. Then I checked my photostream to see how many I had still to delete to get below 1000, and the same number of files remained, although the albums and images had disappeared.

I see just now, 48 hrs later, that the alleged number of files is still the same as it started out as, though the pics are no longer there.

Forget it, Flickr, that's not the way to force me to buy pro, that's just cheating. And I have no actual need to pay for a Flickr account, it really is just a fun photo place for me.

« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2019, 14:36 »
Posting this just in case the people at Flickr monitor. I have a free account and I am a bit over the new 1000 limit. I received notifications that confirm that I can not upload unless I upgrade and that some of my photos will be deleted starting from the oldest.  Turns out many of these photos got lots of views and appear in different groups.  Not certain at all that its a good business strategy to delete them.  Flickr should definately consider giving away pro accounts to selected contributors who produce quality work and generate traffic as an incentive to post....   

Give away pro accounts? That's where they make the money for storage and bandwidth.

If your earlier photos are getting the most views and are most attractive, consider thinning out the 1000 by removing less attractive images. Not only will you have the free account, but as you curate, your collection will improve in quality, which will make you look better for the quality of work, not just quantity.

I see no incentive to pay for a pro account. And they make money from advertising.   Some of my photos have tens of thousands of views-what do I get for that - exposure... True that I could remove some and improve quality as you point out.  Adding new photos to stock agencies has better potential to generate revenues than adding to Flickr. 

« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2019, 14:44 »
Why not pay for a pro account its worth it after all?

I do not see any incentive to do that.   

« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2019, 19:11 »
well as for exposure you can always try instagram you get more views there than fliqr.and when you decide to sell on microstock then i dont know but its not very safe to have these sold images on this site.unless you have your own site and you wanna promote your work.for instance one of my pics was sold last night and it was also  to some silly iphone app photosharing app and i went and removed it the next day.the theft is a big issue with these so called photo sharing sites.


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