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Author Topic: Maximum number of keywords in FT  (Read 7982 times)

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« on: March 28, 2008, 19:42 »
I hadn't noticed that before, so I guess it's new, but FT is limiting the number of keywords now to 50 entries. 


« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2008, 21:19 »
Yep, they started about three weeks ago.

I find it bothersome to have to select things over again if 50 keywords are exceeded, but I'm guessing they designed their 'kick-it-back' routine this way on purpose.


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« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2008, 00:08 »
Whatever they did sucks. Fotolia has been a gem for the past few months and has been the only site other than IS showing consistent growth. That changed this month. 123rf has been showing strong sales and bumped the stalling Fotolia out of the #3 slot.

« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2008, 02:41 »
Interesting.  I hadn't noticed it either.  What I did notice is that descriptions need to be short now.  I don't remember the exact number of letters, but the length doesn't exceed the length of the description field.

« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2008, 03:18 »
Fotolia is this month again (like every month) BME for me. (which I cant say for SS, unfortunately  :'( )

As for nuber of kws, 50 is too much. 30 is more than enough, everything above is spam.

« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2008, 03:48 »
The 50 keyword limit isn't implemented as it should be (yet). With no count and no memory of previous inputs, the applet is a nerver-killer. I always have to manually count the keywords and it's NOT pleasant. Hell, I even have to enter the name and the categories again if my IPTC is too big;/ Over and over again...

p.s.: As far as I'm concerned, Shutterstock's uploading is a thousand times better. And Crestock's way is good too (even if the IPTC data gets randomly "shortened" to 50 keys).


« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2008, 10:54 »

As for nuber of kws, 50 is too much. 30 is more than enough, everything above is spam.

This sort of argument has been made a number of times - it's spam to have that many keywords - but it's just not so.

I don't have the kinds of images that need so many keywords, but elsewhere, one photographer who has lots of shots of business teams in conference rooms, offices, etc, has a very good argument to make about 50 keywords being too few. Accurate and helpful (to the buyer) descriptions of the people, ethnicity, setting, equipment, purpose, mood and conceptual themes of the image take a lot more keywords than describing an isolated apple on white.

People who are unethical and spam images can do so in very few keywords; this "solution" isn't a solution at all, but does restrict legitimate users. Punish repeat spam offenders by suspending their upload privileges; don't target all users.

There also is no keyword count, and apparently if you go over, it completely resets the page so the other choices you made have to be done over.

Sounds like they need to rethink the implementation of this.

« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2008, 13:41 »
The 50 keyword limit isn't implemented as it should be (yet). With no count and no memory of previous inputs, the applet is a nerver-killer. I always have to manually count the keywords and it's NOT pleasant. Hell, I even have to enter the name and the categories again if my IPTC is too big;/ Over and over again...

p.s.: As far as I'm concerned, Shutterstock's uploading is a thousand times better. And Crestock's way is good too (even if the IPTC data gets randomly "shortened" to 50 keys).

Actually, there is an easy and fast way to check the number of keywords.
When introduced into photoshop, copy and paste to microsoft word, or directly type your keywords into microsoft word.
Go to top menu, extra/count words... et voila...:-)
And, the additional benefit, spell check in microsoft word is done automatically.


ps : imo 30 keywords can describe every picture acurately.  I usually end up between 20 and 40... rarely i have a picture where to add more than 40.

« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2008, 15:34 »
but aren't only the first 7 used anyway? so anything after the 7th is irrelevant whether there is 8 or 100?

« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2008, 16:07 »

As for nuber of kws, 50 is too much. 30 is more than enough, everything above is spam.

This sort of argument has been made a number of times - it's spam to have that many keywords - but it's just not so.

I don't have the kinds of images that need so many keywords, but elsewhere, one photographer who has lots of shots of business teams in conference rooms, offices, etc, has a very good argument to make about 50 keywords being too few. Accurate and helpful (to the buyer) descriptions of the people, ethnicity, setting, equipment, purpose, mood and conceptual themes of the image take a lot more keywords than describing an isolated apple on white.

People who are unethical and spam images can do so in very few keywords; this "solution" isn't a solution at all, but does restrict legitimate users. Punish repeat spam offenders by suspending their upload privileges; don't target all users.

There also is no keyword count, and apparently if you go over, it completely resets the page so the other choices you made have to be done over.

Sounds like they need to rethink the implementation of this.


I have quite a few food photos in my portfolio with large spreads containing a wide variety of gourmet and ethnic foods.  Describing all of the food with any precision can easily push the keywords over 50.  One of the reasons why I'm leaving CanStockPhoto is because they chose to limit searchable keywords to 15, and that just doesn't work on images like mine. 

« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2008, 03:09 »
Then imagine a business lifestyle photo! Description of each people, their outlook, clothes, genre... etc. What they are doing, what is the situation, where they are, what equippment are they using. Then the situation and the image technical parameters, camera position... etc. Everything should be described by synonims. It can be 100-150 keywords easily. This 50 rule is stupid. Noone will use distinguising keywords but every single image will have the same 50 most popular keywords only, like 'business, meeting, people, man, woman... etc. I think this was a very stupid and amateurish move by FTL. I wrote a message to their support but I doubt they care.


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