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Author Topic: MSG Poll Eight Years  (Read 4932 times)

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Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« on: December 20, 2019, 04:16 »
I tried to pick the same month, close to the same date, September. But 2013 is August and 2019 is Nov. Best I could do with limited data. FT is missing when AS bought them, but you can see the trend.

Bigstock 1.1 only 39 votes. DP 6.2 36 votes.

« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2019, 05:28 »
Its shocking to see how bad istock have become especially exclusive

But for me the saddest part is I have this year made less money than I did over any year since 2013 and most of those losses are purely down to the crappy cuts and deals these so-called agencies are doing.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2019, 05:54 by Bad Robot »

« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2019, 02:41 »
Interesting....the conclusion I'd draw is that over the years there has been surprisingly little change in the overall order of things.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2019, 09:27 »
Interesting....the conclusion I'd draw is that over the years there has been surprisingly little change in the overall order of things.

True, except you see where AS passed IS, and how some have dropped a bit. Pond5 came from nowhere, while DT and BS have sunken to nowhere.  ;)

The most obvious conclusion for me was, how many agencies are not viable anymore, compared to the old times when someone could make $30 to $40 a month on each of the little ones. Not that $40 means much, but a year, that's $500 and times the number of small sites, Canstock on down, that could be $5,000 a year.

Now? The little ones maybe make $5 a month and using ten as an example, that's $500 a year.

But true, the major order with SS on top, IS near and Adobe/FT running close to each other, is pretty much the same big three, with AS taking over 2nd by growth.


« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2019, 10:40 »
Thanks for compiling and posting that useful chart, Pete.

It's especially interesting to me since I had only been "in stock" a few years at the time your chart begins. I started with IS in 2009 and added one new agency a year, so by 2012, when your chart begins, I'd been accepted by IS, SS, DT, and FT.

I dropped out of IS in 2011 when they started clobbering contributors' royalties.

Also dropped out of FT as part of the big boycott over the "Dollar Photo Club," but rejoined when Adobe took it over.

I added P5 and had pitifully few sales of stills, but since I started videos in 2017, that site's picking up for me.

Despite DT's drop over the years, I still make enough to keep my port there and continue uploading. (I don't promote my work on that site anywhere, however.)

In sum, SS, DT, FT/AD, and P5 are worthwhile for me. I'm not interested in any of the others.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2019, 12:46 by marthamarks »

« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2019, 04:01 »
Thanks for the info.

Don't know what to think. Here for one year and my best selling agencies are SS, BS (very low commisions) and IS (just six months on IS but second one in sales and gonna beat SS soon). The problem is when you look into the IS commisions. Best money ones are SS, Alamy (few sales) and IS.

I think that the controlled vocabulary on IS is helping me, it is not an advantage to english native users. That's the reason to my increasing sales there, I think. I use to set the 49 keywords.

AS is not doing well to me, six times less than SS, close to DS in downloads and money. In fact I have less downloads and more money on DS.

I'm thinking in stop uploading to the small ones (BS, DP- almost dead-, and DS) to get bigger ports on SS, AS, IS and AL. Maybe for a huge unlimited amount of pictures (I shot really a lot when I travel) is the best option.

Anyway is useful to share all the stats.

Uncle Pete

  • Great Place by a Great Lake - My Home Port
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2019, 06:51 »
Just for information, I should have included this originally. These are screen shots from the Wayback Machine website. I couldn't find anything before 2012 or I would have included that.

Some months have a number of captures, some only two. The data isn't really scientific because, if I wanted to be fair, I should have used the same day of the same month for all years. That isn't available.

Also I picked Sept. as a generally average month. I wouldn't want January, June or July, as those can bet the lowest. I just picked one that had reports in all the years, except one. So I wouldn't call this scientific, or significant, but just for interest.


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