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Author Topic: sjlocke was just booted from iStock  (Read 131641 times)

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« Reply #150 on: February 11, 2013, 21:43 »
This clearly tells me Getty has more unpleasant things in store for the contributors in the near future. For all the exclusives still hoping... this is an ominous sign. I fear it will only get worse...

I think we're on our third or fourth ominous sign at this point, and it's been getting worse.

« Reply #151 on: February 11, 2013, 21:44 »

 I am in that FB group, I didn't receive a letter.

Yet... ;)

« Reply #152 on: February 11, 2013, 21:46 »
I am in that FB group, I didn't receive a letter.

Yet... ;)

They have my phone number.

« Reply #153 on: February 11, 2013, 21:56 »
Sean, you've been an inspiration and my barometer for measuring the ups and downs at iStock.  I'm still stunned but agree with others that it was a shot across the bow intended to quiet the masses.  Wishing you all the best.

By the way - has anyone told Rebecca yet?  Sean's not around to tell her now that his forum privileges were revoked and it seems from the Google Drive incident that they needed him to find out what Getty was up to.

« Reply #154 on: February 11, 2013, 22:09 »
What happened to Sean is messed up, but i feel the most sorry for is for the people that have to work in that environment that is Getty. Im sure some really hate their jobs or really have to detach themselves from work. And I wonder about the people stuck on istock knowing they work in this corporate environment when just a few years ago, it was a different vibe all together. ok Im going off topic now.

This is a quote about the Getty/Google deal on the photocamel forum.  Reinforces my instincts about them.

Re: Getty selling your iStock image, for $12


Getty is the scum bag of all scum bags. I should know, i worked for them for 2 years.

Chuck Dee - AKA Chris

« Reply #155 on: February 11, 2013, 22:15 »
This little quote just popped into my head.  Could not resist ;D
Movie Quotes: "If You strike me down"(Star Wars IV)

« Reply #156 on: February 11, 2013, 22:24 »
This clearly tells me Getty has more unpleasant things in store for the contributors in the near future. For all the exclusives still hoping... this is an ominous sign. I fear it will only get worse...

I think we're on our third or fourth ominous sign at this point, and it's been getting worse.

Yup. But how much worse can it get? For those that are still hoping and pleading for management to be play nice, its not gonna happen.

« Reply #157 on: February 11, 2013, 22:27 »
Well, I sure didn't see THIS coming.... Guess this is why you see so few Black Diamonds contributing to the forums at iStock and elsewhere. What a loss for iStock, but a huge gain for pretty much anywhere Sean decides to put his work.


  • Think before you speak
« Reply #158 on: February 11, 2013, 22:32 »
Sean has always stood up for what is right and he has always done so in a professional manner. What Getty has done is not at all professional. To me they are acting like high school bullies.

If this doesn't make the few exclusives waiting to see the sun on the horizon realize it's always gonna be a  cloudy day then I don't know what would.

Good luck to you Sean. It'll be rough but hang in there you can overcome this.

« Reply #159 on: February 11, 2013, 22:45 »
Absolutely shocked! Can't stop thinking about it all day. It is obvious that scrutinizing Google deal is what caused it. I see it as personal vendetta of some hot headed Getty manager. Sean was invaluable asset for iStock and its community but that obviously ment very little for Getty at large. There is a huge void left in iStock community. I bookmarked Sean's personal page hoping to see some good news real quick.

« Reply #160 on: February 11, 2013, 23:04 »
Sean was invaluable asset for iStock and its community but that obviously ment very little for Getty at large. There is a huge void left in iStock community.

I think they haven't considered how many people would LOVE to have him on board - as a contributor or administrator. And as easily as he made some things easy (those scripts) I'm sure he could make life hellish for iStock if he wanted to be vengeful. It'll be interesting to see where this all leads.

« Reply #161 on: February 11, 2013, 23:08 »
If this doesn't make the few exclusives waiting to see the sun on the horizon realize it's always gonna be a  cloudy day then I don't know what would.

I can't believe that this would make a difference to those still there. If they've been beaten over the head with what Getty/iStock thinks of them for this long, why change now?

P.S. Good luck Sean!

« Reply #162 on: February 11, 2013, 23:20 »
The more I think about it, the more bizarre this move is. What did they really think? Did they expect this to be kept a secret? Didn't they think for a minute that this will give the new site (+the sites that will publicly promote that Sean is now with them) a lot of interest?
What more free publicity for contributors and buyers alike can a new competitor site ask for?
I bet they once again thought they were clever, but time will repeatedly tell they weren't.

They'd better start caring for sales again instead - it might be too late though.

« Reply #163 on: February 11, 2013, 23:31 »
Pity you didn't reach the million dls Sean. Not that it would have meant much in the circumstances.


« Reply #164 on: February 11, 2013, 23:38 »
Pity you didn't reach the million dls Sean. Not that it would have meant much in the circumstances.

He'll still cross that milestone, and it will be extra sweet knowing that there's no way that millionth sale will put a dime in Getty's pockets.

« Reply #165 on: February 12, 2013, 00:14 »
Why does it always seem like I get an email about a credit sale at iStock immediately after news of a fiasco?

« Reply #166 on: February 12, 2013, 01:45 »
It's always useful to try to think through why things happen. In this case, I cannot believe that Sean could be sacked without the personal approval of Klein. Anyone lower down the food chain would be inviting disaster to sack someone who may well be the second or third biggest money-spinner not just for iStock but for the whole Getty empire.

So what will Klein have taken into consideration? Obviously Sean has been pesky, highlighted the Google deal needlessly (and therefore is a loose cannon, and "not a team player"),  encouraged damaging behaviour against the company by releasing the deactivation script, takes it on himself to criticise senior management decisions and acts as a lightning rod for those malcontents. His record shows that he has no intention of amending his behaviour, in fact the Greasemonkey script shows he is getting ever more out of control. Sacking their leader would be the biggest signal iStock could give to other troublemakers that bad behaviour will no longer be tolerated. So he should go.

But what will the cost to the company be? He brings in hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, but that could just be redistributed among other submitters. His portfolio had a considerable following, so if he goes some major clients might transfer their accounts to wherever he goes next. He's in touch with the Stocksy operation, so getting rid of him will dump one of iStock's biggest assets straight into Bruce Livingstone's lap, making that danger far worse than it is already. Or he might go to SS and the others, who are stripping away iStock clients already, causing additional erosion of the bottom line. Once he's gone, he'll be able to snipe from outside and there's nothing that can be done about it, but since iStock's managers have completely failed to keep him in line, that probably doesn't matter much. Getting rid of such a major industry figure cannot pass without comment in the trade press, which could be damaging (memo to self, book major advertising campaign in trade magazines and tell them we don't want a big fuss over this) and it might spill over into the newspaper business pages, which would be a nuisance. The internet will just be a mess, so all in all the company's image will take another hit.

Cost of sacking Locke? Probably several million dollars a year in lost sales, bad publicity and transfer of business to rivals. Cost of keeping him? Continued meddling in the company's business, attacks on our policies and general troublemaking.

He can go, it's worth a few million dollars or even a few tens of millions  to get rid of him and give ourselves the freedom to do deals without being embarrassed in front of important partners. (Sheesh! The way that guy from Google spoke to me last week!) There are a lot more deals we can do that we don't need him to be highlighting and criticising.
That's how I see the thought processes working, anyway

« Reply #167 on: February 12, 2013, 01:46 »
Read about it here... Unbelievable.

Self-destruction due to stupidity. This Getty move will trigger a chain reaction way over what IS/Getty anticipated. I believe this is the final drop.
R.I.P. IS  ;D ;D ;D


  • There is a crack in everything
« Reply #168 on: February 12, 2013, 04:03 »
Guess who said, "Things will settle down and we can get back to the business at hand."

« Reply #169 on: February 12, 2013, 04:25 »
I can't help thinking that in the long run they have done Sean a favour.  The thought of going independent for any successful Exclusive must be frightening and this has just given him the push to do what was starting to seem to be inevitable.  If I was running a company I would certainly want to keep Sean on my side not totally working against me as he will be now and am amazed that they have made such a stupid move.

« Reply #170 on: February 12, 2013, 04:43 »
Will be interesting to see if Sean does use the subs sites.  It must be strange going from Vetta commissions to $0.38 or worse.  If I was in his position, I might try something different, like put all the stuff that sold for higher prices on the higher priced sites and only give the lower quality images to the subs sites.

He's now free to sell RF with alamy, Corbis and all the other higher priced RF sites.  That might be more lucrative than sticking with the micros, as it looks like all the big sites are still in a commission cutting phase.  What's the point in jumping out of the frying pan, into the fire?

« Reply #171 on: February 12, 2013, 04:45 »
Sean will most probably make more money than on iS in few months. Images are not save on iS anymore thanks to their deals -  so biggest advantage of exclusivity is gone.
Buyers that love his images will buy them elsewhere and probably for lower price.
Buyers that want Sean's images will probably buy images of other contributors on other sites as well.
Sean, buyers, contributors and iS's competitors will profit from this.
So what's wrong? Who's gonna suffer a loss? Oh - I forgot about iS.

« Reply #172 on: February 12, 2013, 04:50 »
I am so shocked to hear this. Good Luck Sean, (not that you need it). I am speechless.

« Reply #173 on: February 12, 2013, 04:54 »
Anyone thinking they cannot leave istock because it is their main source of income, certainly needs to think twice again. Sometimes, folks, you won't be even given the choice, whether you stay there or not, sometimes you just get the boot. So - create a plan B.

Secondly, the more I read about how some micros treat their photogs, the more interested I become in Stocksy. Thanks. :)

BTW - thanks Sean for all your work for the community!

« Reply #174 on: February 12, 2013, 05:28 »
Hard to hear this!
So, old merits are worthless.

As the old saying goes: "You can not pee against the wind."

No worries, we will hear about him soon !



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