not here dude. IS still dead as a nail head on a coffin lid for me.
You only have 40 images in your portfolio there. While many of them are very nice shots, there are several angles of the same shots, and the concepts are not unique (meaning that there are many similar images in competition). Fruit on a white background is a flooded market, and when the background is not completely blown out, it limits the designer somewhat if they wanted an isolated looking fruit. They could download yours and spend the time to isolate it themself, or they could just download one of the other hundreds of "fruit on a white background" shots where the background is actually white.
Even though I have the sporadic crappy day, I have set a new record months every month. I have very small portfolio, relatively speaking, at less than 150... but I try to come up with unique concepts for the images I do upload, and therefore have a pretty high DL/img rate.
Work on building up variety in your portfolio. Think of a new take on an old theme. I've seen some people who mold their portfolio by copying the most popular list. Unfortunately that will only get you so far. Consider what the competition will be if there are thousands of others doing the same thing. Shoot what you enjoy and hone your skills to make your images stand out in the flood of others.
IS can be a very profitable site. Don't give up; you haven't given it enough effort yet.
Good luck!!