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Author Topic: Freedom of speech and a hint of intimidation  (Read 57894 times)

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« Reply #150 on: February 09, 2011, 11:20 »
There doesn't seem to really be any point to contributing to the istock forums anymore, unless you want to talk about:
1. How FANTASTIC istock is.
2. How SUPER FAST the inspection team is.
3. Thank you istock for (fill in the blank).

Anything against istock is frowned upon and if you post more than 1 negative comment about istock, you get the lil lobo sitemail threat. I wish I could post my lengthy back and forth site mails I had with him. They are awesomely ridiculous. But I won't to maintain my anonymity.

Since there is nothing good to say about istock lately, there is no point in trying to post anything over there.. IMO

« Reply #151 on: February 09, 2011, 12:20 »
I haven't been banned and I've certainly posted many things pointing out the flaws, problems, greed, inconsistency, etc. with various aspects of the site or company policy.

I have gotten ticked off via site mail a couple of times, but not for every post. Things are not good over there, and I find the "thank you for fixing this piece of code you broke months ago" pretty gag inducing, but I do think it's possible to hold their toes to the fire as long as you don't rant or make personal attacks.

Once, I really think there was some attention paid to contributor concerns and speaking out in the forum made a difference. I don't think that any more, but until I give up on the site altogether, I will continue to complain constructively about things that need attention.

It's pretty easy to get yourself banned by bluntly and angrily telling them the truth about how they have effed up one of the best stock sites out there. It's also reasonably easy to avoid getting banned if you want to temper what you say a little and word things carefully (harder to do for non-native English speakers, I realize).

« Reply #152 on: February 09, 2011, 12:54 »
Well said Jen, i'll be right there with you doing just about the same  :-X

« Reply #153 on: February 09, 2011, 13:00 »
I haven't been banned and I've certainly posted many things pointing out the flaws, problems, greed, inconsistency, etc. with various aspects of the site or company policy.

I have gotten ticked off via site mail a couple of times, but not for every post. Things are not good over there, and I find the "thank you for fixing this piece of code you broke months ago" pretty gag inducing, but I do think it's possible to hold their toes to the fire as long as you don't rant or make personal attacks.

Once, I really think there was some attention paid to contributor concerns and speaking out in the forum made a difference. I don't think that any more, but until I give up on the site altogether, I will continue to complain constructively about things that need attention.

It's pretty easy to get yourself banned by bluntly and angrily telling them the truth about how they have effed up one of the best stock sites out there. It's also reasonably easy to avoid getting banned if you want to temper what you say a little and word things carefully (harder to do for non-native English speakers, I realize).


« Reply #154 on: February 09, 2011, 16:38 »
It's pretty easy to get yourself banned by bluntly and angrily telling them the truth about how they have effed up one of the best stock sites out there. It's also reasonably easy to avoid getting banned if you want to temper what you say a little and word things carefully (harder to do for non-native English speakers, I realize).

Definitely true. If you're conscious and careful, you won't get a warning and you certainly won't be banned.

In all my posts on iStock, I only ever got a handful of warnings from Lobo. And I usually knew when/why they'd be coming. Also, the posts of mine that he deleted never really surprised me. It was pretty clear to me what I could and couldn't get away with saying, and I feel like he let me get away with a lot over the years. What surprised me was only that he'd delete my more sarcastic comments but leave those of others. He's definitely become more vigilant of late, as things have continued to spiral out of control there. What with all the changes, bugs, and other negative developments or things we have to rant about.

« Reply #155 on: February 09, 2011, 17:15 »
I do think it's possible to hold their toes to the fire as long as you don't rant or make personal attacks.
Don't try to be funny either. That was one of the reasons for my banning. Lobo doesn't like "lolcanoes", even if everyone else does.

He's takes himself far too seriously, just like the traffic cop he claims to be.

« Reply #156 on: February 09, 2011, 17:31 »
LOL @ "lolcanoes"  :D

« Reply #157 on: February 09, 2011, 21:12 »
I'm still going to have to disagree with the group. Yes this Lobo character is totally out of control but iStock still condones it by letting him do what he wants. I've sent several emails to contributor relations and had a nice twitter chat with who ever runs their twitter and no one has reached out to me or rectified my ban. iStock is as much to blame as Lobo(tomy)

« Reply #158 on: February 09, 2011, 21:32 »
Oh and I had no warnings what so ever

« Reply #159 on: February 17, 2011, 19:05 »
Boy am I glad I had myself banned when I did.

While it seems Lobo's tone has softened these last weeks, the more I read of Dawn and Kelvin (in particular) in their new role as moderators, the less I feel I know them. Their voices/tone has really changed from before the badges.

« Reply #160 on: February 17, 2011, 19:21 »
Boy am I glad I had myself banned when I did.

While it seems Lobo's tone has softened these last weeks, the more I read of Dawn and Kelvin (in particular) in their new role as moderators, the less I feel I know them. Their voices/tone has really changed from before the badges.

This is for * SURE, especially Kelvin.  Before he was pretty down to earth and now he sounds like LOBO jr.

« Reply #161 on: February 17, 2011, 19:26 »
I miss the old Kelvin. He had some of the best zingers I've ever read on those forums.

« Reply #162 on: February 17, 2011, 19:35 »
This is for SURE, especially Kelvin.  Before he was pretty down to earth and now he sounds like LOBO jr.

I miss the old Kelvin. He had some of the best zingers I've ever read on those forums.

Ditto. And ditto. Kelvin was awesome. Keyword: was. His zingers were the best! And cut straight to the chase. He was (there's that word again) a great voice for the contributor base. One of our top voices. And now ...

It's disappointing, to say the least. Actually, it's quite shocking. I'm still not nearly used to it. Though I haven't been reading the forums more than sporadically of late. As just a pop-in, now, I feel like I've lost the flow of the forums. So maybe other people who still read more regularly have already acclimated to the new tone/voice.

Anyway. Onward.

« Reply #163 on: February 17, 2011, 20:16 »
Poor fat lobo. He really deserves lobotomy...


« Reply #164 on: February 17, 2011, 22:06 »
I don't think he is fat. Is he?


  • We Have Exciting News For You
« Reply #165 on: February 17, 2011, 22:07 »
Apparently he's also poor. All hail angry parakeet. 


« Reply #166 on: February 17, 2011, 22:17 »
Good one..  ;D

« Reply #167 on: February 17, 2011, 23:04 »
Apparently he's also poor. All hail angry parakeet. 

I get the impression he's suffering from dementia. He seems to be completely forgetful or totally unaware of who is actually paying his f*cking wages.

« Reply #168 on: February 17, 2011, 23:09 »
Apparently he's also poor. All hail angry parakeet. 

I get the impression he's suffering from dementia. He seems to be completely forgetful or totally unaware of who is actually paying his f*cking wages.

yeah: the people he is disciplining. In which other business would you ever find an absurd constellation like that?


« Reply #169 on: February 18, 2011, 03:22 »
Apparently he's also poor. All hail angry parakeet. 

I get the impression he's suffering from dementia. He seems to be completely forgetful or totally unaware of who is actually paying his f*cking wages.

His Mother was a hamster and his father smells of elderberries

Can anyone here be any more irrelevant or stupid with personal attacks?

Oh by the way, IS pays his wages and IS makes the guidelines for how he should manage the forms. Last of all - none of us has any "Freedom of Speech" on any private forum anywhere that's run by some company or individual. It's their RIGHT to allow or disallow anything they want. Are people so clueless to miss the point that the forum owner/operators also have rights?

Intimidation, that's bad practice. The right way to handle people who don't follow forum guidelines is give them a vacation and if that doesn't work, ban them. Explain the rules and issue a warning. No intimidation, no reasoning, just the facts.

« Reply #170 on: February 18, 2011, 06:41 »
Facts! We don't need no stinking facts! Mob mentality is the rule of the day here on MSG.  ;D

« Reply #171 on: February 18, 2011, 10:25 »
Facts! We don't need no stinking facts! Mob mentality is the rule of the day here on MSG.  ;D

Just like the IS forum! It's everywhere!  ;D


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #172 on: February 18, 2011, 11:25 »
Facts! We don't need no stinking facts! Mob mentality is the rule of the day here on MSG.  ;D

it is, and I find it in really poor taste listening to some of you referring to moderators with very personal insults. whether you agree or disagree with their comments, fine. but as per usual many of you are crossing serious lines. show some class.

« Reply #173 on: February 18, 2011, 12:08 »
Facts! We don't need no stinking facts! Mob mentality is the rule of the day here on MSG.  ;D

it is, and I find it in really poor taste listening to some of you referring to moderators with very personal insults. whether you agree or disagree with their comments, fine. but as per usual many of you are crossing serious lines. show some class.

If you want class, you should stick to the IS forum. Because everyone that posts there is VERY classy, including Lobo!  ;)


« Reply #174 on: February 18, 2011, 15:59 »
Facts! We don't need no stinking facts! Mob mentality is the rule of the day here on MSG.  ;D

I'll take the mob over the woo-yay-ers over at the istock forums.


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