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Author Topic: Shutterstocks new pricing structure  (Read 25124 times)

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« Reply #25 on: April 14, 2017, 03:10 »
My point was, and always has been, that contributing to bottom feeding sites will eventually drive prices down as a whole. Here we can see clear evidence that prices on SS are being lowered. Draw your own conclusions. I'm just here to balance the views either defending the bottom feeders or ridiculing those that are trying to bring fellow contributors around to keeping prices fair (like Video-StockOrg above).

Look, I honestly hate being right sometimes. Especially about others lack of perspective and their poor decisions that eventually affect all of us.


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« Reply #26 on: April 14, 2017, 03:29 »
Some good, some bad. The bulk buy option sounds like the kind of garbage fotolia offers with regards to how much we will make.

Email from shutterstock:

"While high resolution footage is increasingly popular with our customers, they often choose entry-level clips because of the lower price. To encourage bulk high resolution downloads, we've narrowed the pricing gap across all our video packs. By raising the price for entry-level clips and lowering the prices for higher resolution packs, we've made this higher-quality content an easier choice for our customers. These pricing changes will vary globally.

We're introducing a new high-volume footage package.

Recently there's been a demand for a large number of downloads from a specific set of customers from large companies. To suit their needs we will soon introduce a high-volume footage package. This package gives your work an opportunity to reach a broader audience that could result in even more downloads.

We will only be offering this package to large business customers who are guaranteeing bulk purchases of footage. It wont be shown on our public website. With this package, clients will be given the opportunity to download a large volume of footage clips at a negotiated price per clip. As with our other footage products, your earnings under this high-volume footage package will be a percentage of the purchase price of each download, with payouts between $3 and $6 per clip."

If you could target for that market; the volume might make it worthwhile.   Sure is a low pay-out, though

Is there an opt out? These fkrs use the "higher volume" every mf time and only the sheep dont care. Sick of this sh!t.

Spot on!  just another high-volume scam! very similar to the Getty crap!


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #27 on: April 14, 2017, 03:40 »
Prices are starting to go down... that is what the market demands because of some other agencies that are dumping prices. Now incomes will go down, and agencies that are already dumping prices will probably go even lower to be competitive.


Still peddling that page full of nonsense I see!

I actually don't care about your limited view of whole situation... when everything will collapse as we fear it will, you won't be anywhere around because you didn't react properly when you had a chance and crying in shame.

Many years ago we foresee istock/getty collapsing and destroying incomes, but it was just a talk between contributors (we even been banned because we warned them on their forum).... now it is happening. We just laugh out loud now.

I'm specifically on about your strange calculations here...

"If you sell your work on Pond5, Shutterstock and Dissolve, each agency gives you about from $23 to $39 if you priced them all right. That means all together about $85 per sale on each site. While if you start selling your clips on Videoblocks for $49 and you get $48 per sale, thats almost twice less than you would get from other agencies."

Surely I can't be the only one who thinks that's completely wrong? You honestly believe that when you're uploading to Pond5, Shutterstock and Dissolve, and earning $85 per month (as an example)... then if you also start uploading to VideoBlocks as well, you'll then only earn $48 a month?

If you upload to Pond5, Shutterstock and Dissolve then you'll get $23 to $39 per sale, as you've stated, you won't get $85 per sale, as you then also stated for some reason. So how is $48 per sale considerably worse than getting $23 to $39 a sale?

And just to note... you're aware you sell on 123RF and they sell HD for $54 or less, but at a much lower commission? So $54 (earning you about $17) is fine, but $49 (earning you $48) is horrible? What's the magic cut off point? Is it $50, $51, $52 etc?


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #28 on: April 14, 2017, 03:41 »
My point was, and always has been, that contributing to bottom feeding sites will eventually drive prices down as a whole. Here we can see clear evidence that prices on SS are being lowered. Draw your own conclusions. I'm just here to balance the views either defending the bottom feeders or ridiculing those that are trying to bring fellow contributors around to keeping prices fair (like Video-StockOrg above).

Look, I honestly hate being right sometimes. Especially about others lack of perspective and their poor decisions that eventually affect all of us.

Well when creating images and footage becomes cheaper and faster, combined with the concept of supply and demand... the prices were unlikely to ever go up were they?

« Reply #29 on: April 14, 2017, 04:00 »
Believing that the trend of the industry is downward is understandable. But actively encouraging it, spinning PR for bottom feeding companies that hasten the process, and then making extra effort to pick apart someone pushing to keep their, yours and my prices fair? Less understandable.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2017, 04:15 by Daryl Ray »


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #30 on: April 14, 2017, 04:28 »
I haven't got a problem with him pushing to keep prices fair, I've just got a problem with him using nonsense figures to try and get his point across.

« Reply #31 on: April 14, 2017, 05:02 »
Look Spacey, SS is dropping prices even lower to be competitive... when your lovely Videoblocks starts lowering prices too, you wont get $48 anymore, but much less. So, your overall earning will drop drastically. Will Videoblocks earnings cover the loss? No it wont. When they will have enough people onboard that they will even lower your earnings because their business model is suspicious and it doesn't even slightly cover expenses of storage, support, taxes and employees confirming your files. They are working on marketing too... that isn't free either. It's just a matter of time when you will earn on videoblock just as much (or even less) as you do on SS, Dissolve or Fotolia today. At that time those agencies will sell your files for $ 3-6. Too late to weep about dumping as that happends. *cry baby cry*

« Reply #32 on: April 14, 2017, 06:32 »
This is utterly messed up.
All the talk of large customers is rhetoric ...
They are on the path to dropping prices...
I got that email and immediately got a $5 sale , almost like the bulk buyers were just sitting and waiting for it to go live.
Shutterstock should provide an opt-out feature
« Last Edit: April 14, 2017, 06:52 by damseremie »


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« Reply #33 on: April 14, 2017, 07:32 »
probably on the way of reducing commission and dropping prices on stills as well. I mean really its just getting beyond belief now and its obvious we are being taken for fools! bugs and glitches everywhere and strangled incomes because of their constant tinkering with the algorithm!  people leaving and an obvious lack of buyers and now this "superb" footage news.
Why dont they just come clean and tell us to go bugger ourselves?

Seriously though I am now fully convinced that before the end of the year we are staring at a deja vu Istockphoto. :(

« Reply #34 on: April 14, 2017, 08:06 »
Just out of curiosity, how much do you currently make per month per clip at Shutterstock only? Or which site has the best $/clip/month for you? Question aimed at anyone.

Currently an HD sale nets me $17-$23.

That is not what I asked.

LOL, sorry, I've had a long day. I should calculate it, but the result would be kind of skewed since I have recently been uploading more videos than in 2016. But my guess is around $0.10 per clip per month on SS.
VB has the best $/clip/month for me.


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #35 on: April 14, 2017, 10:52 »
Look Spacey, SS is dropping prices even lower to be competitive... when your lovely Videoblocks starts lowering prices too, you wont get $48 anymore, but much less. So, your overall earning will drop drastically. Will Videoblocks earnings cover the loss? No it wont. When they will have enough people onboard that they will even lower your earnings because their business model is suspicious and it doesn't even slightly cover expenses of storage, support, taxes and employees confirming your files. They are working on marketing too... that isn't free either. It's just a matter of time when you will earn on videoblock just as much (or even less) as you do on SS, Dissolve or Fotolia today. At that time those agencies will sell your files for $ 3-6. Too late to weep about dumping as that happends. *cry baby cry*

So you're saying that all sites will start lowering prices at some point, no matter what... so it doesn't really matter what we do or who we upload to? Even if it does matter, they'd have to drop their prices to about $18 to get what I am currently from some sites. They might drop the prices, but 64%? I think it's going to be quite a bit down the road until that happens.

Their business model isn't really suspicious. I would prefer if they took a share of the sale as it gives them more of an incentive, but the marketplace is more of a value-add for their main business... it brings more customers through the door for their main product.

But still, the point I was trying to make is that you're using inaccurate and misleading information on your page to support the cause. The truth should be all a cause needs to gain support, so it makes me wonder why you feel the need to make stuff up, or bend the truth. 

« Reply #36 on: April 14, 2017, 13:24 »
Thinking few steps ahead... that is what you need to learn.

« Reply #37 on: April 14, 2017, 14:53 »
Video is going down the same path as photos. As supply increases and demand doesn't keep pace then everyone's market share will drop. The barrier to entry continues to drop, camera's are cheap, 4K stabilized footage is easy to produce. Why would anyone pay a premium for clips that some kid with an Iphone can create?

If you want to be able to charge a premium for high quality content that the average joe can't make then microstock is the wrong market place. I don't really see a point in fighting to hold onto "how it used to be" because the market is changing and if you don't adapt then you're going to get left in the dust.

People can say they will pull their portfolios but in the end someone else will fill that space. We can complain all we want but we all know the direction this is heading and it's not up...

« Reply #38 on: April 14, 2017, 15:18 »
Video still has a long way to go before it becomes as inflationary as photos. There are 200 (?) million photos, versus 5 million (?) clips.

And most of them are holiday snapshots or even editorial. The number of people who actively set up shootings for stock production...that is a very small group.

It is also not such a popular hobby as photography. Everybody loves taking pictures, but how many say their favorite hobby is creating videos?


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #39 on: April 14, 2017, 19:34 »
Thinking few steps ahead... that is what you need to learn.

It's apparently what you need to learn, because if price dropping is inevitable across all sites, then why not get 100% of $49 now while you can?

But you seem to be avoiding all of my points... are you going to remove the misleading information from your site?

« Reply #40 on: April 16, 2017, 23:41 »
Does anyone know if the new pricing means as little as $3 paid for 4k footage?


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« Reply #41 on: April 17, 2017, 02:52 »
Honestly I don't find SS very good in terms of video they seem to sell very little and as far as Adobe sales are almost non existant Safest bet for somebody producing good and commercial footage is to completely get out of stock-filming and go with a solid prod-company with automatic buying and promotion since the groundwork have already been done.


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #42 on: April 17, 2017, 06:54 »
Honestly I don't find SS very good in terms of video they seem to sell very little and as far as Adobe sales are almost non existant Safest bet for somebody producing good and commercial footage is to completely get out of stock-filming and go with a solid prod-company with automatic buying and promotion since the groundwork have already been done.

What, like getting a job?! I think I just did a little bit of sick in my mouth.


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« Reply #43 on: April 17, 2017, 09:18 »
Honestly I don't find SS very good in terms of video they seem to sell very little and as far as Adobe sales are almost non existant Safest bet for somebody producing good and commercial footage is to completely get out of stock-filming and go with a solid prod-company with automatic buying and promotion since the groundwork have already been done.

What, like getting a job?! I think I just did a little bit of sick in my mouth.

Hahaha! no not getting a job sod that. Working through a Production-company as freelance! and that way you get hired for commercial filming etc able to supply really high class stuff. not getting a JOB! F that!

« Reply #44 on: April 17, 2017, 10:50 »
Video is going down the same path as photos. As supply increases and demand doesn't keep pace then everyone's market share will drop. The barrier to entry continues to drop, camera's are cheap, 4K stabilized footage is easy to produce. Why would anyone pay a premium for clips that some kid with an Iphone can create?

If you want to be able to charge a premium for high quality content that the average joe can't make then microstock is the wrong market place. I don't really see a point in fighting to hold onto "how it used to be" because the market is changing and if you don't adapt then you're going to get left in the dust.

People can say they will pull their portfolios but in the end someone else will fill that space. We can complain all we want but we all know the direction this is heading and it's not up...

Could not agree more.  This is exactly like reading a discussion about still image trends from a couple of years ago.

What's really sad is that a lot of people got into shooting footage to compensate for the erosion of the photo market.


« Reply #45 on: April 17, 2017, 14:03 »
I just got a video sale: 2.40 $  :o :o :o

« Reply #46 on: April 17, 2017, 14:18 »
I've had plenty of $4, $5, and $6 footage sales at Shutterstock before (lowest being $3.77).


« Reply #47 on: April 17, 2017, 18:24 »
I've had plenty of $4, $5, and $6 footage sales at Shutterstock before (lowest being $3.77).
Until this new pricing structure, such sales were always so-called "low res" clips. (Of course, since SS doesn't actually tell us the size of the file sold, we could never be sure what size was bought/sold.)

Now, unless they create a new category for these sales, we won't know if a $4 sale was a low res clip, or a 4K clip.  >:(

« Reply #48 on: April 17, 2017, 19:12 »
I emailed them asking for an opt out option. I already know the answer but I want them to know how I feel.  This is simply yet another way to devalue our work and put greed first and foremost.  As soon as they had enough content to build in defection and not hurt their collection, they launched this offering.  It is a big FU to content providers.

« Reply #49 on: April 18, 2017, 06:54 »
Isnt this the result of the pond5 membership program? they are offering files extremly cheap, incuding lots of very high quality files. So of course SS has to offer something.

I wish Adobe was stronger with video sales, would be great to have a strong third player in the market.


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