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Author Topic: Boians.com 3D content 901 Cut Unauthorized sale Gettyimages, Istockphoto, Thinks  (Read 8109 times)

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Boians Cho Joo Young

  • 2D, 3D Character Designer
« on: July 13, 2017, 08:11 »

Boians.com 3D content 901 Cut Unauthorized sale Gettyimages, Istockphoto, Thinkstock.
보이안스 3D 콘텐츠 901컷 게티이미지, 아이스톡포토, 싱크스톡 불법 무단 판매.

Hello, I'm Boians Cho Joo Young.

Boians.com provide content to Stock photo from October 2012 to October 2016.
The person named "Pavalan" uploaded the content on September 12, 2015 without permission and is selling it until now. At the same time as me, "Pavalan" sold my content without my permission. This is a serious problem.

May, 2017 in Korea Getty Images International and Imaging. Co., Ltd, a joint venture with Getty Images Korea Co., Ltd was established.
We are going to protest the issue on the Getty Images Korea Co., Ltd.

안녕하세요 보이안스 조주영입니다.
보이안스 리뉴얼을 마치고 새로운 마음으로 다시 시작하려 했더니 이제는 게티이미지와 계열사에서 무단으로 판매를 하고 있더군요. 보이안스(Boians)에서는 아이스톡포토에 2012년 10월~2016년 10월까지 콘텐츠를 공급하였습니다. 'Pavalan' 라는 사람이 2015년 9월 12일부터 현재까지 무단으로 콘텐츠를 업로드하여 판매하고 있습니다. 제가 작가로 활동하던 시기에도 'Pavalan' 내 콘텐츠를 판매했다는 것으로 이는 아이스톡포토의 작가 시스템 자체의 심각한 문제입니다.

2017년 05월 게티이미지 본사(Getty Images Internatiomal)와 다우그룹 계열사인 (주)이매진스(구 멀티비츠이미지)의 합작 법인인 (주)게티이미지코리아가 개설되었으므로 한국지사에 직접 항의하도록 하겠습니다.

보이안스의 저작물인 3D 콘텐츠 901컷을 2015년 9월 12일부터 현재까지 게티이미지, 아이스톡포토, 싱크스톡 3개의 사이트에서 무단 판매하고 있음을 고지 드리며. 이는 저작권법 제125조 및 136조에 의거 민형사 상의 불이익이 있을 수 있음을 뜻합니다.

모든 무단 판매 이미지에 대한 증거 자료의 확보는 마친 상황이며, 귀사의 공식 의견을 이메일로 요청하였습니다. 보이안스(Boians)의 요구 사항을 'Pavalan'에 대한 개인 정보와 판매 내역에 대한 적절한 손해배상입니다. 당사자 간의 합의를 볼 의사는 있지만 구체적인 합의조건에 이견이 있는 경우에는 한국저작권위원회의 저작권 분쟁조정제도를 이용할 수 있습니다. 그러나, 합의 및 조정으로 해결되지 않는다면 결국은 별도의 법적 구제수단을 선택해야 합니다. 물론 당사자 간의 합의는 필수 절차가 아니므로 생략하고 바로 법적 대응을 할 수도 있습니다.

아이스톡포토 (Istockphoto, Credit: pavalan)

싱크스톡 (Thinkstock, Credit: pavalan, Collection: iStock)

게티이미지 (Getty Images, Credit: pavalan, Collection: iStock)

(주)게티이미지코리아(Getty Images Korea Co., Ltd.)

(주)이매진스(구 멀티비츠이미지, Imaging. Co., Ltd.)

게티이미지 무단 판매 캡처 증거. (Gettyimages.com Unauthorized sale evidence.)

아이스톡포토 무단 판매 캡처 증거. (Istockphoto.com Unauthorized sale evidence.)

싱크스톡 무단 판매 캡처 증거. (Thinkstockphotos.com Unauthorized sale evidence.)

무단 사용에 대한 게티 이미지 정책 (Getty Images policy on unauthorized use)


« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2017, 08:24 »
What the heck? Was "Pavalan" an old account of your you want deleted or just a thief reselling your work? It's crazy that this has gone on so long!

On an unrelated note, is the Getty site really that trashy looking place with all the Google ads now? That's beyond sad for a major agency.


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2017, 08:38 »
On an unrelated note, is the Getty site really that trashy looking place with all the Google ads now? That's beyond sad for a major agency.
It's been discussed a lot. Allegedly, only non-buyers see the ads. I can only hope that most potential buyers use AdBlock, but by the number of people who have noticed and commented on it, there must be many people who don't.
Agreed: cheap, nasty, desperate and beyond sad.

Boians Cho Joo Young

  • 2D, 3D Character Designer
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2017, 00:04 »
An official answer to Getty Images has arrived.

"Pavalan" is the answer that 3D content 901 Cut was not sold at all for 690 days.
Getty Images, Istockphoto, Thinkstock. Three sites are lied to say that they did not sell one.

Does it make sense to say that there was no sale for two years?
I want to hear the opinions of the artists.

[ Getty Images Official Response August 08, 2013 13:08]
Dear Sir,
I work in Getty Images legal department.
Mr Hong has informed us that you discovered that someone has stolen your content and provided it to iStock. As soon as we became aware of this, we removed this content from our website. We have also stopped working with him, so he has been banned from our iStock website.
Please note that we have checked our records, and no client had obtained a license for this content while it was on the iStock website, so this person did not earn any money with your content on our website.
We hope that this reassures you and solve the problem,
Please also note that Getty Images Korea does not have access to the content we put on iStock. There are completely different companies.
Should you have any further queries, please contact me directly.
Kind regards,

Irne Roberts | Director, Corporate Counsel
p: +442032272280
Getty Images   

Company Information
Getty Images (UK) Limited
101, Bayham Street, London, NW1 0AG, UK
Registered in England and Wales, Registered Number: 03728660


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2017, 01:12 »
Guess it depends on how many you're selling of the same stuff. If it's hundreds or thousands, then it's pretty unlikely. If it's more in the 'tens' rather than the hundreds then it might be possible.

Boians Cho Joo Young

  • 2D, 3D Character Designer
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2017, 01:25 »
Guess it depends on how many you're selling of the same stuff. If it's hundreds or thousands, then it's pretty unlikely. If it's more in the 'tens' rather than the hundreds then it might be possible.

I am currently negotiating with Getty Images for damages for unauthorized sale.
Gettyimages, Istockphoto, Thinkstock. Sold for two years without permission.
The number of images sold without permission is 901 Cut.

Getty Images claims to have sold zero for two years.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2017, 01:31 by Boians Cho Joo Young »


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2017, 04:00 »
Guess it depends on how many you're selling of the same stuff. If it's hundreds or thousands, then it's pretty unlikely. If it's more in the 'tens' rather than the hundreds then it might be possible.

I am currently negotiating with Getty Images for damages for unauthorized sale.
Gettyimages, Istockphoto, Thinkstock. Sold for two years without permission.
The number of images sold without permission is 901 Cut.

Getty Images claims to have sold zero for two years.

By '901 cut', do you mean they've had 901 sales? How do you know this, unless I'm mistaken, there aren't sales stats on the item pages?

Boians Cho Joo Young

  • 2D, 3D Character Designer
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2017, 04:25 »
Guess it depends on how many you're selling of the same stuff. If it's hundreds or thousands, then it's pretty unlikely. If it's more in the 'tens' rather than the hundreds then it might be possible.

I am currently negotiating with Getty Images for damages for unauthorized sale.
Gettyimages, Istockphoto, Thinkstock. Sold for two years without permission.
The number of images sold without permission is 901 Cut.

Getty Images claims to have sold zero for two years.

By '901 cut', do you mean they've had 901 sales? How do you know this, unless I'm mistaken, there aren't sales stats on the item pages?

" The number of images sold without permission is 901 Cut."  The number of my content that I sold unauthorized on Getty Images. The number of works, not the number of sales.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2017, 04:29 by Boians Cho Joo Young »


  • Space, Sci-Fi and Astronomy Related Stock Footage

« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2017, 07:29 »
Ok, so there were 901 of your items for sale on the thief's account. So the question still stands, how much were you selling of those items? That would give you a reasonable idea of how likely it is that they sold nothing over two years.


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