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Author Topic: Where do you find stock photography models?  (Read 4979 times)

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« on: September 21, 2010, 03:28 »
This thread about [ur=]Model Mayhem[/url] being purchase by Hellman & Friedman (through Internet Brands) got a little off topic on using Model Mayhem as a source for models.  so here is a discussion are for that.

I have used Model Mayhem quite a bit and have found quite a few great models.  Agreed, (with the other thread) there is an unfortunate amount of models who feel they have to pose in very little clothing to get gigs but for me it works the other way.  If a model's portfolio is filled with skin, I'll pass on it.  I want models for stock images who have a great smile and are comfortable WITH clothes.


« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2010, 05:19 »
I use Model Mayhem, but it's a bit hit & miss. I have to spend ages trawling through the mobile phone cam shots of pouting naked teens in their bedrooms to get to the serious models.  I don't mind new models who haven't yet got a portfolio, but I won't employ anyone who has text speak on their profile page. KthanxBai.  ::)  It's been my experience that if they're not professional enough to write a few simple lines about themselves properly, then they're not professional enough to turn up/be on time.  I have found some very good make up artists on Model Mayhem though.

I often use Model Mayhem's casting call facility, and have had better success that way. I ask that they send me an email via MM rather than just registering their interest on the casting call. That weeds out lots of time wasters.

« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2010, 06:57 »
I'm a GK there - now you know.

MM has a circular issue in that it was started to give non-traditional models (under 5'7", tats, etc) a chance to get noticed. Due to that, and the fact that it's a completely volunteer endeavour, some wanna bes and dorks get through the application process. The requirements are simple, and the porn producers are aggressive in getting their contact info out there. We deny the obvious ones.

My personal experience has been hit or miss. Some "models" are flakes, some were ok. I've had the same luck with advertising on Craigslist. It's the nature of the beast.

« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2010, 09:03 »
I don't know how many of you venture into the 'Shout Box' on MM, but I wrote this to make it easier to use.  Its a little tray application that converts MM's Shout Box into a more normal chat window (only works on Windows at the moment):

Just make sure you shut down the tray app when you are done, someone told me they thought it was keeping their computer from going to sleep.

This is what it should look like if it is working correctly:

« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2024, 06:46 »
I've never hired models but I shot photos of myself incl. a medical band left on my wrist after I went for a blood test at the hospital. Also shot my foot (not literally) when I sprained it after collapsing. I was ok but my foot was badly bruised. Both photos have sold a few times.
I just shot a closeup of me using a nose trimmer & signed my own model release just in case but only part of my face is showing though. I don't have a studio so I used the front porch in my house to shoot as it has plenty of light.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2024, 07:05 by TonyD »


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