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Author Topic: Examples of blatant copycat stock-photo plagiarism  (Read 35435 times)

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« Reply #50 on: March 10, 2012, 09:51 »
I was annoyed once when I saw an image that was virtually identical to mine but with a different model but when I looked at the date of the image the other image was done 2 years before mine.   Maybe I had seen the image before without realizing it and subconscioulsy copied it or maybe it was pure coincidence, who knows.

« Reply #51 on: March 10, 2012, 09:58 »
I was annoyed once when I saw an image that was virtually identical to mine but with a different model but when I looked at the date of the image the other image was done 2 years before mine.   Maybe I had seen the image before without realizing it and subconscioulsy copied it or maybe it was pure coincidence, who knows.
That does happen - BUT - did your model wear the same colored clothes, did the model have the same hair color and cut? Was he/she the same ethnicity, was it the same location?

Yes, photographic plagiarism exists (as Getty has proven multiple times) but if a photo concept was done "unintentionally", chances are that there are certain differences.

In the case of the flags mentioned here, a lot of factors were identical which less likely is a coincidence.

« Reply #52 on: March 10, 2012, 14:13 »
I think the big lesson here is A.) were all "copy-cats", even if we don't know it.... and B.) Be the first one to the market, when the market is ready for you stuff.

May the best man or woman win.

« Reply #53 on: March 10, 2012, 14:54 »
I was annoyed once when I saw an image that was virtually identical to mine but with a different model but when I looked at the date of the image the other image was done 2 years before mine.   Maybe I had seen the image before without realizing it and subconscioulsy copied it or maybe it was pure coincidence, who knows.
That does happen - BUT - did your model wear the same colored clothes, did the model have the same hair color and cut? Was he/she the same ethnicity, was it the same location?

Yes, photographic plagiarism exists (as Getty has proven multiple times) but if a photo concept was done "unintentionally", chances are that there are certain differences.

In the case of the flags mentioned here, a lot of factors were identical which less likely is a coincidence.
The models face wasn't in the photo but eveything else was pretty much the same enough so that at first look I thought it was my image.

« Reply #54 on: March 10, 2012, 16:11 »
My number 2 bestseller at shutterstock has been copied (after me) at least 7 times, in exactly de same way, same background even.  One of those 7 is MUCH better than mine (much cuter animal), but the "best match" favors mine, so mine still is the best-selling one. 
I have never accused any one of copying my idea, simply because I have been reading about accounts being closed for such reasons instead of just suspending the image.  I don't think I ever want to cause the closure of some one's account, ever.
(which does not mean you can now all start copying my images, because I won't accuse you anyway  :D)

« Reply #55 on: March 12, 2012, 16:33 »
To give some closure to this particular instance of plagiarism (and this thread), Marcel Schauer's portfolio on SS has been terminated as of this morning, 12 March. Cap attached. Even though I (really) do regret that another photographer has now lost (some) ability to earn an income, this should be a lesson to us all, that blatant copycat posting of images is not acceptable.

« Reply #56 on: March 12, 2012, 18:03 »
To give some closure to this particular instance of plagiarism (and this thread), Marcel Schauer's portfolio on SS has been terminated as of this morning, 12 March.

Hmmm. I do wonder just how much proper consideration is given in such cases. Does the accused get the opportunity to defend themselves? Was it just a problem with the one image or was it an accumulation of offences and over what period?

As RT has said the agencies themselves do actively assist, if not blatantly encourage, 'inspirational guidance' via the publication of best-selling lists, etc. Can't help thinking that the deletion of offending images and a final warning should suffice for a first offence.

I was listening to the novelist Jeffery Archer plugging his latest book on the radio this afternoon. Although he and his publisher are British the book is actually being launched in India first (where his books are apparently very popular). That's because they know if it was initially released in the UK then within 48 hours fake copies of the book would be all over India. Someone would pick up a copy from Heathrow, on their way to India, and a few hours later the presses would be rolling. Nothing much they can do about it either other than try to be ahead of the thieves.

« Reply #57 on: March 12, 2012, 18:14 »
Sure we don't know the whole story.

Nonetheless, it's a bit scary, as there are plenty of "beautiful business woman with headset" photos out there.

I would bet my yearly income that I could find nearly identical images from two different photographers.


« Reply #58 on: March 12, 2012, 18:46 »
I was listening to the novelist Jeffery Archer plugging his latest book on the radio this afternoon. Although he and his publisher are British the book is actually being launched in India first (where his books are apparently very popular). That's because they know if it was initially released in the UK then within 48 hours fake copies of the book would be all over India. Someone would pick up a copy from Heathrow, on their way to India, and a few hours later the presses would be rolling. Nothing much they can do about it either other than try to be ahead of the thieves.

So it's better to start publishing it there, so there's no 48h lag? ;D

« Reply #59 on: March 12, 2012, 19:08 »
Sure we don't know the whole story.

Nonetheless, it's a bit scary, as there are plenty of "beautiful business woman with headset" photos out there.

I would bet my yearly income that I could find nearly identical images from two different photographers.

After my first post on this site I got a PM (wrongly) accusing me of doing a copycat - we just happened to have the same idea and both use the same models and similar tools.  At least (however robustly) this was done by PM.  SS, in particular, don't seem big on due process and we have seen quite a few threads where folks' accounts have been deleted - maybe guilty, maybe not.  I would be really, really slow to point accusing fingers in an environment where there a few, if any, unique concepts.


« Reply #60 on: March 12, 2012, 21:40 »
I don't think he deserves that and I don't feel good about any of this. Wish I hadn't even got involved in this and similar threads by roxxstock. I hope someone points out to SS that this concept has been around awhile and is therefore not original!

« Reply #61 on: March 12, 2012, 22:46 »
I don't think anyone's account should be suspended on the basis of one or two accusations of copying. I've come up with what I thought were original, clever ideas, and then would do a search and find out others had already done the same thing. OTOH I've also come up with ideas that had not been done by any other microstockers (as far as I could tell from searches), and yet I will see all sorts of copies turning up after my image accepted, especially if it becomes popular. Some of these people may have simply come up with the same idea as me, but a lot of it is idea theft, plain and simple.

That said, it's hard to be sure if an idea is stolen or not, and it's dangerous to jump to conclusions.  I get really irritated when I see people with portfolios that consist mostly of copied work - I think these people have nothing to contribute and should be banned.


« Reply #62 on: March 13, 2012, 01:50 »
This is what I've said all along. Copy-cating is a minefield. Only the offender knows whether they have deliberately set out to copy an image, carbon-copy it , copy it with some slight changes etc.

This "concept" like so many others have been done before, the one label copy-cat could have been just as much that as the one labelled the "original" or vice-versa...

Also, SS or any other library has no real interest in stopping this, if they are made aware of a case of suspect copy-cating they probably do the very minimum of (if any) investigating and show force by terminating an account to appease the angry worked-up mob...

The one accused probably didn't stand much of a chance, no matter whether he was guilty or innocent. It wasn't like this was an entire portfolio full of suspect copy-cating. Now someone has lost income, at a time in the world when this could have a significant impact on someone's life.

Hopefully the instigator and the mob are happy with the outcome, fingers crossed that they are never on the receiving end of an angry mob with their minds made up before the accused one even had an honest chance to defend themselves.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2012, 01:53 by CarlssonInc. Stock Imagery Production »

« Reply #63 on: March 13, 2012, 01:59 »
Totally agree.  Closing an account should be the LAST and not the first thing that SS does after an accusation.   I am sorry, but I cannot agree with what Roxxstock did either.  We all know how severely SS reacts to such things (even to first timers with 1 file copied), so he could have known what would happen after his post  (sorry Roxxstock).

« Reply #64 on: March 13, 2012, 02:57 »

Hopefully the instigator and the mob are happy with the outcome, fingers crossed that they are never on the receiving end of an angry mob with their minds made up before the accused one even had an honest chance to defend themselves.

Good point.
There is always someone around claiming to have invented the wheel and faces drawn on fingers have been around for decades.

« Reply #65 on: March 13, 2012, 03:52 »

Hopefully the instigator and the mob are happy with the outcome, fingers crossed that they are never on the receiving end of an angry mob with their minds made up before the accused one even had an honest chance to defend themselves.

Good point.
There is always someone around claiming to have invented the wheel and faces drawn on fingers have been around for decades.
There's a number of people posting on this page with IQ's that would seriously compete with that of a gnat. They don't even appear to be able to even read. The OP was not about 'faces on fingers' it was not about 'copying an idea' - it was about a single case of an ABSOLUTE COPY of an existing image in every single detail which included, and I quote, "exactly the same keywords and image title', taken 3-4 weeks after the original was uploaded (3 February) and posted on the same site! But, typically, these posters simply want to blame someone else for the events that have taken place since the OP.

They might think differently if it was their image that was copied.

FWIW - I don't think it was fair to take down the guys entire port, just the images that were copied would have been sufficient IMO.

And another thing - there was no 'mob' or 'angry villagers with pitch forks' - only a post about a flagrant and blatant copying of an existing (good selling) image.

For all the ranters berating me for posting the OP - do everyone here a favour - read the B-L-O-O-D-Y OP again before jumping, lemming like, into the mire of accusing the messenger!

If you think that SS acted inappropriately why don't you contact them yourself and make your point directly to them?


« Reply #66 on: March 13, 2012, 03:54 »
While I agree with what many of you write here (account closure should be last resort, similar concept is no proof for stealing, innocent until proven guilty etc...)...

... how do you explain that in the case pointed out here the keywords of the two files are identical?

Can that be coincidence? Or isn't that proof that the second file is a copy of the first?

ETA: ... a bit too slow, same argument from the OP just above me...

« Reply #67 on: March 13, 2012, 04:08 »

Hopefully the instigator and the mob are happy with the outcome, fingers crossed that they are never on the receiving end of an angry mob with their minds made up before the accused one even had an honest chance to defend themselves.

Good point.
There is always someone around claiming to have invented the wheel and faces drawn on fingers have been around for decades.
There's a number of people posting on this page with IQ's that would seriously compete with that of a gnat. They don't even appear to be able to even read. The OP was not about 'faces on fingers' it was not about 'copying an idea' - it was about a single case of an ABSOLUTE COPY of an existing image in every single detail which included, and I quote, "exactly the same keywords and image title', taken 3-4 weeks after the original was uploaded (3 February) and posted on the same site! But, typically, these posters simply want to blame someone else for the events that have taken place since the OP.

They might think differently if it was their image that was copied.

FWIW - I don't think it was fair to take down the guys entire port, just the images that were copied would have been sufficient IMO.

And another thing - there was no 'mob' or 'angry villagers with pitch forks' - only a post about a flagrant and blatant copying of an existing (good selling) image.

For all the ranters berating me for posting the OP - do everyone here a favour - read the B-L-O-O-D-Y OP again before jumping, lemming like, into the mire of accusing the messenger!

If you think that SS acted inappropriately why don't you contact them yourself and make your point directly to them?


I was just talking about ideas in general but if it was an exact copy right down to the keywords you're justified in raising a stink.

« Reply #68 on: March 13, 2012, 04:11 »
I was just talking about ideas in general but if it was an exact copy right down to the keywords you're justified in raising a stink.

it was about a single case of an ABSOLUTE COPY of an existing image in every single detail which included, and I quote, "exactly the same keywords and image title'

It was.

« Reply #69 on: March 13, 2012, 04:13 »
They might think differently if it was their image that was copied.
FWIW - I don't think it was fair to take down the guys entire port, just the images that were copied would have been sufficient IMO.

I am happy you agree that closing an account is too harsh - even if there is proof (through the keywords) that it was a copy. 
And no, I would not think otherwise if it was my image that was copied.  My N2 bestseller at SS has been copied not once, but at least 7 times after me, and I have not contacted SS about it (or PM'd, or posted anything). 
I am not accusing or attacking you (or at least it was not my intention to), but we all know that SS never takes down 1 image in such cases, they usually shut down the account (as far as I know).
If ever some one thinks I copied him or her, I hope to receive a PM.  I'll immediately take down the image to show my good-will and THEN talk about it.  I would do the same in cases of possible copyright infringement, or if by accident I left a logo or so in an image of mine. 


« Reply #70 on: March 13, 2012, 05:16 »

Hopefully the instigator and the mob are happy with the outcome, fingers crossed that they are never on the receiving end of an angry mob with their minds made up before the accused one even had an honest chance to defend themselves.

Good point.
There is always someone around claiming to have invented the wheel and faces drawn on fingers have been around for decades.
There's a number of people posting on this page with IQ's that would seriously compete with that of a gnat. They don't even appear to be able to even read. The OP was not about 'faces on fingers' it was not about 'copying an idea' - it was about a single case of an ABSOLUTE COPY of an existing image in every single detail which included, and I quote, "exactly the same keywords and image title', taken 3-4 weeks after the original was uploaded (3 February) and posted on the same site! But, typically, these posters simply want to blame someone else for the events that have taken place since the OP.

They might think differently if it was their image that was copied.

FWIW - I don't think it was fair to take down the guys entire port, just the images that were copied would have been sufficient IMO.

And another thing - there was no 'mob' or 'angry villagers with pitch forks' - only a post about a flagrant and blatant copying of an existing (good selling) image.

For all the ranters berating me for posting the OP - do everyone here a favour - read the B-L-O-O-D-Y OP again before jumping, lemming like, into the mire of accusing the messenger!

If you think that SS acted inappropriately why don't you contact them yourself and make your point directly to them?


I don't recall it being a crime to copy keywords or titles. And who exactly is copying who?


« Reply #71 on: March 13, 2012, 06:02 »

Hopefully the instigator and the mob are happy with the outcome, fingers crossed that they are never on the receiving end of an angry mob with their minds made up before the accused one even had an honest chance to defend themselves.

Good point.
There is always someone around claiming to have invented the wheel and faces drawn on fingers have been around for decades.
There's a number of people posting on this page with IQ's that would seriously compete with that of a gnat. They don't even appear to be able to even read. The OP was not about 'faces on fingers' it was not about 'copying an idea' - it was about a single case of an ABSOLUTE COPY of an existing image in every single detail which included, and I quote, "exactly the same keywords and image title', taken 3-4 weeks after the original was uploaded (3 February) and posted on the same site! But, typically, these posters simply want to blame someone else for the events that have taken place since the OP.

They might think differently if it was their image that was copied.

FWIW - I don't think it was fair to take down the guys entire port, just the images that were copied would have been sufficient IMO.

And another thing - there was no 'mob' or 'angry villagers with pitch forks' - only a post about a flagrant and blatant copying of an existing (good selling) image.

For all the ranters berating me for posting the OP - do everyone here a favour - read the B-L-O-O-D-Y OP again before jumping, lemming like, into the mire of accusing the messenger!

If you think that SS acted inappropriately why don't you contact them yourself and make your point directly to them?


You took it upon yourself to accuse someone of being a copy-cat without contacting to give them the slightest chance to defend/explain themselves. You rushed straight to an online forum to post instead of contacting them. You assisted and succeeded in them having their account terminated.

I fail to understand why you didn't contact the contributor of the "original" and notifiy them of a potential copy-cat and let them deal with it how they saw fit?


« Reply #72 on: March 13, 2012, 06:19 »

I've got no beef with you (although I do find your name calling rather unnecessary) , but do you in all honesty think that this has been done the right way? Should we all chase suspect copy-cats and post our findings here in the forum? Even if on the surface it looks blatant. Is that really what you think is the right way to go about it?

Seems so much better if we all looked after our own houses, if we found something that might concern a fellow contributor, e-mail them and let them know and let them deal with it how they see fit - just seems so much civil and a lot "safer", less risk of someone being mistakenly tarnished as a copy-cat or having their account terminated.

« Reply #73 on: March 13, 2012, 06:23 »


You took it upon yourself to accuse someone of being a copy-cat without contacting to give them the slightest chance to defend/explain themselves. You rushed straight to an online forum to post instead of contacting them. You assisted and succeeded in them having their account terminated.

I fail to understand why you didn't contact the contributor of the "original" and notifiy them of a potential copy-cat and let them deal with it how they saw fit?

Let me paste here (one of your contradictory pieces of advice):

"I would have gone about this in a slightly different way and think it would have been far classier, safer and a better thing to contact SS directly with concerns instead of straight away shame him in public."

Make your mind up.


« Reply #74 on: March 13, 2012, 06:38 »

You took it upon yourself to accuse someone of being a copy-cat without contacting to give them the slightest chance to defend/explain themselves. You rushed straight to an online forum to post instead of contacting them. You assisted and succeeded in them having their account terminated.

I fail to understand why you didn't contact the contributor of the "original" and notifiy them of a potential copy-cat and let them deal with it how they saw fit?

Let me paste here (one of your contradictory pieces of advice):

"I would have gone about this in a slightly different way and think it would have been far classier, safer and a better thing to contact SS directly with concerns instead of straight away shame him in public."

Make your mind up.

My mind is made up, so let me clarify. I've never embarked on chasing copy-cats myself before (despite having had work copied), so the thread as such has been educating and making me think.

My feeling from the beginning of this thread is that first and foremost it is wrong to as the first course of action is to head over to an on-line forum to name and shame someone in public.

I would now have chosen the following course of action depending on the case:

- If I saw a fellow contributor's work being blatantly copied I would notify them, then let them deal with it.
- If my own work was copied (discovered by myself or someone notifying me) I would take the appropriate action depending on the circumstances, most likely first contact the copy-cat, if they don't respond and things don't get resolved, contact the stock library hosting the images to deal with it.

Don't you agree? Or do you still feel name and shame is more appropriate?


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