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Author Topic: Dissolve  (Read 29080 times)

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« on: December 05, 2014, 13:42 »
Does anyone contributing to Dissolve, any experience?

« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2014, 23:55 »
They had a controversial start, but made some changes and got rid of their $5 tier prices. They only give 30% but have been heavily advertising, a good sign of more potential for sales than other sites. So I have recently started to try them out. I don't have much to go on yet, but sales so far have been very good for the files I have had up there.

« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2014, 08:48 »
They look different from the average stock footage agency, kind of a stocksy approach but for video. I like it and i think there's a market for it, i may try them out in the future.


« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2014, 11:09 »
30% Royalty. They are out. Why support or low payer when we have fair and selling sites like pond5?

I am looking myself for more places for my footage, but refuse to participate in the race to the bottom which destroys the industry.

« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2014, 22:00 »
30% Royalty. They are out. Why support or low payer when we have fair and selling sites like pond5?

Ideally I wouldn't want to settle for 30%. But in a time when only P5 and SS are making any money for us, and after years of trying to support various 50% sites that rarely sell anything, I'm here to make money. Dissolve is one of the few other sites that are putting a lot of effort and money into advertising, which equals sales. It's the same cut as SS, and if you have your clips priced in their $80 tier you get the same (or more) per sale as on SS. I've only recently started trying them, but it's been a very promising start so far.

As for the race to the bottom, Dissolve's lowest price tier is $50, the highest is $300. That's going against the race to the bottom of the price barrel, of which even SS is trying to bring in with the BigStock subscriptions.

« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2014, 10:26 »
For me sales are good here, in terms of dollars they sell more than P5, less than SS. Pretty good for a newcomer.
The people that work there are really great, friendly and helpful. Check out the videos they make, they clearly love what they are doing.

What's really needed however, is a contributor page where you can check statistics, adjust prices, etcetera.
I also think that 30% is a bit low.

« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2014, 19:21 »
Does anyone know what their acceptance criteria is like? The site as a whole look like it is for a certain style and higher end.


« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2014, 01:09 »
One thing I really wouldn't like as a buyer -- no mouseover clips. AFAIK (I could be wrong) every video site I contribute to has mouseover clips. This one shows a static thumbnail. Maybe real buyers don't care?

« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2014, 05:14 »
+1 for Dissolve team and their work!

Got two payments in last two months. Thats awesome for starters. Great people, great support, good quality etc. They do love their jobs. For now :) Also, 30% could be a bit higher. But also, they introduced Payoneer beside Paypal, your only work is to upload to FTP and provide a CSV and thats it :)

High hopes for them! Fingers crossed!

« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2014, 11:28 »
I hope they really come up with a way to check statistics. As of now I still don't know if I had any sales last month (november).

« Reply #10 on: December 12, 2014, 13:13 »
I have postponed uploading at dissolve although it seems promising,simply because i need a dashboard to upload and tag my footage.
Even with the most recent updates i simply refuse to create csv files and upload them together.

By the way are prices set automatically there?I've seen very similar 4K timelapses for example, at 50, 80, and 300usd.
How are sales?

« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2014, 14:39 »
Dissolve is legit and solid for a newcomer.  It already is my #3 earner after P5 and SS.  They are upgrading contributor interface on the website so that we can manually change the setting of the clips.  Only complain is that you won't know what, when and how many clips you sold till they send you a monthly report.  We as contributors want know as soon as a clip is sold.  Yes, 30% sucks especially when you read the monthly report that the total sales is 3 times more than you earned from your own clips. 

« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2014, 14:26 »
I've looked at Dissolve a couple of time and one of the things that turned me off was that there doesn't appear (maybe I'm missing it) a way to change the sort order on searches. On the searches I did as tests, it appears that the results are sorted by age, with huge groups of similar videos by the same contributor all grouped together. It seems that your videos are going to be fairly quickly buried in the search, never to be seen again.

« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2014, 20:28 »
One thing I really wouldn't like as a buyer -- no mouseover clips. AFAIK (I could be wrong) every video site I contribute to has mouseover clips. This one shows a static thumbnail. Maybe real buyers don't care?

They have mouseover clips. It shows the thumbnail while it is loading the clip and then it plays a preview clip.

I have postponed uploading at dissolve although it seems promising,simply because i need a dashboard to upload and tag my footage.
Even with the most recent updates i simply refuse to create csv files and upload them together.

I find it really easy and quicker to create a csv. I do my clips on Pond5 first, and then from there you can download a CSV of all your clips data, and then I just copy and paste the relevant columns into new CSVs for uploading to both Dissolve and Revostock. Much quicker than inputting the info into individual files one by one.


« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2014, 22:59 »
One thing I really wouldn't like as a buyer -- no mouseover clips. AFAIK (I could be wrong) every video site I contribute to has mouseover clips. This one shows a static thumbnail. Maybe real buyers don't care?

They have mouseover clips. It shows the thumbnail while it is loading the clip and then it plays a preview clip.
Oh! I tried it in IE and found you are absolutely correct.

However, it does not work in FF (at least, not the version I'm using -- 32.0.1, a few revs behind by now). As that is my main browser, I had no idea until now. Thanks!

« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2014, 10:29 »
They are slow in processing the submitted Batch, I have one from quite some time and still waiting for the approval!

« Reply #16 on: February 18, 2015, 13:38 »
This just in.

If your company has ongoing video projects or uses a lot of stock, apply for Dissolve Priority. Its a completely free program that can help your team impress clients and win pitches. Itll even please your accountants. Heres how.

    Comp with full-size, unwatermarked clips

    Watermarks can be distracting to clients. And these days, low-res footage just doesnt cut it. As a Dissolve Priority buyer, you can download full-size, unwatermarked clips instantly, whenever you need them.
    Faster footage research

    Our experts provide free clip research at any stage of your process, from brainstorming to storyboarding to final edit. And research requests from Dissolve Priority customers get top priority.
    Set up your team for success

    Once your company is approved, you can add other team members who buy stock.
    Get clips instantly. Pay us later.

    Every month, well bill you for the clips you and your team used in final projects. Take 30 days to pay.

In a few words.A company can apply for a program where it can download FULL REZ UNWATERMARKED clips for the edit, and AFTERWARDS pay for the ones they use.
Gotta love this brave new world where creativity knows no boundaries.
Oh and the underlying assumption that all businesses are ethical and will play nice...LOL man.

Regardless of what will be discussed here i will stop contributing to dissolve.
These startup, stupid and abusive business practises, is something i wont tolerate any longer.
This is existential for me (and yes,i am pretty pissed off right now).

« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2015, 18:31 »

« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2015, 18:38 »
« Last Edit: February 19, 2015, 11:28 by KnowYourOnions »

« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2015, 19:06 »
that is a very scary approach. Full size no watermark? What if employees "forget " to let them know the file was used?

« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2015, 23:12 »
Dissolve Priority is a program designed for a limited group of key account customers. These are large corporations, advertising agencies and production companies that offer substantial budgets in exchange for an enhanced level of service from our client account support team. Dissolve becomes deeply integrated in their projects and workflow with regular client meetings, and by offering research to support their storyboards.

Most applicants do not qualify for Dissolve Priority. Companies that meet the criteria are granted access to un-watermarked comps as part of this program. These companies manage their risk carefully and diligently to ensure they have secured the rights to content they are using. A blue chip company has a lot to lose if they arent properly licensing clips for a Super Bowl commercial. Furthermore, Dissolve tracks all downloads by Priority clients not only to monitor usage but as a point of engagement to follow up and secure more licenses and revenue in our ongoing discussions with them.

The goal of Dissolve Priority is to develop closer partnerships with select major companies in order to generate more business for Dissolve and our contributors.

Really? I guess the criteria is to have a first and last name and email address? Company name is optional. ::)
« Last Edit: February 18, 2015, 23:14 by Holmes »

« Reply #23 on: February 19, 2015, 11:28 »
The contact information received from the apply now page is used by Dissolve sales representatives to follow up with the prospect and determine if they meet the program criteria. Most prospects are not accepted into the program.

I think this is the common practice. All big agencies have the same procedure in non-watermarked unlimited downloads allowed to trustworthy clients ONLY.

« Reply #24 on: February 19, 2015, 12:39 »
Full size unwatermarked comp is definitely a concern.  Anything can happen even if they say client's activity is monitored.

« Reply #25 on: February 19, 2015, 13:18 »
What can happen? They can steal two clips from Dissolve cause their budget is only $5? Pleaseeeee. There is to much drama in almost any move from any agency. ONE agency thats different and brings in the money after only four months of contribution is (in my case) Dissolve. Do you guys really think that Istock, SS, P5 and many others dont have "high rollers" that are using unwatermarked images/audio/footage... I'm behind Dissolve until/if proven wrong. But also, I dont think like that. I think they have already harvested some big players (customers) with their business. Thats only my opinion. Not a fact. You can go ahead and give all of my 3000+ clips unwatermarked full res to any of the big companies. Great move. Nice try to bring in the cash.

« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2015, 13:55 »
What can happen? They can steal two clips from Dissolve cause their budget is only $5? Pleaseeeee. There is to much drama in almost any move from any agency. ONE agency thats different and brings in the money after only four months of contribution is (in my case) Dissolve. Do you guys really think that Istock, SS, P5 and many others dont have "high rollers" that are using unwatermarked images/audio/footage... I'm behind Dissolve until/if proven wrong. But also, I don't think like that. I think they have already harvested some big players (customers) with their business. Thats only my opinion. Not a fact. You can go ahead and give all of my 3000+ clips unwatermarked full res to any of the big companies. Great move. Nice try to bring in the cash.

Big customers already is not a surprise here, considering that their Director of Sales worked for Getty 7 years, and obviously does know what big fishes want....GO Dissolve!
« Last Edit: February 19, 2015, 13:58 by KnowYourOnions »

« Reply #27 on: February 19, 2015, 15:09 »
While i understand that our work work in general is becoming a commodity,living with it and cheering it  on are two different things.

And to put things into perspective, I don't know what pond5 and shutterstock supposedly do behind my back.
I only know what they do or not (dare to) do, speak of,or propose in PUBLIC,and i am -more or less- OK with that.

I dont care if dissolve,which i started to contribute to a month ago despite my reluctance -which still stands- thinks that this might attract customers (it might) .
All i know is that this is drawing a picture of a business model which i dont like at all.


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