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Author Topic: Who is on your blacklist?  (Read 3793 times)

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« on: August 25, 2014, 12:57 »
...just curious ... who is on your DO-NOT-SUBMIT blacklist and why?

- istockphoto (untruthful statements, low royalty, shareholder company, refunds, failing to act as an agency, painful submission)
- Depositphotos (Shady business practice, low royalty, abusive partnerprograms)
- Canstockphoto (I used to love them, but 25% royalty rate for such a low seller? No thanks....)
- Bigstockphoto (what? Anything working there except stupid rejections? Sales, anybody?)
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 13:00 by Tror »

« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2014, 14:23 »
all of above and also Crated (no watermarks, not so good contributor treatment)


« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2014, 16:12 »
all of above and also Crated (no watermarks, not so good contributor treatment)

I'll add Fotolia and its miserable DPC.

Also Veer, for poor performance and its scads of unknown "partners".

« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2014, 18:11 »

Currently Fotolia, GraphicRiver, Crestock, and Depositphotos.

Crestock is just a dead end, they haven't done anything bad but they're not doing anything good either. FT and DP because of shady/unethical/concerning business practices, and GR because of poor image pricing.

« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2014, 21:44 »
no one's on my blacklist, but I've stopped submitting to the following over the last year due to poor reviewing practice and/or miniscule sales:

image vortex

i'll be dropping dp as soon (if ever) as I reach payout

go to the microstock collective site to record your opinions on these & the good agencies:

« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2014, 23:03 »
James Spader.   ;)


« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2014, 04:49 »

Currently Fotolia, GraphicRiver, Crestock, and Depositphotos.

Lol, didn`t even knew that Crestock still is out there....

« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2014, 07:58 »
OK, I'll play.

I agree with cascoly - no blacklist, but no longer submit to:

Crestock - slow and inconsistent reviews, low sales, low commissions (20% I think and 25 cent subs doesn't work for me)

Cutcaster - no sales originally, then got some sales and put them back on distribution, but they reject too much and no more sales so stopped uploading again.  If a slow-selling site has a higher rejection rate than SS they get dropped.

Yay - almost no sales and weird pricing, not worth even the minimal time needed to upload

Depositphotos - once I found out about the subs royalties for image packs they went off the distribution list

Panthermedia - sales are too low to be bothered by the clunky upload process

iStock - ditto above.  At some point I may start uploading again but every time I even think about getting into DeepMeta to do all those categories then something else becomes more important.  If I can copy and paste categories and keywords as someone said the other day then I might do it again, but it's too much bother right now.  They were worth the time when sales were good but not so much now.

On the cusp:

Envato - too many rejections and 33% commission isn't that compelling for a low-selling site.  Sales so far are enough to keep them on the list but just barely.  If sales drop or they continue to reject too many they will be off the distribution list.

GL - almost no sales.  Their easy upload process keeps them in the queue for now but at some point I may stop bothering.

On the positive side the smaller sites that I like and wish had better sales:

pond5 - 50% commission, set your own prices and good sales of video.  Upload is not the easiest but not horrible - hope they do better in the future.

featurepics - easy upload process, 50% commissions and enough sales to keep them interesting.  No subs so RPDL is higher than all of the major sites.

Veer - they've had some problems in the past but now have fast and reasonable reviews.  Sales are not great but for me they have the highest RPDL of any of the regular stock sites (except for Alamy and pond5) - a good ratio of ELs to regular downloads.  They listened to the community and made subs payouts a percentage of what was actually downloaded so usually more than the minimum.  Hope they can sell more in the future.

« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2014, 11:10 »

Currently Fotolia, GraphicRiver, Crestock, and Depositphotos.

Lol, didn`t even knew that Crestock still is out there....

Might as well not be. I'm up to $0.60 there this month.

Actually after posting in this thread and looking at my earnings over the last few months I emailed them asking to close my account.


« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2014, 18:56 »
They will very happily close your account right away.
Next day they closed mine without even an answer.



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