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Author Topic: Get Paid Shooting Nothing  (Read 49552 times)

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« Reply #125 on: January 30, 2009, 11:37 »
There are lots of buyers and that is going to increase a lot in the future.  The sites would close their doors to contributors if they had too many images and not enough buyers, like some of the traditional sites have.
Very good point

Not really.  The number of images they carry is no concern to the agency.  They'll make the sales regardless of who they come from.  It is concerning from the contributor's point of view, not the agencies' point of view.


« Reply #126 on: January 30, 2009, 11:46 »
 Hi All,

  If you are a skilled photographer especially when it comes to lighting and composition I think the concern of others competing goes away or decreases by a strong margin. Maybe not, maybe it is a personality thing about self confidence. I am just guessing here but the same people keep coming back to show their worries about competition. Get ready there are a bunch more coming no matter what you say. I did an ASMP lecture on stock last week and in all the years I have never seen the house so packed. We are the home of Boeing, Starbucks and Microsoft and they all started huge lay off plans this month.
 Many more to come and these people are not stupid the internet is crawling with info on Micro. They will find their way into every opportunity out there that pays the bills what we say and do not say will not discourage that from happening. Really I think you all give yourself a bit to much credit if you think the world is not aware or will not become aware of Micro if everyone here stays quiet. " PSST! HEY BUDDY have I got a deal for you. Come over hear to the alley and let me show you something that is going to change your life, it's called Micro. SHHH!. " It's not hidden treasure gang, it's more like Las Vegas, just add the alcohol and you're there. ;D

Have a great day and remember the cream always rises,


« Reply #127 on: January 30, 2009, 12:00 »
Get ready there are a bunch more coming no matter what you say. I did an ASMP lecture on stock last week and in all the years I have never seen the house so packed. We are the home of Boeing, Starbucks and Microsoft and they all started huge lay off plans this month. ...

PSST! HEY BUDDY have I got a deal for you. Come over hear to the alley and let me show you something that is going to change your life, it's called Micro. SHHH!. " It's not hidden treasure gang, it's more like Las Vegas, just add the alcohol and you're there. ;D

so Tuilay was right. I knew it was you AVAVA. you tell-all, you !
I am going to drop by after work, I want your autograph.. 
also, you get that alcohol ready... I got some friends recently laid off from Starbucks coming with you  ;)

oh another thing, Angelina Jolie wants to adopt another child. so she's getting into micro to earn some extra money (SHHHHHH, just between us all here).
« Last Edit: January 30, 2009, 12:02 by hali »

« Reply #128 on: January 30, 2009, 12:01 »
There are lots of buyers and that is going to increase a lot in the future.  The sites would close their doors to contributors if they had too many images and not enough buyers, like some of the traditional sites have.
Very good point

Not really.  The number of images they carry is no concern to the agency.  They'll make the sales regardless of who they come from.  It is concerning from the contributor's point of view, not the agencies' point of view.

Then why does everybody have a "We have enough of these" policy in place. Tried uploading a photo of a flower lately or a cloudscape?

« Reply #129 on: January 30, 2009, 12:03 »
Then why does everybody have a "We have enough of these" policy in place. Tried uploading a photo of a flower lately or a cloudscape?

I can't speak for other agencies, but iStock does not.


« Reply #130 on: January 30, 2009, 12:09 »
Dear Xposure,

I hate to participate in this embarrasing thread, but I just wanted you to know that I dig blogs like yours and that I've added it to my feeds.   

MSG is usually a pleasant place, but I have noticed that many photographers who have enjoyed any measure of success often get bullied on these boards.  Please do enjoy the fact that you have been attacked ;).

pixart, that's somethng I never thought of !  I 've always thought these motley crew were out against newbies coming in. Now that you've mentioned it, No! they are actually more worried about someone with the ability to shoot well, and know the market, encroaching on their territory.
wow, my eyes have seen the glory  of the coming of Apocalypse III  :o

and us newbies can rest a bit.  ;)  (...hey guys, it's not us they're attacking !!!)

« Reply #131 on: January 30, 2009, 12:16 »
Then why does everybody have a "We have enough of these" policy in place. Tried uploading a photo of a flower lately or a cloudscape?

I can't speak for other agencies, but iStock does not.

Take another look http://www.istockphoto.com/needed.php

« Reply #132 on: January 30, 2009, 12:33 »
Sorry, I can't find the thread right now, but "Not Needed" was dropped as a rejection a long time ago.  While things on the "not needed" list are subject to higher scrutiny, good shots will make it in.


« Reply #133 on: January 30, 2009, 12:34 »
Hey Hali,

 You can drop by anytime. Maybe we should all meet for coffee at a Starbucks and keep one more employee from switching over to the dark side of MICRO. :-\



« Reply #134 on: January 30, 2009, 12:46 »
Hey Hali,

 You can drop by anytime. Maybe we should all meet for coffee at a Starbucks and keep one more employee from switching over to the dark side of MICRO. :-\


GOOD IDEAA Av, I am sooo sick and tired of someone shooting with a recently bought Canon  set at Auto, stealing my sales.


« Reply #136 on: January 30, 2009, 13:28 »
Hi Mat,

 Thanks for the kind words. You know I was the loudest I always am. ;) Theater family background we all learned to speak from the diaphragm at a very young age. ;) Also coaching sports for all these years yes I am quite often the loudest unless someone else from my family is in the room, you would need ear plugs for a holiday meal at my house. ::)



« Reply #137 on: January 30, 2009, 13:35 »
I would be interested in knowing your position in a few years when your microstock earnings are sufficient to pay for your house. Then a flow of millions of contributors from China will come to microstock through chinese agencies with $0.01 commission per download. And chinese contributors will come here to ask you how to do a good isolation.

Hey, I was researching the possible threat of Chinese photographers. Not the newbies who carry an instamatic, but the real photographers who will w#pe your a#se off with their photography technique.
Guess what?  Are you ready with your paramedics, and tranquilizers (I suggest lithium or valium)...

what this means to you motley crew of paranoia?

hundreds of unemployed porn workers and get this PHOTOGRAPHERS ... i repeat PHOTOGRAPHERS..
all pro shooters... will have to look for an easy way to replace their loss of income.

THE SKY HAS FALLEN !  better start shooting dirt  !!! 8)
(aw hali, you better scrub this one again , sorry!)  ;D ;D ;D


« Reply #138 on: January 30, 2009, 16:02 »
Hi Mat,

 Thanks for the kind words. You know I was the loudest I always am. ;) Theater family background we all learned to speak from the diaphragm at a very young age. ;) Also coaching sports for all these years yes I am quite often the loudest unless someone else from my family is in the room, you would need ear plugs for a holiday meal at my house. ::)


Too funny.  Your family sounds exactly like mine.  We are loud diaphragm talkers with theater backgrounds too.  Now I will look forward to meeting you so we can see who's the loudest, not to mention the most dramatic :D


« Reply #139 on: January 30, 2009, 16:04 »
Easy to clear a restaurant if we all got together huh. ;D


« Reply #140 on: January 30, 2009, 16:05 »
But do you share information with the guy working for your company's competitor?

Depending on the information, sure.  I won't talk about some new development that is being patented, but I may share experience about less strategic information.  I don't consider saying "you can earn money from photographing dirt" a strategic information about the microstock market.  Do you?

Due to the fact that I evaluate and review thousands of microstock photographers on a monthly basis I am extremely aware of exactly why they are being rejected and losing sales. I have access to the primary statistics that the rest of you who are struggling do not have access to. I know that when a lot of you get a reject most often you are confused on exactly why it was rejected.

Please don't tell me.  Ignorance is a bliss and I don't want to find out that my rejections are not the reviewers' faults!  ;D



« Reply #141 on: January 30, 2009, 16:25 »
Easy to clear a restaurant if we all got together huh. ;D

LOL!  You bet!  But of course if they are smart they will put up with us.  We are great tippers :D


« Reply #142 on: January 30, 2009, 17:08 »
Please don't tell me.  Ignorance is a bliss and I don't want to find out that my rejections are not the reviewers' faults!  ;D
Regards, Adelaide

nao migoodnez nao, combinado with Adelaide. I'd rather live the rest of my week thinking that perharps the myopic reviewer put on the wrong pair of glasses   :D

« Reply #143 on: January 30, 2009, 17:49 »
But do you share information with the guy working for your company's competitor?

Depending on the information, sure.  I won't talk about some new development that is being patented, but I may share experience about less strategic information.  I don't consider saying "you can earn money from photographing dirt" a strategic information about the microstock market.  Do you?

Due to the fact that I evaluate and review thousands of microstock photographers on a monthly basis I am extremely aware of exactly why they are being rejected and losing sales. I have access to the primary statistics that the rest of you who are struggling do not have access to. I know that when a lot of you get a reject most often you are confused on exactly why it was rejected.

Please don't tell me.  Ignorance is a bliss and I don't want to find out that my rejections are not the reviewers' faults!  ;D


I'm actually working on some things right now about detailed reasons for rejections that will be popping up on my blog in the weeks and months to come .. so if you don't want to know you'll have to cover your eyes.

« Reply #144 on: January 30, 2009, 18:06 »
I have added you blog to Google Reader. It looks like you have some interesting things to say :-)

« Reply #145 on: January 31, 2009, 00:28 »
I don't think the OP's blog is going to be a threat to anybody for a couple of reasons:

Firstly he's encouraging people to shoot dirt, if anybody is stupid enough to believe they are going to make any real money with the advice he's giving then let them try.

Secondly as he keeps telling everyone he is a administrator/reviewer, there's only one reason that anybody would want to sit in front of their computer for hours on end looking at other peoples photos for the lowest wage on the planet !!

People that have the talent to make money in this industry are out there doing it, not making blogs, trying to get referrals and certainly not by being a reviewer.

Well let me give you a wake up call, firstly are you paying your house payment with your stock? WE are most months So shooting dirt, textures, wall plugs, broken glass, common things around the house and outside the house do pay the bills.

And BTW,.an inspector makes pretty good money.. obviously you have never done it. There is nothing like sitting at home with my kids all year working when I want to and being able to make just as much money as I could at a normal job. In a morning.. I can make more than I can make in 8 hours at a normal job I would work.
Not bad for "the lowest wage on the planet" It is definitely an awesome job and I love it. If you are only looking at how much you earn per image reviewed... add them up per 20,0000 or so in a month in your spare time.
I don't mind newbies joining... keeps my job in demand. Hundreds of people join every day. Keep em coming! Everyone do Referrals and give more great tips! It isnt hurting my sales any.

Nothing wrong with getting referrals. There is some real money in it. Have you researched it? Obviously not. I would love to have referrals and to anyone that gets them... I think that is wonderful for them!
« Last Edit: January 31, 2009, 00:37 by lephotography »

« Reply #146 on: January 31, 2009, 04:56 »
Ok Ok everyone can take a break and breath easy .. All I did today was blog about photographing waterfalls .. I didn't give away any trade secrets or anything so everyone sleep well  ;D

« Reply #147 on: January 31, 2009, 07:23 »
Hey, I was researching the possible threat of Chinese photographers. Not the newbies who carry an instamatic, but the real photographers who will w#pe your a#se off with their photography technique.

The current featured photographer at DT is a Chinese. I remember when he was beginning (half 2006), even exchanged some messages with him and helped him out with keywords. He got better fast, and he even doesn't do studio work. He has "snapshots" of his daughter, fire, clouds, cats, landscapes, flowers. All the things that iStock hates.

He got 131 downloads on a simple leaf detail with droplets. His keywords are bad, his subjects are "dirt". He doesn't have a website. He had 166 uploads this month, over 5,000 in 1 1/2 year. Mystery... except that he is exclusive with DT. Would DT pimp its exclusives too? Not really, he just shoots "boring" subjects better.

Whatever, we've got the invasion of the "Russians" and the "Polish plumber" in Europe 20 years ago. In those countries with a lower price level, microstock can still make a difference. In the US and Western Europe, it really can't. Any real job will make you more per hour, if you are honest.

China has 1,3 billion people, creative and smart. They just don't have the cams yet and they don't know about microstock. The cost of living is very low, if you go 50kms outside Bejing, Shanghai or HongKong. The "Russians" are already here, and dominating microstock. The "Chinese" will be soon. That's the real competition.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2009, 07:35 by FlemishDreams »

« Reply #148 on: January 31, 2009, 07:33 »
And BTW,.an inspector makes pretty good money.. obviously you have never done it.

10 dollarcents per image, download, inspect full size... To make 10 dollars per hour (flipping hamburgers in Europe is 8 euro at least) you need to inspect 100 images per hour, that's one per 40 sec. Didn't Obama abolish torture? I'd rather flip hamburgers.


« Reply #149 on: January 31, 2009, 08:56 »
And BTW,.an inspector makes pretty good money.. obviously you have never done it.

10 dollarcents per image, download, inspect full size... To make 10 dollars per hour (flipping hamburgers in Europe is 8 euro at least) you need to inspect 100 images per hour, that's one per 40 sec. Didn't Obama abolish torture? I'd rather flip hamburgers.

Ah FD, flipping burgers does not  give you the sadistic pleasure pushing disposition code XXX "lens flare" , code XX "over-saturated". Anal reviewer is an awesomely cooler job  ;)

Oh, another thing, with your IS reviewer badge, you can make sure the barn door is closed to any chinese photographers who is your real threat. Rejection en masse, one push of the button...no exclusiveness for you my dear chinese friends.  ;D  This pie is all to ourselves  8)
« Last Edit: January 31, 2009, 09:07 by Tuilay »


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