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Author Topic: Cavan Images???  (Read 2356 times)

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« on: July 30, 2024, 06:37 »
I just started submitting and have a small portfolio up with Cavan Images. There isn't a lot of information to be found from the photographers who work with them! Does anyone here work with Cavan and what are your thoughts?

« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2024, 09:01 »
If I remember well, they asked for exclusive images in the past.

I personnaly don't pay anymore for selling my images

I finally found this, but nothing was mentionned after clicking "Become A Contributor". I used external search engine.

Cavan is Content Exclusive - Here's Why
Cavan is a "distributing agency". This means we sell direct and automatically distribute work to the best partner agencies around the world.

So, please make sure the work you send to Cavan does not go to other agencies. We can't have stuff double-up at our partners.

Abusing this policy can result in your Cavan account being closed, so keep it fresh and let us do the distribution work for you.

Our approach creates some benefits for artists:

You only upload to one place, but your work goes to every agency
We work with everybody like Adobe, Getty, Shutterstock, and about 30 other agencies, Cavan's network is the largest in the world
With Cavan's network, you have the largest buyer audience possible
You can still use your content:

You can post on social and do any kind of promotional work
You can sell your work directly to buyers
Publish books of your work
Sell fine art directly to buyers
Just don't send to other agencies. Your stuff will already be there if you're working with us.

« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2024, 09:06 »
« Last Edit: July 30, 2024, 09:09 by DiscreetDuck »

« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2024, 08:14 »
So, what are your thoughts, @Erin Cadigan, after a few months of working with them?

I'm curious, as I've just started uploading a few videos myself to see where it goes...

« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2024, 23:20 »
I would not touch Cavan with a ten-foot pole.

They want exclusivity AND they want you to pay for selling your work. They accept generative AI, which is an indicator where this agency is heading to.

Their "Mission To 100%" ensures that they sound good and at the same time, get their money (photos don't just sit there, the contributor pays for selling, and sends in good stuff that sells). This is actually brilliant.

Cavan are distributors. So they take their share, and the distributor takes their share. The contributor does the work gets the crumbs that fall on the floor. If you PAY for selling your work, and HAPPEN to get sales, you get 100% for their sales and 50% of the partner sales.

At any rate, I believe portfolio exclusivity is not a good idea these days. And definitely not to Cavan.

- edited due to typos
« Last Edit: November 02, 2024, 23:31 by ravens »

« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2024, 03:29 »
I hear you, but I don't have to pay to sell my videos. They give you the option.
My uploaded content is exclusive yes, but I am still able to contribute to other agencies at the same time.
Concerning the generative AI, as far as I know, most of the big players are doing the same. Pond5, Shutterstock and specially Adobe Stock!

« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2024, 23:00 »
I hear you, but I don't have to pay to sell my videos. They give you the option.
My uploaded content is exclusive yes, but I am still able to contribute to other agencies at the same time.
Concerning the generative AI, as far as I know, most of the big players are doing the same. Pond5, Shutterstock and specially Adobe Stock!

Yes, they are content exclusive. Not contributor exclusive. Not even premium agencies would require that these days.

Pond5, Shutterstock, Adobe Stock accept AI, true. However, they do not ask exclusivity in any shape or form. Plus, they don't pretend to be high-end stock agencies.

Cavan pretends to be a high-end agency where the "artist wins". Instead, they are a small little known agency, who conconted a brilliant idea that benefits just them. One puts time and effort in creating content and should earn from it, which is why an exclusive portfolio in a little known agency is never a good idea.

« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2024, 04:30 »
Thank you for your honesty!

I'm uncertain about this agency, which is why I'd appreciate hearing a contributor's perspective.

Currently, I work with Pond5 and Shutterstock, but I no longer work with Adobe. I'm actively searching for other options to sell my videos and trying to avoid "all-you-can-download" agencies.

« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2024, 05:30 »
Pond5, Shutterstock, Adobe Stock accept AI, true. However, they do not ask exclusivity in any shape or form. Plus, they don't pretend to be high-end stock agencies.

Pond5 and Shutterstock don't accept AI.

« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2024, 05:31 »
Currently, I work with Pond5 and Shutterstock, but I no longer work with Adobe. I'm actively searching for other options to sell my videos and trying to avoid "all-you-can-download" agencies.

Did Adobe ban you?

« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2024, 06:54 »
@synthetick - That's right, they don't accept AI, but Shutterstock has it's on Ai generated content that is obviously trained on top of our content.
Yes, Adobe banned me and stole my earnings from last month and trained AI images compensation.


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