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Author Topic: Adobe stock way down in middle tier???  (Read 6463 times)

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« on: August 01, 2017, 00:59 »
Geez!  can this poll result be accurate? Adobe/ft down in the middle tier?  dont seem possible really I know theyhave produced low sales but not that low surely?
« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 01:43 by derek »

« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2017, 01:43 »
The answer is probably much simpler.  I entered my value for Adobe with all the rest, clicked submit and on the next page it showed as 'no vote' for Adobe, other inputs were correct. Think there's a bug in the poll.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2017, 01:46 by douglas »

« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2017, 05:25 »
That would simply because they don't have enough votes yet to get into the top tier - after they were changed from Fotolia to AdobeStock.  A few more people need to vote and they'll be bumped up to the top again.


« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2017, 07:37 »
That would simply because they don't have enough votes yet to get into the top tier - after they were changed from Fotolia to AdobeStock.  A few more people need to vote and they'll be bumped up to the top again.

The Graph is showing Canstock at #2 after Shutterstock April thru June surely that's not right?

« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2017, 07:43 »
That would simply because they don't have enough votes yet to get into the top tier - after they were changed from Fotolia to AdobeStock.  A few more people need to vote and they'll be bumped up to the top again.

Well, if I look at
Microstock Photography Monthly Earnings Survey for me it still shows 'No Vote' for Adobe Stock although I did put in my earnings for it. Still think it's a bug.

« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2017, 08:15 »
Right now they only have 39 votes so not enough to be formally ranked on the poll, but their rating of 33.2 would put them number 2 after SS once they have enough votes.  Probably just a temporary anomaly unless there is a bug about the number of votes.

« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2017, 08:26 »
Definitely a glitch.  I just went to cast my vote and it had last month's total for Adobe as 0 even though I definitely voted and it was third after SS and Canva.  This month it was the same but when I submitted it said the value for Adobe was "No vote".  So with douglas and I getting the same error it definitely is a bug.

Bad Company

« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2017, 08:58 »
Just voted and I put in my $$ for Adobe stock and it shows no vote after I submitted thus a bug in the survey  :-[


« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2017, 10:14 »
Just voted and I put in my $$ for Adobe stock and it shows no vote after I submitted thus a bug in the survey  :-[

ANd they don't exist in the history as either name.

« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2017, 13:56 »
They're still above ss for me. The poll doesn't like me though because I never make $5. lol

« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2017, 14:04 »
That would simply because they don't have enough votes yet to get into the top tier - after they were changed from Fotolia to AdobeStock.  A few more people need to vote and they'll be bumped up to the top again.

Well... I didn't notice Adobe replaced FT on this poll and I only filled the results for the sites presented to me, based on my previous month answers

Too late to go back and update Adobe.

Like me, many others probably failed to answer properly.


  • Hip Hip Holly for the Holidays!
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2017, 16:59 »
Best to see it as an after thought. In other words don't take the polls too seriously.  :)


« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2017, 01:19 »
That would simply because they don't have enough votes yet to get into the top tier - after they were changed from Fotolia to AdobeStock.  A few more people need to vote and they'll be bumped up to the top again.
Maybe people don't vote for "AdobeStock" because they expect to find "Fotolia".
Personally I continue to upload with ftp on the Fotolia site, and then index my images there. So for me AdobeStock is inexistent.
I don't think to be the only one.
(Change the name in Fotolia / AdobeStock)

« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2017, 02:09 »
Right now they only have 39 votes so not enough to be formally ranked on the poll, but their rating of 33.2 would put them number 2 after SS once they have enough votes.  Probably just a temporary anomaly unless there is a bug about the number of votes.

I've fixed it now - sorry.  Somehow when switching Fotolai to AdobeStock I created was a bug somewhere causing votes to AdobeStock to not register. 

« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2017, 21:36 »
Geez!  can this poll result be accurate? Adobe/ft down in the middle tier?  dont seem possible really I know theyhave produced low sales but not that low surely?

Slow but steady wins the race.


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