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Author Topic: GL down?  (Read 16099 times)

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« on: March 09, 2015, 05:59 »
anyone else having trouble getting the site up?

« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2015, 07:28 »
No problems from the UK.


« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2015, 07:42 »
Thanks, sorry it's back again now. It was down for about half an hour. I thought they may have gone under! Glad they are still here as I have seen an upturn in sales the last few weeks!

Beppe Grillo

« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2015, 10:13 »
I can access to their pages without problem, but not to their customers
I wrote them two weeks ago to ask if they are still working (I have no sales for months there)
I am still waiting for their answer.
For me this site is dead

« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2015, 13:18 »
Had a sale a week ago.  I get one every month or two.

I think what happened there is massive dilution.  Early on, they got a lot of buzz for being a site that was easy to work with and paid fair commissions - and was making a few sales.   GL sort of went viral among stock photographers and they probably received a huge volume of images.  Then their sales sharply declined (supposedly due in part to changes at Google) and never recovered.  The result is that today they may be making enough to stay in business, but not to be worthwhile for individual photographers - so no one is submitting there any longer.

« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 13:22 by stockastic »

« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2015, 14:01 »
Are we allowed to submit there yet ??????

Beppe Grillo

« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2015, 15:07 »
Had a sale a week ago.  I get one every month or two.

I think what happened there is massive dilution.  Early on, they got a lot of buzz for being a site that was easy to work with and paid fair commissions - and was making a few sales.   GL sort of went viral among stock photographers and they probably received a huge volume of images.  Then their sales sharply declined (supposedly due in part to changes at Google) and never recovered.  The result is that today they may be making enough to stay in business, but not to be worthwhile for individual photographers - so no one is submitting there any longer.

Their maximum of 20 images a day to submit is very boring, I have stopped to submit there because of this.
If they would put a maximum for the month (600, corresponding to their maximum a day X 30) I surely start to upload again.

« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2015, 15:10 »
Had a sale a week ago.  I get one every month or two.

I think what happened there is massive dilution.  Early on, they got a lot of buzz for being a site that was easy to work with and paid fair commissions - and was making a few sales.   GL sort of went viral among stock photographers and they probably received a huge volume of images.  Then their sales sharply declined (supposedly due in part to changes at Google) and never recovered.  The result is that today they may be making enough to stay in business, but not to be worthwhile for individual photographers - so no one is submitting there any longer.

Their maximum of 20 images a day to submit is very boring, I have stopped to submit there because of this.
If they would put a maximum for the month (600, corresponding to their maximum a day X 30) I surely start to upload again.
Uploading has been closed there for months hasn't it???  Are you able to upload 20 a day?

Beppe Grillo

« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2015, 16:08 »
There are months that I have stopped to upload to them, so I don't know if their upload is working. I don't even know if the site is still active (visible, accessible yes, but active??)

« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2015, 16:39 »
Definitely active.  I had sales if February but so far only one this month.  It says no uploading for me that was why I was surprised to read about 20 a day.

« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2015, 07:37 »
They haven't announced that uploads have started again, so i suspect Beppe Grillo just hasn't uploaded for a while?

I wish they would allow even 10 uploads a week, just to give the buyers something new to look at.  They sell something occasionally for me.

« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2015, 07:47 »
I can access to their pages without problem, but not to their customers
I wrote them two weeks ago to ask if they are still working (I have no sales for months there)
I am still waiting for their answer.
For me this site is dead

While I love fair trade sites like GL, sales there are non-existent for me as well, Beppe. I think that a small company like GL just cannot compete with the bigger agencies and are in quicksand.....the harder you try the deeper you sink. I'm leaving my images there for now, but I am probably going to do a house cleaning in a few months.....GL, SF, CanStockPhoto.

« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2015, 13:29 »

There was a time when I could make over $100 a month at GL. And while that was never anything to really get super excited about, it showed some potential. Now I won't make $100 there in a year.

GL is a bit of a weird one in the stock business. They sort of came out of nowhere and actually made a positive entry into the market. Things looked good, and then all of a sudden there was that weird notice about something changing in Google that basically nuked GL's search placement, and then uploads stopped, and since then we've really heard nothing.

There have been stock companies who shut down, and companies that just went radio-silent and disappeared. With GL I get the feeling there's a lot more to it than just poor sales or bad luck with the Google algorithms. Maybe someday we'll find out the real story.

« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2015, 19:03 »
Google have killed off other sites that have nothing to do with microstock before.  Would be good to have an independent non-profit search engine that was used by everyone but I suppose that's never going to happen.

I think GL are still doing relatively well, there's lots of sites that have been around for years selling much less.  Just to be 13th in the earnings poll here is quite an achievement when you look at the huge list of sites.

« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2015, 20:20 »
While I agree they seem to be making a go of it in some sense, and they pay fair royalties - there is no reason to upload any more photos to them at their current level of sales.    I don't know where it goes from here.

« Reply #15 on: March 10, 2015, 21:20 »
While I agree they seem to be making a go of it in some sense, and they pay fair royalties - there is no reason to upload any more photos to them at their current level of sales.    I don't know where it goes from here.

There isn't just no reason. It's not possible.

« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2015, 04:11 »
Uploading wasn't a chore, it was 10 seconds work a week.  There was no reason to stop uploading until they stopped it.



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