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Author Topic: RANKING of Portfolio on agencies / of images: How to find out?  (Read 4069 times)

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« on: November 28, 2020, 05:55 »
Hi members,

I have two questions about RANKING:

1.) RANKING of portfolio on each agency

I could guess that might be Adobe could be on example for ranking portfolios with an intern algorytme. For example: You have a midlle big or big portfolio, but did not sell anything yet, then they might flag you and if similar images got uploaded from other (good seller) contributors, they would be ranking higher than the one who did not sell anything yet.
I would like to know, which agencies indeed doing that?
Really most of them?
I submit to eyeem, Pond5, Alamy, photocase, 123RF, deposit, dreamstime, Adobe, (bad pics even to SS),

I am thinking of deleting bad pics on the better agencies, if it helps to push my ranking.

2.) How to find out the ranking of an image?
I should check it for each agency AND on google, isnt it?
As more general my search keywords and my image displayed on the first site for example, as better the ranking is?
As more specific my search keywords as more the ranking only says something about the unique theme and not really about the real ranking. Right?

How do you find out the ranking of your images. Which way are you using?

Thanks in advance for your replies and experiences.

And if you have any advice beside following ideas, let me know:
For example: Bad ranking: checking the keywords, saleable image, better delete might be.

« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2020, 06:37 »
I don't spend time figuring out the ranking of my images. In my opinion that's a waste of time because each agency uses different algorithms to determine search ranking, portfolio performance and don't get me started on Google ranking. In other words, you're putting way too much thought into it.

I wouldn't delete bad sellers to try to get ahead in terms of ranking, I doubt it makes much difference.

« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2020, 17:04 »
Shoot more, worry about ranking less.

« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2020, 17:27 »
....You have a midlle big or big portfolio, but did not sell anything yet, then they might flag you and if similar images got uploaded from other (good seller) contributors, they would be ranking higher than the one who did not sell anything yet....

  why would they care who sells more - they're selling images not promoting artists 
« Last Edit: December 01, 2020, 18:28 by cascoly »

« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2020, 08:04 »
Shoot more, worry about ranking less.

Best advice someone can give to you.
Don't worry about profile ranking, if that exists at all, but do worry about your keywording.

And about deleting images I give you an anecdotal fun fact: I had an $$$ sale recently from an image that lingered around for years without ever selling.
Not a bad picture, but not a masterpiece either.

My advice: don't delete, because you never know... Algorithms change and events can trigger a demand in certain kind of images.

EDIT: and to answer the OP's question: BigStock ranks your images via "hotness" which you can see via "commissions -> statistics".
Not worth much, as volume there is pretty low, but as far as I know the only agency that gives you a limited peek into how they rank images (apart from trying to find how far up or down your images are directly via the search engine)

I never saw any indication that profile ranking is kept to influence individual image rankings.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2020, 08:29 by Roscoe »


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« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2020, 09:13 »
My advice: don't delete, because you never know... Algorithms change and events can trigger a demand in certain kind of images.

Exactly. You could be there at the end of 2019 thinking to yourself... "why did I create all this content relating to Coronaviruses?! Seemed like a good idea ta the time, but nobody seems to be buying them... I'll just delete them all. It's for the best".

« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2020, 09:46 »
I've had some big ticket sales for images that have never sold before or again on Shutterstock and pretty random/average ones. Once I've expended effort in the first place I do see the value of "investing" more time in deleted images. Sometimes I look and wonder what I was thinking at the time but there must of been a reason I thought they were worth uploading  ;)


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