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Author Topic: Upload limit  (Read 15160 times)

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« on: August 23, 2006, 17:49 »
Hi there,

My upload limit at IS is 20 images/week.
I didn't found on their site how can this limitation icome along for non-exclusive photographers.
Will it ever stay at 20/week ?


« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2006, 18:17 »
It was 30 until some days ago, it used to be more before.  It depends also on your download rank at the site.


« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2006, 18:20 »
Ok, thanks. I really don't know if i'll keep uploading on IS... i uploaded my first batch more than 1 week ago, and still no review... and this 20/week limit makes decent earnings impossible in less than 6 months.   


« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2006, 19:16 »
The lowered upload limit is temporary and is in place to help lower the amount of images waiting to be inspected back to a decent level so your next batch should'nt take so long. :)  Unfortunatley large upload limits lead to longer waits so they have to adjust accordingly.

« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2006, 20:14 »
Ok, didn't know that, thanks for the info. Then I'll wait till they'll manage to lower the approval queue  ;)

« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2006, 20:18 »
As a diamond member of IS, I have had my upload quota cut from 100 to 50 and I am finding this very frustrating. I shoot a lot of images and I am finding this temporary limit very prohibitive. I obviously want to get images online as quickly as possible but I am just not able to do this with IS.

When the limits were put in place, I had already uploaded my 100 quota and therefore I went to -50 straight away! That means two weeks without uploading and this means loss of earnings for me....and those earnings pay my rent etc...

Just venting...I just hope these restrictions are lifted soon so I can get my serious backlog onto IS so they can start earning...even when limits are back to normal that's gonna take a month if I don't shoot in the meantime!

P.S I always try to stay positive about stuff so this is REALLY bugging me! And it's good to have a place to let off a bit of steam. I would NEVER post anything like this on the IS forum for fear of tarnishing my reputation, or even worse, being kicked off the site. Yes they do instill fear in the photographers, even the very successful ones. IS is my highest paying site and I love it for that reason and that reason only.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2006, 20:23 by phildate »

« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2006, 20:29 »
IS is my highest paying site and I love it for that reason and that reason only.

As I understood, this feeling is shared by a lot of photographers.

The other thing I really dislike at IS is that they don't have any ftp server for photographers. I'm in France till September, but i'll be back in Romania in a few weeks, and my internet connection there is quite low (512k). It makes http uploads really slow, because i'll have to stay in front of the computer half a day per IS upload batch...

« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2006, 00:28 »
if you are foreced to upload via a webbrowser, you can open 20 windows, and select one file per window, and then go to the beach while they upload.

« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2006, 17:58 »
Well everyone seems to say that IS give the best payout, but it's not in my book:

I started DT, FT and IS the same time, now I have 191 at DT, 189 at FT, but only 50 files at IS thanks to it's high rejection rate and 30/week limit,  up to now, I have 99DL at DT, 59DL at FT, but only 20DL at IS, and because of it's low percentage, the actual earnings are way less, I am totally dissapointed on this.

In the meantime, SS give me 129 DL in 4 days after joining for 4 days( i have 315 files on line within one week ), on top of that, I had my first Extended License Sale there as well, so IS is no match for SS or DT.

« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2006, 18:20 »
With a small portfolio, SS will definitely give you better returns at the start. You can upload it more quickly, your pictures tend to turn up in searches more often and because of the subscripton model, designers are probably not quite as choosy as when they have to pay per picture. But if you leave that small portfolio on SS, your sales will shrink in no time. In fact, even if you have 2000 pictures online, if you don't upload for a couple of months, sales soon stabilise to a mediocre level.

On IS, sales are sluggish at the beginning. However, there is a definite snowballing effect at IS. As a file get downloaded more, it will appear higher up in the "search by downloads", which I suspect is the most popular way of searching at IS. This will lead to more sales which will lead to more sales...

With a large, mature (i.e. 18 months old) portfolio, none of the other sites come close to IS although FT is closing the gap a bit. Which is why I love IS and the upload limits frustrate the heck out of me. Oh well, I can upload again at 7pm EST (which is another day away for me)!

« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2006, 19:03 »
Thanks for your valuable input, Phildate, I see your image all the time at various agency's website :)

so i guess i need to be patient to slowly build up the portfolio, thanks.

« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2006, 20:56 »
As a file get downloaded more, it will appear higher up in the "search by downloads", which I suspect is the most popular way of searching at IS.
It's my favourite search sorting choice when I want to see the chances I have with an image, if a certain subject/style is popular, etc.  I also use it to look for keywords I wouldn't think about (sometimes words i don't know - this is quite useful for non-English natives) - an image with many downloads is almost certain well keyworded.

I wonder what is a designer's choice.  I would choose a good one with few downloads - feels more "exclusive" - but I also observe this snowball effect you've mentioned.  In many cases I have one particular image in a series getting downloads and the others none - then on other site is another of them that shows this trend. 


« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2006, 22:28 »
In many cases I have one particular image in a series getting downloads and the others none - then on other site is another of them that shows this trend.

I find the same thing happening and it is very difficult to predict which image will start to 'snowball'. It is my reason for uploading a whole series rather than one or two "best" shots like they ask. Who are we to decide which are the best shots? I know from a photographic point of view but I would rather let the designers vote with their downloads. Oh well, only another 21 hours and 40 minutes and I can upload again!

« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2006, 22:53 »
Just uploaded the 20th one...  :-\

« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2006, 01:14 »
In many cases I have one particular image in a series getting downloads and the others none - then on other site is another of them that shows this trend.

I find the same thing happening and it is very difficult to predict which image will start to 'snowball'. It is my reason for uploading a whole series rather than one or two "best" shots like they ask. Who are we to decide which are the best shots? I know from a photographic point of view but I would rather let the designers vote with their downloads. Oh well, only another 21 hours and 40 minutes and I can upload again!

Hu hu hu :'( The only 'snowball' effect I experience is when I submit a whole batch of files and they all get rejected because one/some is/are out of focus or grainy... ;D

« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2006, 18:48 »
Da va sta forever :D

Greg Boiarsky

« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2006, 11:56 »
Argh.  When the heck is Istock going to raise the upload limit again?  I'm beginning to think that the new limits are permanent.

There is no way to grow a portfolio with such constraints.  I think I wouldn't mind as much if they would actually bother to review files.  It seems that I've always got ten to twenty files in the queue.

« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2006, 06:04 »
-- post removed due to black humour --

« Reply #18 on: September 30, 2006, 06:04 »
I just received my email congratulating me and welcoming me to IStock. My question, is this a joke??? Look at the limit.......... :(

"Welcome to, the designer's dirty little secret. Congratulations, the iStockphoto administrators have determined that your images are commercially and technically ready for Please begin uploading at your convenience. There is currently a limit of 20 uploads per 168 hour period"

20!!!! uploads per 168!!! hr period? Effectively 20 a month?!?!? Sigh....this doesn't even make it worth my time.

« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2006, 06:24 »
20!!!! uploads per 168!!! hr period? Effectively 20 a month?!?!? Sigh....this doesn't even make it worth my time.

168 hrs is a week, not a month.

« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2006, 07:42 »
20!!!! uploads per 168!!! hr period? Effectively 20 a month?!?!? Sigh....this doesn't even make it worth my time.

168 hrs is a week, not a month.

Gee can ya tell who didn't have coffee in em when they wrote this? lol

« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2006, 08:04 »
grumpy morning posting is always a joy. :)

« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2006, 08:30 »
20!!!! uploads per 168!!! hr period? Effectively 20 a month?!?!? Sigh....this doesn't even make it worth my time.

168 hrs is a week, not a month.

Gee can ya tell who didn't have coffee in em when they wrote this? lol

And can you tell who didn't attend grade school math?  ROTFL

« Reply #23 on: September 30, 2006, 09:03 »
20!!!! uploads per 168!!! hr period? Effectively 20 a month?!?!? Sigh....this doesn't even make it worth my time.

168 hrs is a week, not a month.

Gee can ya tell who didn't have coffee in em when they wrote this? lol

And can you tell who didn't attend grade school math?  ROTFL

Ya well that is another story entirely, but perhaps that says why I am "Right Brained" and not left lol I don't think I was up more than 2 minutes when I posted that...spose this will teach me from now on lol


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