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Author Topic: May Microstock Income - How was it?  (Read 17651 times)

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« on: May 31, 2012, 11:32 »
For me the month was pretty par.  I'll wait until tomorrow to tally up my final totals but there wasn't any catastrophes but now happy surprises either.  Shutterstock is still crazy in the lead for me, earning 3x what either Fotolia or iStock earn for me.

As always, remember to vote in the poll

I'll get the arrows working again soon (hopefully this month) as well as a history graph, if everything works out.


« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2012, 11:42 »
Are exclusives getting counted yet?


« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2012, 11:51 »
For me the month was pretty par.  I'll wait until tomorrow to tally up my final totals but there wasn't any catastrophes but now happy surprises either.  Shutterstock is still crazy in the lead for me, earning 3x what either Fotolia or iStock earn for me.

As always, remember to vote in the poll

I'll get the arrows working again soon (hopefully this month) as well as a history graph, if everything works out.

Hey I didn't even miss the arrows. The view of the sites the way it is now, compared to each other on earnings, not ranges, is one more step ahead and well done.

May was fine and interesting. The old boring SS/IS = 50/50 for me, has just gone to SS more and more each month and now it's more like 80%/20% IS just keeps losing share. No big discovery, They continue, month after month to reject my best sellers on SS. I guess my interests are not their interests. To each their own. Possibly if accepted the same photos that sell on SS would just languish on IS anyway and they know their market best.


« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2012, 11:56 »
Are exclusives getting counted yet?

Yeah good idea, add a separate poll selection for IS Exclusives, so we see how they are actually doing just fine. With the numbers mixed in, it's probably lowering the real values. For example if I take the survey (which I stopped doing) and my sales stink (which they do because of a weak collection) then I'm dropping the average. If the average for Exclusives was in it's own place, the Indy contributors values on IS would also show a more realistic picture of what people really make there.

I think the change would show a nice number for the exclusives and highlight the value for some people to be exclusive. It could also drop the numbers for Indys and show a true picture of which sites earn the most for independents?


« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2012, 12:01 »
Are exclusives getting counted yet?

Yeah good idea, add a separate poll selection for IS Exclusives, so we see how they are actually doing just fine. With the numbers mixed in, it's probably lowering the real values. For example if I take the survey (which I stopped doing) and my sales stink (which they do because of a weak collection) then I'm dropping the average. If the average for Exclusives was in it's own place, the Indy contributors values on IS would also show a more realistic picture of what people really make there.

I think the change would show a nice number for the exclusives and highlight the value for some people to be exclusive. It could also drop the numbers for Indys and show a true picture of which sites earn the most for independents?
I was under the impression that exclusive votes were just discounted in the new polling system, are they being counted Leaf?

« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2012, 12:05 »
Shutterstock was well ahead! almost twice what I earn in Fotolia although Fotolia did gain some ground this month! so I'm happy about that.
Istock also was up and 123rf is just flying :D
Dreamstime is up a bit.

All in all I can say that Shutterstock rocks and I got there 2x what i earn in Fotolia, 3x what I earn at DT, 5x what I earn at Istock and 7x what I earn at 123rf :)


« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2012, 12:13 »
SS, ahead as usual. On the whole a pretty average month.

« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2012, 12:30 »
Great month! At least, my 2nd BME. I'll have to see how the final numbers end up to know if it's a BME. It was also my BME at my own site, and my highest monthly earnings at a single agency was surpassed.

High fives all around.  ;D


« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2012, 12:35 »
Hello Leaf, hope all is well mate, not too much stress?

Great month here, BME and BDE at SS, up on DT and I thought I would never say this but FT is becoming one of my fav micro agencies, sales are picking up rapidly and reviews are fast and consistent.
It's also one of the few sites where I get payed in euros. So join now! call..., anyway
IS slow as usual, probably because of the search engine f.ckups, woops I mean optimization and their exclusives bumping. They are also the only agency that reject every single composite I upload which are some of my best selling images, so bad strategy there and hence the lower income.

So May UP, Way UP, hopefully I won't suffer from the summer slump, as you youngsters call it :)

Take care amigos

« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2012, 14:02 »
Worst month of the year for me.

All due ENTIRELY to FT and DT sabotaging me.  Sales at both FT and DT are about half of what they should be, due to recent best match shifts that are punishing good-selling pics (plus, perhaps, the turmoil in Europe?)

The good news?  My May 2012 grand total is still up about 50% over May 2011, so I won't cry too much.


SS is as strong as ever
ISP has been bouncing back
BigStock, 123 and DP all on hot streaks

In a nutshell, I'd be feeling really great if it weren't for FT and DT being such party-poopers!

« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2012, 14:54 »
interesting month for me....

SS - down by 25% (compared with the previous month) :-\
FT - UP UP UP  :D :D :D + 40%
DT - UP by 20%
123RF - UP UP  around 30%
IS -  still not interested

The pie slices:

SS - 60% ( by faaaar my best earner)
FT - 20%
DT - 12%
123RF - 8%

DT, FT and 123 have managed to compesate almost all my losses on SS ... so May was a good month.

« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2012, 15:09 »
Business as usual. Maybe a slight dissappointment.

IS - As usual
SS - A good but not spectacular. 2nd best month ever.
DT - Best month of the year so far. Still less than my old BME from a few years ago
Veer - Weak month, okay normal and subscription downloads, but lacking in extended licences.
FT - Weak as usual.
BigStock - Weak
123RF - Okay

Shutterstock is still crazy in the lead for me, earning 3x what either Fotolia or iStock earn for me.

Shutterstock earns me 8x Fotolia, 3.5x Dreamstime, 1.3x iStock
« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 15:14 by Perry »

« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2012, 16:26 »
Are exclusives getting counted yet?

Yeah good idea, add a separate poll selection for IS Exclusives, so we see how they are actually doing just fine. With the numbers mixed in, it's probably lowering the real values. For example if I take the survey (which I stopped doing) and my sales stink (which they do because of a weak collection) then I'm dropping the average. If the average for Exclusives was in it's own place, the Indy contributors values on IS would also show a more realistic picture of what people really make there.

I think the change would show a nice number for the exclusives and highlight the value for some people to be exclusive. It could also drop the numbers for Indys and show a true picture of which sites earn the most for independents?
I was under the impression that exclusive votes were just discounted in the new polling system, are they being counted Leaf?

Exclusive votes are sifted into a separate ranking and aren't shown now.  I'll also figure a way to show the results of the exclusives as well.


« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2012, 17:11 »
BME. :) BME at all of the top 4 sites, except for SS (could still be if I get an EL or a crazy run of ODs in the next few hours, I'm really close). A BME at IS, without an EL and PP added, seems most spectacular and it also gained most % wise compared to the previous BME. So far 2012 is awesome, every single month has been a BME.

I was so unlucky with the weather that all 3 shoots that I had in May came out average at best. I just hope that won't ruin the following months.

« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2012, 18:07 »
shutterstock 43% BME
fotolia 16%
istock 10%
canstock 9%
dreamstime 7%
123rf 5%
stockfresh 5% BME
bigstock 3%
graphicleftovers 1%
deposit 1%

RPD WMsince2008, cause of BME at ss
« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 18:11 by redo »

« Reply #15 on: May 31, 2012, 18:37 »
SS is # 1 compare last May 2011= 300% better
IS is #2
Photo Dune #3

Paulo M. F. Pires

  • "No Gods No Masters"
« Reply #16 on: May 31, 2012, 20:01 »
"Top Tier":

Global: -16% compared to last month. 65% more than May 2011, with the follow order:

ShutterStock ( exception on sales breakdown... )
Istock ( hoping an miracle on PP revenue )

The best of May: Level up on two agencies ( easy to guess ) and that means a bit more revenue on next month.. or not  ;D

The worst: Pathermedia confirmed as dead. Cutcaster "stills" dead. -16% is too bad.   

« Reply #17 on: May 31, 2012, 21:20 »
- 5th BME in a row (Jan 1073$, Feb 1090$, Mar 1341$, Apr 1405$, May 1446$)
- from May 2011 +171%
- 37 months of stock
- 470$ left to the 10k $ milestone at SS (will be making 3 years there)

SS 42.9% (37%) (2 EL, 2 SOD (16.8$ and 70$)) (BME in $$$ and downloads)
IS 11.9% (14%)
FT 7.1% (7%)
123RF 6.2% (4%) (back to normal after an unusual bad month)
Z 5.1% (7%)
DT 4.7% (5%) (1 EL) (BME in $$$, higher RPD but less sales (from all time 0.87$ to 1.2$))
ISIGN 4.3% (5%)
82.2% (79%)

XX 3.4%, XY 3%, XZ 2.5%, DP 2.2%, V 1.3%, PD 1.2%
13.6% (15%)

OTHER 4.2% (6%)
(14 agencies all below 1% each, StockFresh with a great month, 8 sales for 12$ and 6 different days)

0 sales:
- 3DStudio
- Alamy
- ImageGate
- iRockstock
- PhotoKore
- SuperHug

« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2012, 01:50 »
SS has overtaken FT as my best earner ever since I moved into a new earnings rank. FT was ok, DT was shockingly low - about half of what I had made in the last three months, which was also just half of what I had made in January (which was my BME). Also what was weird was that most of my earnings this month came in the last week of the month . Until then I had hardly made the 5$ mark.

« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2012, 01:56 »
SS   46 %
FT   15
CS   9
BS   9
VR   8
RF   6
DT   5
SF   2
GL   0 (less than 1 %)


« Reply #20 on: June 01, 2012, 02:18 »
- 5th BME in a row (Jan 1073$, Feb 1090$, Mar 1341$, Apr 1405$, May 1446$)
- from May 2011 +171%
- 37 months of stock
- 470$ left to the 10k $ milestone at SS (will be making 3 years there)

SS 42.9% (37%) (2 EL, 2 SOD (16.8$ and 70$)) (BME in $$$ and downloads)
IS 11.9% (14%)
FT 7.1% (7%)
123RF 6.2% (4%) (back to normal after an unusual bad month)
Z 5.1% (7%)
DT 4.7% (5%) (1 EL) (BME in $$$, higher RPD but less sales (from all time 0.87$ to 1.2$))
ISIGN 4.3% (5%)
82.2% (79%)

XX 3.4%, XY 3%, XZ 2.5%, DP 2.2%, V 1.3%, PD 1.2%
13.6% (15%)

OTHER 4.2% (6%)
(14 agencies all below 1% each, StockFresh with a great month, 8 sales for 12$ and 6 different days)

0 sales:
- 3DStudio
- Alamy
- ImageGate
- iRockstock
- PhotoKore
- SuperHug

A rise of $400 in 5 months, keep up the pace Louis! and thanks again for being amongst the very few who actually post their numbers ;)
I don't think you uploaded much in the last few months am I right?
I would get rid of the low/non sellers except for Alamy, you don't need them anymore.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #21 on: June 01, 2012, 04:59 »
Incredibly, it seems that May was my BMY for $$ - though there were lots of miserably poor weekdays. Saved by an inexplicable purple patch 21st - 24th where I had more than usual + sales, and most sales were L or L+, apparently mostly totally unconnected sales - my best non-EL week since the heady days of late 2009, after two successive very poor weeks.

Compared to April '12 (WMY): dls +17%, $$ +23%; portfolio +1.5%
Compared to May '11: dls -3%, $$ +30%; portfolio +c35%

Alamy poor: only 2 dls, one low-average, one very low.  :(

« Reply #22 on: June 01, 2012, 05:03 »
SS - pretty average, a bit up (and very much up compared to last May)
IS - way up!
FT - average (way up compared to last May)
DP - up
123RF - average
DT - poor, as usual
Alamy - not great. Many downloads, but little money. Are they going microstock?
Photodune - down

« Reply #23 on: June 01, 2012, 05:07 »
Better than April, but worse than March

« Reply #24 on: June 01, 2012, 05:38 »
Surprisingly good month which ended 12% up on May 2011 and was my fifth highest earning month to date.

Compared to May 2011, SS, BigStock & DT were up, IS was flat and FT down.


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