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Author Topic: Get Paid Shooting Nothing  (Read 49258 times)

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« Reply #25 on: January 29, 2009, 09:56 »
By the way, are you the sharply_done who submits a lot of airplane shots?

Yep, that's me, hence my initial post in this thread.

« Reply #26 on: January 29, 2009, 10:03 »
just my 2 cts

Then it's really ALL about money    ;)

« Reply #27 on: January 29, 2009, 10:07 »
You might want to think twice about submitting to Fotolia or Dreamstime, with this kind of imagery. I submitted a shot of battered barn wood to the big 8 sites. All accepted, except Fotolia and Dreamstime, with the explanation that they had enough of this kind of material. I don't mean to be negative, but watch out for this kind of rejection.


« Reply #28 on: January 29, 2009, 10:13 »
You might want to think twice about submitting to Fotolia or Dreamstime, with this kind of imagery. I submitted a shot of battered barn wood to the big 8 sites. All accepted, except Fotolia and Dreamstime, with the explanation that they had enough of this kind of material. I don't mean to be negative, but watch out for this kind of rejection.

yes, it's true. recently I had quite a bit of rejections like this. but it's fine for me, DT knows not to oversaturate the site with too many of the same old same old stuff. it won't do us any good to have too many images that don't sell either. i would rather have a small portfolio with more sales than a large port with no sales. DT is reasonable, and they give me the sales, so i will go with their rejections, if any.

« Reply #29 on: January 29, 2009, 10:39 »
and they give me the sales.

Total sales: 25

 8)  don't you think you're overreacting  ;D

« Reply #30 on: January 29, 2009, 11:17 »
I had my days when I shot dirt, sky, brick wall, water and so on and sold a few. It's true that the sales went down after a while, maybe due to competition or global economy or who knows what. However, there will always be next Yuri, Andre, Lise and Ron Capple in the horizon, regardless if the OP posted his article or not. That is the fact of life.

Even though we sell our work through micro agencies, let's not become so micro minded that we are shamelessly self-serving. It surprises me that some people point finger at the people who wish to profit from a web blog, and call that greed, do you realize that the protectionist approach is just as greed? We must recognize that we each need to make a living but we must allow other people make a living too.

« Reply #31 on: January 29, 2009, 11:19 »
Listen it's not about you or anyone sharing informatio.. That is not the point anyone has been trying to make here.. The problem I see and I think others are the micro pimping blogs for refferals.. I like a lot of your other posts on your site and I think it's great you have a site with info.. Where I think people start seeing issues are when people start going out and saying things like.. here is how you can make a bunch of money with your images by just snapshoting away or make money with your holiday pics or your images collecting dust.. Look, like Perrush said if we weren't trying to make money than that wouldn't be an issue.. But than again you only are writing about it cause you can make money.. As we all see our sale dwindling daily this type of pimping only for most is seen as more false hype on the micro train and more snapshot hopefulls wanting a piece of the pie..

My 2 cents.

« Reply #32 on: January 29, 2009, 11:30 »
Even though we sell our work through micro agencies, let's not become so micro minded that we are shamelessly self-serving. It surprises me that some people point finger at the people who wish to profit from a web blog, and call that greed, do you realize that the protectionist approach is just as greed? We must recognize that we each need to make a living but we must allow other people make a living too.

Missing the point I think.. Sharing making money off of your blog etc. is great, I'm all for it.. But I and I think others are not that keen on the advertising of make money in micro doing nothing or your snapshots or images collecting dust.. It's not micro minded it's reality that this is not really the whole truth.. People may make a few bucks here or there doing snapshots, but we all know micro does not pay unless you really work hard at it.. And all these false hopefulls add to the oversaturation that takes food off of our tables.. I guess if you don't shoot micro seriously and are not in it for the money, than it doesn't matter to you.. But for the people that work at this like a job, it does matter because it takes food from their families.. Like I said in my last post, I like a lot of his other posts, just not big on the micro pimping the do "nothing" and making money stuff.. Sorry if my opinion offends anyone, that's just how I feel..

« Reply #34 on: January 29, 2009, 11:47 »
You gotta start somewhere... I have less sales on DT.
I guess every high seller had 25 sales, at one point   ;)


« Reply #35 on: January 29, 2009, 11:47 »
and they give me the sales.
Total sales: 25
8)  don't you think you're overreacting  ;D

 ;D ;D ;D ;D


« Reply #36 on: January 29, 2009, 11:49 »
You gotta start somewhere... I have less sales on DT.
I guess every high seller had 25 sales, at one point   ;)
thanks antonio, for the little time i put into my port, 25 is fine. i only reached 100 images  last month simply because i had more days off.

« Reply #37 on: January 29, 2009, 11:56 »
You gotta start somewhere... I have less sales on DT.
I guess every high seller had 25 sales, at one point   ;)

True enough.

But if you find that it's taking you a long time, say two months, to reach that level, you should be re-evaluating what it is you are doing and how you are doing it.


« Reply #38 on: January 29, 2009, 11:59 »
Perrush, we each have our own level of satisfaction. if tan is happy with 25, he will be happier when it reaches 250, and 2500 even happier. With that attitude, how can it not work for him?
Like totony said, "every high seller had 25 , at one point"  8)

« Reply #39 on: January 29, 2009, 12:01 »
As for sharing information, tips, tricks and advice...who here or anywhere in the photography industry wouldn't be where they are today without picking up some advice from others.

Still missing the point.. It's not the sharing, it's the pimping, sign up here to make money.. Not the sharing techniques info etc. that stuff is great.. That is what we do here on MSG and were not having this argument with Leaf.. "shoot nothing and make money" SIGN UP HERE.. I think this argument is split between people that do this as a hobby or not seriously and the people who actuall count on stock as at least part of their income.. Not too many pizza places out pimping opening a pizza chain and BTW here's one of our best recipes.. Unless their getting a franchise fee.. Wonder why?


« Reply #40 on: January 29, 2009, 12:12 »
This is an interesting thread.  I haven't posted here before but I've really enjoyed reading a lot of interesting thoughts and opinions here.  I'm surprised at the feedback he's getting from this encouraging blog post.  There are a whole heck of a lot of misconceptions about microstock all over the place right now.  My opinion is that the more information out there the better.

As for sharing information, tips, tricks and advice...who here or anywhere in the photography industry wouldn't be where they are today without picking up some advice from others.  Who here reads the blogs from Chase Jarvis?  Joe McNally?  How about Strobist?  These guys all offer tons of tips, advice and information without getting much in return.  To me, that's what makes photography such a unique way to make a living...the sense of community you find all over the world.


It seems there are a few people here who prefer criticizing to creating.  I really enjoyed reading about all the different microstock agencies when I first came here.  I was astounded by the plethora of information.  There are some really good photographers in this group.  Most of them are very helpful.  You would think they would encourage the creation and sharing of ideas ... be they old ideas or a repeat of things THEY have already posted and forgotten.  There's always a new face here.  I hope this site will continue to be a source for creators.  Lord knows, criticism is easy to find.


« Reply #41 on: January 29, 2009, 12:16 »
Still missing the point.. It's not the sharing, it's the pimping, sign up here to make money.. Not the sharing techniques info etc. that stuff is great..

Well, there seem to be a lot of people concerned about making money here.  Monthly threads on performance, daily threads on holiday sales, stats surveys, constant, constant, constant.  Yet, someone suggests a good way to not dilute your sales is to not post "training" and "sign up" articles, and suddenly, you're greedy Scrooge McDuck.  Like it or not, everyone is a competitor for the royalties out there, and by actively running about trying to show others how easy it is to make money, all you are doing is growing the supply pot.  

Non-dilute-the-pot-threads - "Is today a holiday somewhere?" "How do I get a tax form from SS?" "Is there an easier way to upload model releases?" "Why won't my 580ex trigger?"
Grow the Buyer Base articles - "The best way to search on XYZ site" "How do you find images with clipping paths?" "Do I need an Extended License?"
Grow your competition threads/articles - "Make money by shooting XYZ!" "Even a monkey can make money in microstock!" "The best time of year to upload XYZ!"

See, you can share and chat all you want on topics people are interested in, while avoiding the last category above, and it's still a helpful discussion forum.


« Reply #42 on: January 29, 2009, 12:58 »
You gotta start somewhere... I have less sales on DT.
I guess every high seller had 25 sales, at one point   ;)
True enough.
But if you find that it's taking you a long time, say two months, to reach that level, you should be re-evaluating what it is you are doing and how you are doing it.

Point taken, sharply_done. Definitely doing this evaluation come February.
(You will see a different portfolio).
« Last Edit: January 29, 2009, 13:03 by tan510jomast »

« Reply #43 on: January 29, 2009, 13:16 »
Instead of writing articles about attracting more photographers, why not write about attracting more buyers.. You still get refferals there too..

 I keep reading the replies, and it seems people are just so focused on the "why can't we share info" . "were here to share so why criticize people for sharing"?

 You are still soo off target.. This is the 3rd and last time I will write this AGAIN..

 It is not about sharing.. We all love Leaf, he has a website for sharing.. I love the article exposurepro wrote about how to take photos of lightning.. I LOVE SHARING.. AVAVA shares a lot and I really love reading and interacting with his posts.. I know that some people don't appreciate his sharing, but I am not one of them.. The point is, for me I LOVE SHARING TOO.. LAST TIME, I DO NOT appreciate people writing about how easy it is to make money in micro and here are my secrets on how and here is were you sign up and welcome to the piece of the pie.. TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS about the great money, and get me some refferals.. IT IS NOT ABOUT SHARING, we all share here on MSG about how to better light subjects on how to better expose and what is shady about a websites admins etc. etc.. But every new person that signs up is that much less of the pie.. Unless you are equally out drumming up buyers you are helping to take food and medicine and other stuff from my son.. So SHARE AWAY and I will be there chiming in.. But do not expect me to cheerfully jump up and down that you are pumping in more micro wannabe's for a few cents of refferals.. Sorry not gonna happen..

« Reply #44 on: January 29, 2009, 13:49 »
You gotta start somewhere... I have less sales on DT.
I guess every high seller had 25 sales, at one point   ;)

of course, but read the whole quote :

recently I had quite a bit of rejections like this. but it's fine for me, DT knows not to oversaturate the site with too many of the same old same old stuff. it won't do us any good to have too many images that don't sell either. i would rather have a small portfolio with more sales than a large port with no sales. DT is reasonable, and they give me the sales, so i will go with their rejections, if any.

he's saying that he accept the rejections because in that way the database is under control so he can get some sales from a small portfolio ...

to be honest, I don't think you can tell that from 25 sales in 8 months.

But I wasn't really pointing the finger to him, that why the '  :D ' was in the post.  Everyone was small once, I'm even small today  ;D


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« Reply #45 on: January 29, 2009, 14:07 »
I was writing something but erased it. This post just reminded me of why I come here less and less.

« Reply #46 on: January 29, 2009, 14:09 »
« Last Edit: January 29, 2009, 16:03 by cdwheatley »


« Reply #47 on: January 29, 2009, 14:10 »
Perrush , not to worry, no offense taken.   ;)


« Reply #48 on: January 29, 2009, 14:17 »
so if you're one of those auto-workers laid off due to this recession, you blame all the new graduates for stealing your job too, right? ;)


« Reply #49 on: January 29, 2009, 14:21 »
Instead of writing articles about attracting more photographers, why not write about attracting more buyers.. You still get refferals there too..

I think you'll find 'Scrooge McDuck' has done just that.


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