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Author Topic: Chumley's Contact Info  (Read 11503 times)

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« on: August 21, 2008, 16:58 »
« Last Edit: August 23, 2008, 17:52 by chumley »

« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2008, 18:09 »
Freaking *insult removed*!

I like your crossing guard image.  That one really jumped out at me.  You should link your Getty link to your user name so people can see your portfolio.

« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2008, 23:11 »

You two really are superstars, nice stuff.

« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2008, 06:28 »
Wow, those pictures look great.  :o :o :o :o

« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2008, 07:14 »
Purple fringing in the pic of the guy with a kid on his back.

Won't get you into iStock.

 ;)   ;)   ;)   ;)   ;)   ;)   ;)   ;) 

Just joking. Great images. Congratulations.

« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2008, 09:53 »
Nice work, Chumley!  I'm just looking at the flash intro and it appears you have excellent lighting technique.  They're all so different.  Very cool.

« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2008, 10:06 »
Fantastic portfolio! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience.
Don't be a stranger. :-*
« Last Edit: August 22, 2008, 10:11 by epantha »

« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2008, 12:03 »
Chumley, at this moment there's 1672 members on this forum, and many, many more visitors who haven't registered.  I think that one or two of our members were riding you a little hard but you have earned the respect of many more.  I, for one have read everything you have said and I thank you for your time.  I wish you would stick around, you are a great mentor.  If you think about starting your own blog on the topic, I'll be the first to sign up.

« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2008, 12:47 »
Chumley, at this moment there's 1672 members on this forum, and many, many more visitors who haven't registered.  I think that one or two of our members were riding you a little hard but you have earned the respect of many more.  I, for one have read everything you have said and I thank you for your time.  I wish you would stick around, you are a great mentor.  If you think about starting your own blog on the topic, I'll be the first to sign up.

I agree 100%!

« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2008, 12:52 »
Chumley, at this moment there's 1672 members on this forum, and many, many more visitors who haven't registered.  I think that one or two of our members were riding you a little hard but you have earned the respect of many more.  I, for one have read everything you have said and I thank you for your time.  I wish you would stick around, you are a great mentor.  If you think about starting your own blog on the topic, I'll be the first to sign up.
Agree! Thank you Chumley for taking the time to share your valuable experiences here!

« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2008, 12:54 »
me 2 :)

« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2008, 13:53 »
Me 3, your positive energy is much needed around here  :)

« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2008, 15:47 »
me 6

(me 2 should have be me 4 :))


« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2008, 05:34 »
I'll sign to your future blog too, still you are very welcome to stay here as well.

Why are leaving us anyway?
« Last Edit: August 23, 2008, 05:39 by noam »


« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2008, 13:56 »
« Last Edit: August 23, 2008, 17:52 by chumley »

« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2008, 14:33 »
Chumley, just wanted to say I think your portfolio is amazing - some really stunning images in there!

I particularly love the shot through the cinema seats looking back at the audience, very cool.

I can't comment on the confrontation you mention, as I never saw the original argument, however you really shouldn't let someone else drive you off the boards - life's too short to worry about other people that feel the need to make nasty comments....  :)


« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2008, 16:49 »
Hi Chumley,
I really love your portfolio, some really original looking work.

In RT's defense, I think the argument you guys had was based on him genuinely misunderstanding the tone of your post. He really is one of the good guys and has provided a lot of useful info.

I know if you read his post on the other individual you mentioned in isolation it could seem like he makes a habit of attacking others on the forum. If you were aware of the other guy's history you'd know that you were confusing bully and victim. There is far too much history there to go dragging it up again, and frankly I think it would only fuel the other persons ego. Sufficed to say that he had some very legitimate reasons for warning people off taking what the guy had to say seriously.

I hope you two can make this up and be friends, I for one think you both have a lot to give to this forum!

« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2008, 17:03 »

 The rest of you are a super bunch and just to set one thing straight that seemed to really bug RT. If I say I do this or that, or share my experience on a topic it is not too boast or try to look better than the rest of you. I don't have any desire but to help and empower. The sooner you realize that the better we will get along. I am trying to be one of the good guys but I suppose only time will reveal that.

IMO, while you do seem to have a lot of experience and some beautiful work, two of the firsts posts you started were about "sharing your RPI" and "sharing your shot lists".  Now, as part of a group that makes 6 million a year, you may not have much to lose by giving away bits of information to smaller players, but for these smaller guys struggling to keep up their income, they have more to lose by offering up their insight on various things.  Like whose portfolio pays best ( copy their work ) or how they brainstorm and come up with ideas ( copy their workflow ).  You kept pushing "Share your RPI, share your RPI".

This may not have been your intent, but that is how it came across.  A newbie here trying to pump people for information.  Not giving out any information about your identity.  You've stated you're at the end of your career, which is fine, so you may not mind giving out all your "secrets", but don't get your feelings hurt if everyone doesn't feel like returning the favor on every subject.

Here's a subject I'd like to know about.  How do you go about finding middle aged to senior models?  Do you find them all at agencies at high prices, or are there some secrets involved?


« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2008, 18:44 »
Hi Noam and all,

 Well even though I said I was done posting for a while I thought i would make one last entry on this subject to try and explain things more clearly. I am getting a lot of pm's asking why I am not going to be posting anymore and it is just easier to reply here to the entire group. I realize making this statement goes against my choice not to post but it is quicker to do this once than several times to individuals.

 There is a member on this board that has taken it upon himself to try to expose scammers. Why I am not sure, for some reason he feels it's his job. He pretty much attacked my creadability just as he has done in the past with others. I think he feels that people are only here to take. I wonder what makes him feel this way HUMM, let's think. Even in his own pm to me he shared that he wouldn't ever offer any advice about how he operates his business with anyone on this or any other board ( now that sounds like a real giver )

Seeing how you've decided to try and blame me for your anger I feel obliged to reply.
I asked you to provide some evidence of the claims you've made, if you feel that's an attack on your credibility then so be it, you are a newbie to this forum and one that even up until now hides behind the name Chumley, I'm presuming your Johnathan Ross or are you the name you have under the iStock portfolio you linked to, or are you Amy Ross or one of the many photographers linked to Blend images for which you claim to own - you see without knowing who you are it's hard to credit you with any credibilty.

Now onto me sharing my business practices, I'm sorry you find that unusual but for someone so successful and experienced in the stock world I'd of though you'd be use to that or are you telling me all the big Getty photographers share their business practices with each other?

I was willing to try and work this out with him but he is so threatened by anyone that might have something to offer he has lost sight as to why we are all here. I am here to share info with people and hopefully learn something in the process. The sharing of information. I am not interested in people that will not share, I don't trust them. The world is full of givers and takers, I don't have time for the takers.

Work what out with me? I've asked if you could prove who you are so we can all see what you say has some truth behind it, so far you've posted a website with a few nice shots on it, the site links to Getty and Jupiter but only to the main page, why not your portfolio?? You claim stock is your sole business why then doesn't the site link to your portfolio??

The ironic part of the whole confrontation was he tried to say that he was heavily established in the Macro industry but he didn't like to brag so he never shared it with the group. When I asked him to please share his macro link he offered up a link that sent me to about 70 really poor images on Alamy. Here's the irony. He continued to say that he goes by many different names in the Macro business and that he is in the top 100 sellers at Alamy but he wasn't about to share those names with me. After accusing me of not being who I say I am this is an interesting response from such a self proclaimed big time Macro player. What are you hiding RT.

No the ironic thing is that you asked me to prove I was on macro sites, I gave you two names on two macro sites that prove I'm there, as I said above I don't share business practices I'm not showing you all my portfolios, and the reason - I'm not here boasting about it, I don't care whether you believe me or not because I'm not trying to tell everyone how great I am - YOU ARE and yet despite me having shown you mine you still haven't shown me anything to back your claims??
Now I'm not going to insult your work like you've done mine because that would bring me down to your level which I think is sad, but also because I don't know who you are and every link you've provided shows the work of more than one so It'd be rude to comment on them as I don't know who's are who's.

So who really is the scammer on this site. Is it RT who claims he is a big shooter but won't back it up. I was happy to show everyone my real work why is it the accuser is not willing to do the same. Come on RT step up and show us all this incredible work that makes you the leader at Alamy. I would love for you to back up what you proclaim. ( Isn't that what you are always asking everyone else ) I will happily eat not only a slice but the entire pie if you show us the work you do that makes you one of the top leading sellers in the Macro market.
Again I'll remind you I'm not trying to claim I'm anything, I told you I was in the top 100 at Alamy and I am, but that was done by PM to you, it isn't something I brag about and I couldn't care whether you believe me or not, however FYI to be in the top 100 at Alamy is not has hard as you may think, if you are the success you claim to be you'd have known that. Either way this is about your claims here on this site I'm interested in, care to back them up ??

The other part that kills me is he challenged me to offer up my web link to prove my credibility. I would have thought the quality of free information I was offering would have been proof from it's own obviously credible content, but not good enough for him. So I happily posted my web link.
No I asked you to prove you earned over a million at Getty last year and made them $4m profit, you've provided a website with a link to their main site!!
The quality of the free information you've provided - a list with the likes of 'Man sitting at a desk' 'Man with his heads in his hands' etc etc - well stop the press wait until every pro gets hold of that info it's invaluable who would have ever thought of writing a list of what they're going to shoot.

I offered him a challenge back, if I post my web site he will have to take back what he said. As his own words say, " I'm more than happy to eat a slice of humble pie if you care to serve it up ". Well your order is up, it is hot and sitting on the table but I don't see you * your napkin in. So I confronted him about his promise to eat crow. His response was " I'll review your website in due course and if I think it lives up to your claims I'll certainly make a post " he must be very busy, either that or his rationalization will be " your work doesn't impress me enough to have to reply " because he hasn't made a post yet.

Nope not too busy, I don't think it lives up to your claims, a few nice shots and a couple of links, not what I'd expect from a Getty pro contract shooter that earns millions each year.

So come on out RT show us all your work as I have. Another way to say it is " Put up or Shut up" you are not helping this board by being rude and accusatory to people that are trying to share. You just make yourself look scared and threatened.
Put up what I'm not claiming anything it's you who's doing that, I've never come out and bragged about how much I make, or that I fly around the world to europe shooting top stock, you have - still waiting for the proof!

This is the reason I quit posting because I really didn't want to add to all this negative energy. But here I am being just as childish as he is, like two kids on the playground puffing their chests. I love to help people with info but I also struggle a great deal with accepting rude uneducated attacks . As this post shows I can have a short fuse when pushed and that is something I need to work on. It's the people with a little bit of knowledge that want to act like no one has anything that is of use to them. So threatened. These are the folks that take the fun out of these sites for me. They are also the people that I have to learn to just let go of.

Hmmm, in your PM to me you threatened to ruin my professional reputation and have me removed from this site if I revealed your identity or your website, I replied that I was wondering what you had to hide, do you want to reveal the rest of the PM you sent me because that isn't going to do your reputation any good is it.
Then you go and post 'your' website (I presume it's yours hard to tell until you say who you are) you're a strange person.

If I say something like " We made the Industry over $4 million last year and I have a very small voice there " it is not to brag about what I made ( Like RT thinks ). In the context of the post it was to help show you guys that no matter how big you are in this business as a photographer you don't make the rules. That is just one example of what I was accused of by RT.
Hmm what about the rest of the claims? Not bragging?

I am going to take a couple weeks off to get a big pile of work finished, get my kids back to school and call my doctor for some serious meds. ;D If I am going to be part of this group I have to try to find a way to blow off the mean people. Mean people suck. >:(
You're the one getting angry, I just asked you to show us some of your success you keep talking about, either do it or don't.

The rest of you are a super bunch and just to set one thing straight that seemed to really bug RT. If I say I do this or that, or share my experience on a topic it is not too boast or try to look better than the rest of you. I don't have any desire but to help and empower. The sooner you realize that the better we will get along. I am trying to be one of the good guys but I suppose only time will reveal that.

But I still wonder why a Getty contract photographer that makes millions is coming onto a Microstock forum, I must say it has me puzzled, but then I'm also puzzled why someone that successful is starting to put photo's on microstock sites?

For now I am happy to answer all pm's  (with the exception of RT's ), if there is a question you think I might be able to help with please don't hesitate to send one. Once I slow down a bit here I will be back with a new set of armour and ready to share any way I can.

Oh don't worry I won't send you any PM's, I was happy for you just to show everybody how skilled you are, of course if you care to do so.

However, when I do come back my new approach will be to only reply to questions that are in the spirit of learning and sharing. Any of you physically challenged men ( and it's always the men, woman are so much more together ) that want to put down my efforts to share go ahead, you will not receive a response.

 Thanks to everyone for the great support. It is your posts and pm's that made me rethink my decision.

All my best,

But before I finish, I notice you haven't mentioned the final part of my reply to your PM, the part where I said if you really wanted to help instead of just telling everybody what a success you have been and talking about your studio sessions why not actually offer some advice that may actually help the majority of people here.

For everyone else reading this, I suggested that his posts regarding his mammoth studio sessions would not help many because you don't have studios, so I suggested that he shared some of his experince with what sort of shots sell and how to market them.
Now that sort of information could help anybody no matter what their skill level of amount of equipment, and yet after that request he chooses to leave.

And finally to Chumley I have some questions based on what you have previously claimed publicly here,

Are you a Getty contract photographer (you are aware there's a difference between a contract photographer and a normal contributor?) or do you just have some images for sale on Getty, either way do you care to show us.

Did you make the alledged $4m profit for Getty or was it Blend images of which you're a part?

Could you share some of those stock shots you flew all round Europe to take?

And the final one, why is such a successful macro photographer who makes millions entering the microstock market? and seeking information from members on this forum?

By the way you keep mentioning that I've "taken it upon himself to expose scammers" or as in your PM I'm "the Police dog of the site" - could I just remind you Chumley all I've asked is that you share some of what you're claiming, it's a simple request and one that I'd expect anybody to make.
Maybe it's just me and my sceptical nature, I don't believe the emails telling me I've inherited millions in Nigeria either, of course should one day a UPS chap knocks on my door with a case of cash I'll happily pay the $250 clearence fee but I always like to see the proof first ;)


« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2008, 19:24 »
« Last Edit: August 24, 2008, 11:21 by chumley »

« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2008, 19:36 »
This whole thing almost makes ME what to leave this board.  Can't we ALL do away with the name calling and just get back to sharing and helping each other?  Isn't that what this board is all about?  Or do I have it entirely wrong?

« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2008, 20:04 »
This whole thing almost makes ME what to leave this board.  Can't we ALL do away with the name calling and just get back to sharing and helping each other?  Isn't that what this board is all about?  Or do I have it entirely wrong?



« Reply #22 on: August 23, 2008, 22:07 »
« Last Edit: August 24, 2008, 11:21 by chumley »

« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2008, 22:24 »
No offense to RT, but thats his opinion. Not everyone here is questioning your credibility.

The ex-bartender in me would like to buy shots for everyone.

We have tequilla

lemon drops


or would you prefer a 20 year port and cigar?  :)


« Reply #24 on: August 23, 2008, 22:36 »
RT is being incredibly hard on you. I don't know why since usually he is not the antagonist in these forums?!? (Maybe we need Miz back)

Chumley, you have a lot to offer our group. Please stay.

And everyone else ... fight the good fight!


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