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Author Topic: Sales have tanked big time  (Read 188665 times)

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Cogent Marketing

« Reply #425 on: October 27, 2011, 16:13 »
Sorry SNP. I cannot quote and reply to you as I'm one of the 32 that have you on ignore. Had to log out to see your comment and then log back in again.

Classy? probably not but I'm not one of the sycophantic exclusive istock lovers that troll this site (and not just this forum). I say as I find. Istock execs and admins are cr*p. Period.
If you're too blind to see that well that's your problem not mine.

Your own words tell a lot about you.
Anons comments don't count. Another one going down the troll shoot....

« Reply #426 on: October 27, 2011, 16:22 »
Wow, now you decide what counts and what don't. Such a big boy. What will be next? Comments from photographers with scarce/pitiful portfolios don't count? Comments from istock exclusives don't count?
Well, I don't know if I will be able to sleep this night thingking that I'm in your troll/ignore list. And thinhking about all this work, logging in and logging out. Terrible.
But don't fear, I won't put you in my ignore list, because I find your comments highly entertaining.  
« Last Edit: October 27, 2011, 16:25 by loop »

« Reply #427 on: October 27, 2011, 16:22 »
The only answer is to stop outsourcing...
Um, I think microstocking is outsourcing (the real meaning of which is getting the company's work done by sources outside the company). We should be careful what we wish for?

LOL. Yeah, don't stop outsourcing. I enjoy all my foreign and freelance clients. They are pleasure to work with and I wish I had more.


« Reply #428 on: October 27, 2011, 17:18 »
For anyone who doesn't know it, there's a "show" button on the posts of anyone you are ignoring.  You don't have to log out and login to read them.  Convenient :)

« Reply #429 on: October 27, 2011, 17:32 »
Oh, thanks. Never saw it. Maybe because I'm not in the ignore business.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2011, 17:41 by loop »


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #430 on: October 27, 2011, 18:23 »
The only answer is to stop outsourcing...
Um, I think microstocking is outsourcing (the real meaning of which is getting the company's work done by sources outside the company). We should be careful what we wish for?

LOL. Yeah, don't stop outsourcing. I enjoy all my foreign and freelance clients. They are pleasure to work with and I wish I had more.

I agree--love working with freelancers and as a freelancer. isn't everything outsourced these days anyways? people don't stay in one company long enough to justify training costs...better ROI with outsourcing


  • We Have Exciting News For You
« Reply #431 on: October 27, 2011, 18:32 »
Regarding anti-outsourcing, I understand the argument but in my situation I don't have a choice in the matter because my employer requires me to use them. For those who are negatively affected by outsourcing it's unfortunate but you either adapt, find a different career, or get in the unemployment line. As photographers we may face the same issue at some point.

I understand what you are saying and to a certain degree I agree, but it's pretty tough for the millions already standing in the unemployment line to get a different career. There are only so many companies offering careers where outsourcing wouldn't come into play, and I think the number of people looking for jobs and that as a new career overshadows that tremendously.

The only answer is to stop outsourcing, but again, it's not about helping the country or employees or unemployment. For the CEOs and top management, it's all about keeping what they personally already have at everyone else's expense.

And that's the problem. Everybody has become so lax at survival because they know if they fall down the government will pay them to stay on the ground. There is no more self accountability. Why do people need to wait until they're in the unemployment line to decide it's time for a career change? They couldn't tell it was coming? When over the past X years their coworkers have been being let go. Or the news is saying their industry will take a beating for the next X years. I changed careers when I saw my existing career was a dead end to hard times. Sure enough, people in that industry are facing a pretty slim future. I'm doing pretty well.

How do you stop outsourcing? Or how do you stop others from outsourcing? Should I tell my boss? "Hey boss, I think it's terrible that we're paying good developers $25 per hour when we could be paying local ones $100." What do you think the response would be?


« Reply #432 on: October 27, 2011, 19:36 »
Regarding anti-outsourcing, I understand the argument but in my situation I don't have a choice in the matter because my employer requires me to use them. For those who are negatively affected by outsourcing it's unfortunate but you either adapt, find a different career, or get in the unemployment line. As photographers we may face the same issue at some point.

I understand what you are saying and to a certain degree I agree, but it's pretty tough for the millions already standing in the unemployment line to get a different career. There are only so many companies offering careers where outsourcing wouldn't come into play, and I think the number of people looking for jobs and that as a new career overshadows that tremendously.

The only answer is to stop outsourcing, but again, it's not about helping the country or employees or unemployment. For the CEOs and top management, it's all about keeping what they personally already have at everyone else's expense.

And that's the problem. Everybody has become so lax at survival because they know if they fall down the government will pay them to stay on the ground. There is no more self accountability. Why do people need to wait until they're in the unemployment line to decide it's time for a career change? They couldn't tell it was coming? When over the past X years their coworkers have been being let go. Or the news is saying their industry will take a beating for the next X years. I changed careers when I saw my existing career was a dead end to hard times. Sure enough, people in that industry are facing a pretty slim future. I'm doing pretty well.

How do you stop outsourcing? Or how do you stop others from outsourcing? Should I tell my boss? "Hey boss, I think it's terrible that we're paying good developers $25 per hour when we could be paying local ones $100." What do you think the response would be?

The answer?

Who who ha ha ha ha ha

« Reply #433 on: October 27, 2011, 19:39 »
I thought the interview was ok and a bit revealing to the future.

If you put yourself in the shoes of admins or Kelly they are doing quite ok in the company and climbing.  If you look at it through contributor eyes everything seems nasty especially if you've been affected by the changes.

In this economy who can really blame any of them for following the corporate road map. In the end its every man/woman for himself in this business.  The sooner you accept that fact the faster you will react to what will happen in the future.  Kelly is a success in Klein's and his own eyes. He got rewarded with a new VP job.  At this pace the guy could retire in 5-10 years without a care in the world.  Why would he want to honor the past promises when clearly what the future holds for him is quite rosy.  

While the plan is to sell less at a higher price while maximizing profits this is not uncommon in a capitalist enterprise.
What is uncommon is we contributors feeling betrayed and basing some unattainable expectations on the company. Sure they could do the right thing and get back on the do no evil footing but we all know that is probably a train that left the station long ago.  

If you haven't made up your mind of staying or leaving; I think it's a good a time as any to ponder that question.

I still believe iStock will be in the top tier for the foreseeable future. But it could go the same as Netflix, one stroke to many broke the camel's back.  Things can change in an instant and this could be a very different playing field 5-10 years from now.  

Choose wisely!


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #434 on: October 27, 2011, 19:40 »
@pauliewalnuts: it's the same argument for buying locally produced food and products. people will always focus on short-term savings and instant gratification profit versus development and sustainability. we don't think in terms of the environmental and economic impact of outsourcing...we see the cost savings first. when I was just out of university and working my first corporate job, the issue of outsourcing was just coming into the foreground...specifically regarding call centres. then it was outsourcing training and skill development. then marketing materials and programming...and so on. that was 17 years ago and here we are now in a world where most of us buy goods produced in China, assembled at home so that they can slap on a Made in USA/Canada sticker and no one is the wiser.

I know I'm oversimplifying it, but it all comes down to how we consume. consumers run the world.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2011, 19:42 by SNP »

« Reply #435 on: October 27, 2011, 20:09 »
...In this economy who can really blame any of them for following the corporate road map. In the end its every man/woman for himself in this business.  ...

I don't think a poor economy is an excuse for lapses in ethics.

In particular, the promise of grandfathering royalty levels, people acting on that promise and then you later say "oh, never mind" and don't grandfather anything.

That, in my book, isn't just following a corporate road map but amoral and unethical behavior. It's not illegal, but it's scummy business practice. Some businesses don't care about anything but staying on the right side of the law, but I can certainly blame anyone who has no higher ethical standard than "it's OK as long as it isn't clearly illegal".

« Reply #436 on: October 27, 2011, 20:15 »
Kelly is a success in Klein's and his own eyes. He got rewarded with a new VP job.  

Ah __ I hadn't realised that. I thought he just got demoted and moved 3000 miles from his home because that was a much cheaper option for Getty than paying him off (essentially hoping he'd resign in disgust). I wasn't aware that moving from a COO position, with full responsibility for P&L, to become a VP in the backwaters of the group represented a 'reward'. Who'd have thought it?

Personally, like others, I was absolutely stunned to finally see and hear the words of the 'Dear Leader' in all his glory. Unfortunately not in a good way. How on earth did he ever get promoted out of the mail room where he clearly belongs?
« Last Edit: October 27, 2011, 20:29 by gostwyck »


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #437 on: October 27, 2011, 20:17 »
I'm not in any way making an argument that it is ethical...they have gone back on promises, unequivocally. playing devil's advocate though, they said they would grandfather canister levels, not royalty levels. canisters haven't been changed. royalties.......clearly have.


« Reply #438 on: October 27, 2011, 21:29 »
I'm not in any way making an argument that it is ethical...they have gone back on promises, unequivocally. playing devil's advocate though, they said they would grandfather canister levels, not royalty levels. canisters haven't been changed. royalties.......clearly have.

Very noble of them, grandfathering the now meaningless canister graphics and not the royalty rates.  ::)


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #439 on: October 27, 2011, 23:16 »
I'm not suggesting it was noble in the least, nor am I implying agreement with any of it. but the promise was regarding canisters, not royalties. technically no promise was broken. separating royalties from canister levels was pretty slick....and it made the direction they're taking very clear. at least we know where we stand now and that the game is one of semantics and distrust. we're not the community we were. business is business and that's how contributors need to think too.

« Reply #440 on: October 28, 2011, 00:01 »
Look this is how the world (and Getty) works: (note - Adult Language).
George Carlin - You are a slave


  • Canadian Photographer
« Reply #441 on: October 28, 2011, 00:03 »
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. ~ George Carlin was brilliant
« Last Edit: October 28, 2011, 00:06 by SNP »

« Reply #442 on: October 28, 2011, 02:15 »
sorry folks....but what happened tonight (european night) on istock ? my sales overnight are tanked ! about 80% less than a regular night


« Reply #443 on: October 28, 2011, 02:34 »
sorry folks....but what happened tonight (european night) on istock ? my sales overnight are tanked ! about 80% less than a regular night

Its taken a walk on the wild side! ;D

« Reply #444 on: October 28, 2011, 03:50 »
My regular night is either zero or one sale and I'm not doing much better by day.  The sales page used to be filled with sales from the one day this time of the year.  Now it takes about a week to fill it.  A huge crash in sales and earnings.  I hope they change the best match or my earnings there might not be worth the stress of having a portfolio on Thinkstock.  I've only stuck with them because I need the money, they need to make me more or I'll be reconsidering my decision.

« Reply #445 on: October 28, 2011, 05:49 »
In the last couple of days I don't get any download during European working hours. All the downloads happen when Americas start to work and stops on European morning hours. Does anybody else experiencing this pattern?


« Reply #446 on: October 28, 2011, 08:28 »
In the last couple of days I don't get any download during European working hours. All the downloads happen when Americas start to work and stops on European morning hours. Does anybody else experiencing this pattern?

I'm having most of my sales from Europe, but then again I don't offer fake looking models (absurdly white teeth, tons of silicone etc). Of course it may be something completely different in your case, but it's obviously you don't offer what European buyers need.

« Reply #447 on: October 28, 2011, 08:32 »
I think it's a thing of this Regional Best Match. I'm in Europe and I'm selling well in Europe (and also in Asian hours, god knows why), but my sales in USA could be better.

« Reply #448 on: October 28, 2011, 09:52 »
... they said they would grandfather canister levels, not royalty levels. canisters haven't been changed. royalties.......clearly have.

I'm aware that they relied on this verbal gymnastics feat to try and avoid acknowledgement of the damaging and unethical change. However a halfway decent lawyer could probably make a very good case that as there was no separation of cannisters from royalties at the time the promise was made that it was clear iStock was expecting contributors to assume that grandfathering cannisters meant grandfathering all of the then-attributes of cannisters, not just the icon. If anyone knew that the royalties would have been separated from the icons, would anyone have participated in the program to quit being independent and get grandfathered? Obviously not as it would have been completely meaningless.

I don't think this would even pass legal muster and it certainly doesn't pass ethical muster.


« Reply #449 on: October 28, 2011, 10:39 »
...However a halfway decent lawyer could probably make a very good case that as there was no separation of cannisters from royalties at the time the promise was made that it was clear iStock was expecting contributors to assume that grandfathering cannisters meant grandfathering all of the then-attributes of cannisters, not just the icon. If anyone knew that the royalties would have been separated from the icons, would anyone have participated in the program to quit being independent and get grandfathered? Obviously not as it would have been completely meaningless...

Exactly. It was a dirty trick.


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