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Author Topic: Easy model release to email with electronic signature?  (Read 3607 times)

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Tyson Anderson

  • www.openrangestudios.com
« on: May 09, 2017, 12:58 »
I'm trying to find out a good way of emailing a model/talent release to people that's easy for them to fill out and send back, that doesn't require them to print and scan it.  I've been using the Easy Release app for all my releases in person but I'm looking for a way to email releases with a curser at all the required boxes and an E-Signature or signature that auto fills when they type their name.  This type of thing is not my specialty so any information would help, thanks.

And yes I know the professional thing would be to have people sign a release before filming.  I've been doing aerial work of kayaking and rafting.  Sometimes I'm told a certain part of a river to post up at and don't get to see some of the people before or after the float.  This example is what created the issue.

« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2017, 19:16 »
I'm trying to find out a good way of emailing a model/talent release to people that's easy for them to fill out and send back, that doesn't require them to print and scan it.  I've been using the Easy Release app for all my releases in person but I'm looking for a way to email releases with a curser at all the required boxes and an E-Signature or signature that auto fills when they type their name.  This type of thing is not my specialty so any information would help, thanks.

And yes I know the professional thing would be to have people sign a release before filming.  I've been doing aerial work of kayaking and rafting.  Sometimes I'm told a certain part of a river to post up at and don't get to see some of the people before or after the float.  This example is what created the issue.
Tyson, You could use a regular release in PDF but send it by one of many different signing services. You define the necessary details for them to fill in. Unfortunately most of them cost money.


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